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Pages: 1
When exporting to PDF a lot is displayed incorrectly. Pictures and formatting.
I decided this is not elegant - I print to a virtual printer. Everything is fine there.
Send you a file?
And here only users of this product say?
Or are the developers coming in?
otherwise I had to rewrite both export and printing.
they don’t want to know what the problem is?
From which report library are you exporting the PDF?
Sometimes, some content is displayed correctly on screen, but not rendered as PDF, because input is too complicated.
Supporting all kind of input to SynPDF is very tricky and difficult, and most of the time, fixing one issue for a given user is breaking things for others.
So the idea is more to use it with simple kind of input, which is known to work as expected since years.
That is, stick with raw TextOut and draw simple lines. Just as we do with the mORMotReport.pas engine.
Don't forget that this project evolution, like most Open Source projects, comes from the users.
First thing is to investigate on your side, and find out where the problems come from.
Well, I don’t particularly help the project.
At some stage, I realized that I rewrote everything important.
Therefore, I removed your components.
Maybe I invented a bicycle, so yours didn’t ride either.
In general, I believe that reporting in PDF is a perversion.
I do in excel format.
It was just an exotic order.
and the error manifested itself in the GDIPage.
Pages: 1