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Pages: 1
In my projects I used very often the VariantSaveJSON function. When I moved to mormot 2.0 I see that you removed that function. Can you restore it?
function VariantSaveJSON(const Value: variant; Escape: TTextWriterKind=twJSONEscape): RawUTF8; overload; -> missing
procedure VariantSaveJSON(const Value: variant; Escape: TTextWriterKind;var result: RawUTF8); overload;
Edit: VariantToDateTime also has been removed
Last edited by radexpol (2020-04-30 13:52:53)
Hehe, ok.
I convinced my team that we must definitely upgrade to the mORMot 2.0, so I replaced a tons of uses units with the 2.0 ones. Have to revert all those changes, I hope they won't kill me now
Last edited by radexpol (2020-05-03 13:00:17)
Sorry for that.
I added an explicit comment to avoid such confusion...
Pages: 1