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Hi everyone,
Once again thanks for a great framework. I am using mormot over a year now and it was working fine. Today i decided to upgrade it to nightlybuild. After doing some coding for changes within MVCApplicaton , i tried my apps and none of my services start.
First this code wait forever:
StaticMongoDBRegisterAll(DB, MongoCli.Open(CollectionName));
I don't know why but i did some debug and found out I have a TSQLRecord within my TSQLModel which i never used. Found problem here:
procedure TSQLRestServer.InitializeTables(Options: TSQLInitializeTableOptions);
var t: integer;
if (Self<>nil) and (Model<>nil) then
for t := 0 to Model.TablesMax do
if not TableHasRows(Model.Tables[t]) then
Model.Tables[t].InitializeTable(self,'',Options); // <<--------- HERE IT WAITS FOREVER
I decided to remove this TSQLRecord from my TSQLModel, now my services are online. But most of my TMVCApplication's is not working probably due to some strange behavior with i don't have any knowledge to fix.
For example i have been retrieving records from rest like:
Rec:= TSQLRecord.Create(RestModel, 'Field1 = ? And Field2 = ? And Field3 = ?', [val1, val2, va3]);
This was working fine before and it has to be, it's very simple record retrieving but after i upgrade, this code waits forever as it did with StaticMongoDBRegisterAll. No errors, nothing. It hanging at:
procedure TMongoConnection.GetCursor(Request: TMongoRequest; var Result: TMongoReplyCursor);
var reply: TMongoReply;
GetReply(Request,reply); // <<--------- HERE IT WAITS FOREVER
if (Client.LogReplyEvent<>sllNone) and (Client.Log<>nil) and
(Client.LogReplyEvent in Client.Log.Family.Level) then
if mrfQueryFailure in Result.ResponseFlags then
raise EMongoRequestException.Create('Query failure',self,Request,Result);
procedure TMongoConnection.GetReply(Request: TMongoRequest; out result: TMongoReply);
var Header: TMongoReplyHeader;
HeaderLen, DataLen: integer;
if self=nil then
raise EMongoRequestException.Create('Connection=nil',self,Request);
HeaderLen := SizeOf(Header);
if Send(Request) then
while true do
if fSocket.TrySockRecv(@Header,HeaderLen) then begin // <<--------- WAITING FOR THIS LINE AT SECOND RUNNING
if (Header.MessageLength<SizeOf(Header)) or
(Header.MessageLength>MONGODB_MAXMESSAGESIZE) then
raise EMongoRequestException.CreateUTF8('%.GetReply: MessageLength=%',
PMongoReplyHeader(result)^ := Header;
DataLen := Header.MessageLength-sizeof(Header);
if fSocket.TrySockRecv(@PByteArray(result)[sizeof(Header)],DataLen) then
if Header.ResponseTo=Request.MongoRequestID then // success
exit else
if Header.OpCode=ord(opMsg) then begin
if Client.Log<>nil then
Client.Log.Log(sllWarning,'Msg from MongoDB: %',
end else
raise EMongoRequestException.CreateUTF8(
'%.GetReply: ResponseTo=% Expected:% in current blocking mode',
end else
raise EMongoRequestException.Create('Server did reset the connection: '+
'probably due to a bad formatted BSON request -> close socket',self,Request);
// if we reached here, this is due to a socket error
raise EMongoRequestOSException.Create('GetReply',self,Request);
funny enough, i am using same code all over the place and it just didn't work for this TSQLRecord. Anyone have any idea what's happening here?
Best regards
Last edited by koraycayiroglu (2020-06-11 15:30:55)
There is indeed a SynMongoDB regression.
Already known in this forum IIRC.
I will investigate tomorrow.
My initial guess is that it is due to a small regression in SynCrtSock.pas in low-level socket connection delay/retry pattern.
If you know the data size (e.g. with HTTP), no problem.
But with MongoDB you don't know the result-set size in advance, so I guess that SynCrtSock is waiting for more data, whereas there is no more to wait for.
Did you observe this on Windows? Or Linux? With Delphi? With FPC?
Windows and Delphi 10.3. Quick response as always. thanks.
I guess the problem is not a SynCrtSock.pas regression, but a modification in the MongoDB wire protocol.
I guess the previous version of SynCrtSock was working by change, due to a bug we fixed...
There was a new … ol/#op-msg introduced.
It has a code 2013 and replaces the former/deprecated OP_MSG opcode which had a code 1000.
I will try to properly implement it.
I just fixed the protocol problem by
But I still have issues with the authentication.
I guess something was also changed with MongoDB 4.x about default authentication parameters.
Edit: see also
Both problems are solved
Thanks ab
Wow, please send me your account number to make a donation
Wow, please send me your account number to make a donation
I believe it's in the top menu of website:
I've checked your hint, but it's PayPal only. I need a real IBAN/SWIFT...
No, it wasn’t a joke.
We are using MongoDB but atm without auth. But in future Atlas would be an option and it was impressive how fast you are finding the solution and I wanted to donate to honor your work. I don’t know if your account number has changed and PayPal isn’t optimal for me. If you want you can send it per email...