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I am using Delphi 10.3.3. SynCommit is 1.18.5394
I have a rather complex json and corresponding record definitions. I was happily using it as it is. This is used to communicate with a physical POS device. Recently, other part has changed something in *some* of their devices. They actually removed some of their not used json pairs. This new version of theirs is going to spread all devices in the end. Unfortunately, this process is slow. So, I cannot just convert my records to match new json string or old version running devices will fail.
I decided to use TTextWriter.RegisterCustomJSONSerializerFromText() and put in just the necessary values in both json strings and be on my way. Unfortunately, I got below exception;
Unregistered ptCustom for TJSONRecordTextDefinition.AddItem(ItemPrice: UINT64)
Until I came to this one, I did already converted some Int16, Int32 to their corresponding variable types in my constant string. It is just Int64 seems not have any alias at all.
1- Is it possible to include it in so that above exception does not raise?
2- Is there any workaround that I can use?
Thanks & regards,
Did you try with QWord?
The list of built-in types are … ERRTTITYPE
That QWord works for UInt64. Thank you.
I have one thing I would like to understand though.
I have below sub-record. If I move that record definition up in my text definition, that gets me memory corruption (access violation) after de-serialization before exiting procedure and corruption goes away if put it bottom most (last) in my text definition.
TStLoyaltyServiceInfo = packed record
name: Array of Byte;
CustomerId: string;
ServiceId: UInt16;
u16AppId: UInt16;
CustomerIdType: UInt16;
TotalDiscountAmount: UInt32;
For above record I have following text definition:
stLoyaltyService[name Array of Byte CustomerId string ServiceId Word u16AppId Word CustomerIdType Word TotalDiscountAmount Cardinal]
For the record, stLoyaltyService is NULL in my de-serialized json string. So, basically it should not have any items at all. But, I see some items are created after de-serialization in Local variable view *if* it is in the middle but not at the end in my text definition.
It is possible I am missing something here?
Thanks & regards,
Note that stLoyaltyService[...] defines a nested ARRAY [..] of records.
You should rather write stLoyaltyService{...} to define a nested record.
But what I usually do is more something like the following:
TypeInfo(TStLoyaltyServiceInfo), 'name:TByteDynArray CustomerId:string ServiceId,u16AppId,CustomerIdType:Word TotalDiscountAmount:Cardinal',
TypeInfo(TStLoyaltyService), 'text: string info: TStLoyaltyServiceInfo']);
So that I could reuse the TStLoyaltyServiceInfo record somewhere else, e.g. as a SOA interface-based service parameter.
Note that stLoyaltyService[...] defines a nested ARRAY [..] of records.
I realize that I did not share all necessary info. Sorry about that.
I indeed have this record as an array of records in my definition:
TStLoyaltyServiceInfo = packed record
name: Array[0..23] of Byte; // original was this. I changed to "Array of byte" after having access violation errors
CustomerId: string;
ServiceId: UInt16;
u16AppId: UInt16;
CustomerIdType: UInt16;
TotalDiscountAmount: UInt32;
TStLoyaltyServiceInfos = Array of TStLoyaltyServiceInfo;
TStTicket = packed record
stLoyaltyService: TStLoyaltyServiceInfos; // [0..MAX_LOYALITY_TRANS_NUMBER]
So, I believe my definition of "array of records" matches in my text definition. It is just changing position other than last most in the definition leads to a memory leak in my code. Maybe it is my code to blame I do not know for sure. Just trying to understand.
I also tried to use TByteDynArray and if definition is not latest, I still get access violation.
My complete text definition is here: (Where I put it at the end)
Text definition that gives access violation is here: (Where it is defined in the middle)
And if you check both above that is what I mean by "in the middle" or "at the end" or "bottom most (last)"
Formatted json string is here:
De-Serialized (single line in text file) json string is here:
Above two are same except one is formatted by online website.
Complete (hopefully I did not forget anything) record definitions are here:
In provided test json stLoyaltyService is null. However, when I put its text definition in the middle, it is not empty but filled in with A letters I suppose. There are other problems as well. For example, UserData variable is not filled in even there is a value in the json string for it.
Please see:
Last edited by ertank (2020-02-25 12:55:48)
There are some obvious errors, like "name TByteDynArray of Byte" in your definition. I am even dubious how it could be accepted.
The first fix is to have it properly formatted, with name:type or name1,name2,name3:type pairs which would ensure that the definition is not mistaken.
The associated record definitions are missing AFAIK. So it is difficult to find out what is wrong, and what you expect.
For instance, static arrays are serialized as Base-64 binary by the framework. So I guess this is not what you wanted.
I am going to work on a small project to re-produce (if I can re-produce) and either post project or a feedback here. That is in a few days.
