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I've gotta run a query that has a lot of results, millions, ~70 columns, it's all on sqlite.
res := fProps.ExecuteInlined(aSQL,aExpectResults);
the AV ends up happening there:
procedure Movex64; // A. Bouchez' version
asm .noframe // rcx=Source, rdx=Dest, r8=Count
mov rax, r8
sub rcx, rdx
je @11
jnc @03
add rax, rcx
jc @17
@03: cmp r8, 8
jl @09
test dl, 07H
jz @06
test dl, 01H
jz @04
mov al, byte ptr[rcx + rdx]
dec r8
mov byte ptr[rdx], al
add rdx, 1
@04: test dl, 02H
jz @05
mov ax, word ptr[rcx + rdx]
sub r8, 2
mov word ptr[rdx], ax <---- this line
before AVing the software allocates ~2 gb of RAM
This keeps happening, when querying something over ~2gb I get an AV
raised exception class $C0000005 with message 'c0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION'.
if there's less data, same code works.
it's just a:
json := fServer.RetrieveListJSON(fClass, StringToUTF8(fFormatSQLWhere), fBoundsSQLWhere);
fServer being a TSQLRestServerDB
Delphi, x64 , i'd get "Out of Memory" on x32
delphi 10.3 now, but I also tried using delphi 10.2
Last edited by Codorna (2019-11-21 19:51:04)
error happens on TTextWriter.AddString at the
{$ifdef FPC}Move{$else}MoveFast{$endif}(pointer(Text)^,B[1],L);
There‘s simply not enough memory available for such an amount of data in X32. You could switch to X64, but this sounds like a design issue to me. Dou you really have to fetch all that data at once?
It is on x64, it'd be tons of work to go around that, I often do need more than that in memory
So, apparently strings in delphi are limited to 2GB even on 64bits, any idea what could be done?
Yes, for TStrRec string type header, with have on Delphi:
length: Longint;
So limited to 32-bit on all platforms (even Win64).
But on FPC:
length: SizeInt;
So don't get so many result (use paging)... or switch to FPC which uses SizeInt so 64-bit under Win64/Linux64.