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using the http api server in single threaded mode (tmMainConnection) it allows to use transactions. If a transaction of one client is going on, it corretly rejects transaction starts of other clients (after some internal retries).
But if another client does an insert or update out of any transaction this one is executed in the currently active transaction of the other client.
Is this a known or the intended behaviour?
Best regards,
I am using TSQLDBServerHttpApi on the server side. On the server side it is handled in SynDb.TSQLDBConnection.RemoteProcessMessage. The database connection on the server is a Oracle Connection (SynDbOracle). As far as I understood, the problem is in the RemoteProcessMessage. On cTryStartTransaction it correctly checks whether a concurrent transaction exists or not. On cExecute it just executes the statement on the connection, regardless if a transaction from another session is active or not.
@ab can I provide you more details?
Just wanted to share how I am securing commands getting executed in a concurrently opened transaction. Of course this is no solution, but at least its preventing the worst. ;-)
1) Implemented a new procedure TransactionCheck
2) Calling it from RemoteProcessMessage for commandExecs
procedure TSQLDBProxyConnectionProtocol.TransactionCheck(AConnection: TSQLDBConnection; ASessionId: Integer);
//prevent executing command in someone others t ransaction
if (ASessionID<>0) and (fTransactionSessionID <> 0) and (ASessionID <> fTransactionSessionID) and
(AConnection.Properties.InheritsFrom(TSQLDBConnectionPropertiesThreadSafe)) and
(TSQLDBConnectionPropertiesThreadSafe(AConnection.Properties).ThreadingMode=tmMainConnection) then
raise ESQLDBRemote.Create('Remote transaction active');
procedure TSQLDBConnection.RemoteProcessMessage(const Input: RawByteString;
out Output: RawByteString; Protocol: TSQLDBProxyConnectionProtocol);
cExecute, cExecuteToBinary, cExecuteToJSON, cExecuteToExpandedJSON: begin
ExecuteWithResults := header.Command<>cExecute;
>>>> Protocol.TransactionCheck(self,header.SessionID);
Stmt := NewStatementPrepared(InputExecute.SQL,ExecuteWithResults,true);
if fBlobAsNull in InputExecute.Force then
Stmt.ForceBlobAsNull := true;