Just an idea, use TDocVariantData to load json from devices, it will load any valid json structure no matter what fields it contains.
Then you can manually convert DocVariantData to your internal records.
I could complete a small project and I observe same problem in that stand-alone project.
Project can be downloaded from here:
P.S.: Download valid for 1 month only.
FYI, I am using Synopse from GitHub. However, I am using SVN client to get sources. I see my copy is from 26th January, 2020. There is note "Merge pull request #268 from LongDirtyAnimAlf/master fix compilation of Alpine Linux."
I do really would like to hear if somebody can re-produce issue I am facing.
I gave up and follow igors233 suggestion. As I do not know how to use TDocVariantData. I did read documents but could not comprehend them fast enough. So, I went down using Variant.
However, I could failed to read information I am looking for from sub objects in incoming json. For regular record filled with data I could write something like:
Amount: Integer;
AType: Integer;
if Rec.StPayment[0].typeOfPayment = 4 then
Amount := Rec.StPayment[0].StBankPayment.Amount;
Now, I load json into a Variant named V. Try to write a code as below:
V := _Json(RetJsonString);
Amount: Integer;
AType: Integer;
if V.StPayment[0].typeOfPayment = 4 then
Amount := V.StPayment[0].StBankPayment.Amount;
That compiles fine, but fails at the if statement at run-time.
I appreciate some examples as to how I can extract json data directly from a variant.
Thanks & regards,
Last edited by ertank (2020-03-05 13:53:29)
Seems I need to use array access as following:
V := _Json(RetJsonString);
Amount: Integer;
AType: Integer;
if V.StPayment._(0).typeOfPayment = 4 then
Amount := V.StPayment._(0).StBankPayment.Amount;
Problem solved.
Variants (as loaded by _JSON) are just convenient wrappers around TDocVariantData with late/runtime binding. There are plenty of handy functions inside TDocVariantData for accessing data, best to check their descriptions for ideas and usage examples.
One way to handle is:
JSON_STR = '{"FldTest":123,"TestArray":[{"Fld1":1,"Fld2":"1"},{"Fld1":2,"Fld2":"2"}]}';
Temp: TDocVariantData;
Temp2: PDocVariantData;
arr: TVariantDynArray;
v: Variant;
i: Integer;
arr := Temp.A['TestArray'].Values;
for i := 0 to High(arr) do
Temp2 := _Safe(arr[i]);
v := _JsonFast(JSON_STR);
arr := _Safe(v.TestArray).Values;
for i := 0 to High(arr) do
Seems I need to use array access as following:
Your code will generate an exception if RetJsonString is not a valid JSON or is not an array, or is an empty array.
It is recommended that you use Safe and _Safe methods to access the properties.
It would also be interesting to check if the variant is in fact an array and has the size you need.
Thanks for all suggestions.
Actually, I did take very basic precautions like try..except block in my code. I did not put it all here in my earlier post.
V := _Json(RetJsonString);
// do what needs to be done
After reading other replies, I also changed my code to retrieve data like following:
Amount: Integer;
LStPayment: TVariantDynArray;
LStPayment := _Safe(V.stPayment).Values;
for Idx := 0 to High(LStPayment) do
if LStPayment[Idx].typeOfPayment = 4 then
Amount := LStPayment[Idx].StBankPayment.Amount;
Which IMHO is easier to compared to my initial version. However, I am not quite sure this code above is free from exceptions if there is no StBankPayment exists in LStPayment (even though it should exists because payment type 4 means credit card payment) I am asking just in case. Because even rarely it does happen when company does an update to device software and breaks produced json in a way.
I appreciate if someone can confirm/deny.
Last edited by ertank (2020-03-05 19:46:37)
You must use _Safe already in variable v, because you don't know if stPayment exists.
Using "with" helps not to create intermediate variables. I prefer it this way, but this is personal ...
with _Safe(v)^ do //<-- Return a Fake TDocVariant if V is not a valid TDocVariant
with _Safe(stPayment)^ do //<-- if first _Safe have returned a Fake TDocVariant or stPayment not Exists then this _Safe return another fake variant
if Kind = dvArray then // <-- if last _Safe have returned a Fake TDocVariant then Kind = dvUndefined. If Kind = dvArray then looping is performed.
for Idx := Low(Values) to High(Values) do
Last edited by macfly (2020-03-05 20:21:16)
> Which IMHO is easier to compared to my initial version. However, I am not quite sure this code above is free from exceptions if
> there is no StBankPayment exists in LStPayment (even though it should exists because payment type 4 means credit card payment) I
> am asking just in case. Because even rarely it does happen when company does an update to device software and breaks produced json in a way.
Yes, that would fail if there's no Amount or stBankPayment. For this type of situations you can use GetValueByPath, GetDocVariantByPath, GetItemByProp, GetVarData etc.
for example: