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I use mORMot to jSONify an old VCL interface and "teleoperate" it from a webpage.
Sometime I get invalid JSON with two consecutive commas :
"sbtBase7": {
"ClassName": "TBSAImageButton",
"AutoRepeat": false,
"AllowAllUp": false,
"Anchors": [
"BiDiMode": "bdLeftToRight",
"GroupIndex": 0,
"Down": false,
"Caption": "View Line",
I noticed it is related to the buffer size I assign in the constructor, the position of the double commas (8168 in the case above) is always a bit before the buffer size (8192).
Increasing the buffer size "solves" the problem, but my VCL interface needs more than 1Mb in some cases, so I preferred to "patch" the result as below :
TVCLSerializer = class(TJSONSerializer)
CStreamOptions: TTextWriterWriteObjectOptions = [woStoreClassName,
woEnumSetsAsText, woInt64AsHex, woDontStoreEmptyString, woStoreStoredFalse];
constructor TVCLSerializer.Create;
inherited CreateOwnedStream(8192);
include(fCustomOptions, twoForceJSONStandard);
FStreamedObjects := TStreamedObjects.Create();
function TVCLSerializer.ObjectToJSON(
value: TObject;
aName: string): RawUTF8;
Clear; // calls CancelAll
AddString('{"' + aName + '":');
if assigned(value) then
WriteObject(value, CStreamOptions) // custom method
FlushToStream; // to make sure, but doesn't seem to change anything
// ugly cure to mORMot(?) problem:
result := StringReplace(result, ',,', ',', [rfReplaceAll]);
Well, to be honest, my custom TVCLSerializer.WriteObject method is quite tricky, with calls like
CancelLastComma; CancelLastChar('}');
to append some fields to the published properties, but it's tested with a lot of simple components (JSON shorter than 8192...).
Could it be a problem ? Should I use a different approach in ObjectToJSON ? I will try to use the stream output directly to see if it makes a difference ...
Delphi XE5.
Thanks for any advice and for your GREAT job.
Cancel* methods only work for a SINGLE char.
Calling Cancel* methods twice will fail for sure, if you are around the output buffer.
I have ensure it is clearly stated in the documentation now: