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error E2065: E2065 Unsatisfied forward or external declaration: 'CodecGetReadKey'
error E2065: E2065 Unsatisfied forward or external declaration: 'sqlite3_key'
and few more declaration without implementation .
I verified sqlite3.obj does exist
tried use c.bat to compile but bcc32 does not exist with this delphi version .
using bcc32x instead failed to compile
Thanks , but not .
I use latest build.
Current sqlite3.obj is 789,279 bytes, compiled 07/18/2019.
Ensure you have the latest binary either from github or from
unfortunately it doesn't help
Have someone used mormot with 10.3.2 ?
there were some other compile errors which I fixed myself
like adding syntable to the uses list in SynDBUniDAC.pas ([dcc32 Error] SynDBUniDAC.pas(222): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ftInt64')
Did you make any changes to the mormot library when started with Rio ?
I'm using mORMot with 10.3.2 for a couple of weeks. Everything works fine. Didn't meet any trouble while migrating from 10.3.1.
Delphi 10.3.2 Professional with Mobile Version 26.0.34749.6593
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