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I have mormot server ( TSQLRestServerFullMemory / TSQLHttpServer ) with few interfaces
Server and my test bench work fine. But when I call from another application I receive exception "sicShared execution failed (probably due to bad input parameters)"
interface unit is same (triple checked)
Called method is defined
function RahastaPoyta(const aKanta, aPoyta, aPaikka: string; const aMaksutavat: TMaksutapaArray): String;
and TMaksutapaArray is defined
TKaytettyMaksutapa = record
NRO: integer;
Summa: double;
Annettu: double;
TMaksutapaArray = tarray< TKaytettyMaksutapa >;
Server log for error is
20190903 07482618 + mORMot.TSQLRestServerFullMemory(06022f90).URI POST root/TaustaBusiness.RahastaPoyta in=64 B
20190903 07482618 call mORMot.TSQLRestServerFullMemory(06022f90) ITaustaBusiness.RahastaPoyta["ravintola","9","",["FAABAQBfQAEAAAAAAAAAAABZQAAAAAAAAAAA"]]
20190903 07482618 debug mORMot.TSQLRestServerFullMemory(06022f90) TSQLRestRoutingREST.Error: { "errorCode":406, "errorText":"sicShared execution failed (probably due to bad input parameters) for TaustaBusiness.RahastaPoyta" }
and ok log is
20190903 07523704 + mORMot.TSQLRestServerFullMemory(060d5460).URI POST root/TaustaBusiness.RahastaPoyta in=70 B
20190903 07523704 call mORMot.TSQLRestServerFullMemory(060d5460) ITaustaBusiness.RahastaPoyta["kirkar","17","",["GAABAQBeQAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWUAAAAAAAAAAAA=="]]
20190903 07523727 srvr mORMot.TSQLRestServerFullMemory(060d5460) POST root/TaustaBusiness.RahastaPoyta Interface=200 out=34 B in 377.05ms
20190903 07523727 ret mORMot.TSQLRestServerFullMemory(060d5460) {"result":["{\"status\":\"OK\"}"]}
As we can see last parameter (array) is different in two cases.
Both cases that array is same and it's initialized actually by copied code.
a[0].NRO := 1;
a[0].Summa := 100;
a[0].Annettu := 0;
What makes the difference in last parameter? How does mormot encode arrays ?
Last edited by MikaK (2019-09-03 08:52:58)
Record needs to be declared as packed record, see documentation.
Last edited by pvn0 (2019-09-03 09:06:01)
Thanks. SOme how have missed that.
Pages: 1