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For years, all my programs .DPR always used this opening uses clause:
FastMM4, FastCode, FastMove,
Windows, Forms,
Reading mORMot examples, I found
// first line of uses clause must be {$I}
I did a comparision of mORMOt's version of FastMM4 and liked it. I will use the mORMot version.
But, what about FastCode and FastMove units? The optimizations of mORMot code will have better performance that the old FastCode, FastMove units? It's a drop-in replacement?
Thank you.
I found very interesting behavior of cwstring unit (includes in SynDprUses for Linux builds):
cwstring.pp initialization calls a
This force program to read a locale settings from environment variables (LC_ALL and family). So all libc functions and all C libraries I load in program starts using these locales settings.
Sometimes this is not e behavior I expect.
For example I use a third-party C library what internally uses
sprintf(buffer, "%f", sample->r_value);
to output a decimal values to a buffer.
In case I adds a (adds a cwstring) in a uses section of my program then cwstring initialize a LC_NUMERIC variable to use a comma as a decimal separator (my laptop configured to use Ukrainian locale) and I got an unexpected numbers in the text file.
So, my questions are:
1) Do we really need a cwstring ? As far as I understand the answer is "No" - AnsiToUTF8 и UTF8ToAnsi is intercepted on SynCommons, so FPC functions are not used.
2) If we need it, please, let's add some DEFINE what allows me to disable it in SynDprUses
I suppose you are right, and cwstring is not needed directly, unless you use explicitly WideString/UnicodeString variables.
If you use RawUTF8, this unit is not needed.
I will see if I can call directly iconv() with no dependency to this unit. There is some code for Kylix calling the libc, and I guess it could be enough for our purpose.
But I remember that ICU is much faster than iconv(). Even .Net 5 is using ICU on Windows now! … zation-icu
So perhaps looking into ICU as alternative for mORMot 2.
I will try to implement the following:
1) set a conditional for cwstring in
2) on FPC/POSIX, use the cwstring API is available (i.e. widestringmanager has been set), otherwise, call directly iconv.
3) eventually, for mORMot2, look into ICU.
Those UTF-16 conversion codes are very unlikely to be called in UTF-8 processing, unless you explicitly use non fixed with charsets (like Chinese or Japan).
For a while I apply this fix in all my dpr's - this solves my problems with locales.
{$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
// prevent to use a cwstring: LC_NUMBERS problem
So we can modify only a mORMot2 code...
Last edited by mpv (2020-12-08 15:54:51)
I was a bit sick yesterday, so I didn't go forward on this, sorry.
But what I will do today is implement ICU, also for mORMot 1.18.
Also implement the FPC widestringmanager using ICU instead of iconv.
ICU is much faster and easier to use.
One remark for Linux - now mORMot/mORMot2 depends on libicu, so if someone creates an rpm/deb packages, the following dependency should be added:
- DEBIAN/control (for Ubuntu 18.04 \ 20.04)
Depends: libicu60 | libicu66
- rpm/SPECS (CentOS, RHEL7 / 8 OEL 7 / 8)
Requires: libicu >= 60
Last edited by mpv (2021-02-01 20:38:16)
There is no hard dependency with ICU.
If libicu is installed, it will be used for Ansi/Unicode conversion. Or iconv could be used if cwstring unit is included.
But if you just use UTF-8 it won't be used at all.
Note that there is an Unicode comparison embedded in mORMot 2.
Pages: 1