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I try TSQLRecordFTS5Unicode61 with FTS4WithoutContent.
Table and triggers are created but any insert raise exception docid column don't exists in search table from insert trigger.
Reading FTS5 documentation i make this changes. Main diffeence, FTS4 use docid, FTS5 use rowid.
diff --git "a/SQLite3/mORMot.pas" "b/SQLite3/mORMot.pas"
index 4b8f9288..7d4dfc61 100644
--- "a/SQLite3/mORMot.pas"
+++ "b/SQLite3/mORMot.pas"
@@ -31214,8 +31217,12 @@ begin
case Props.Kind of
rFTS3, rFTS4, rFTS5: begin
if (Props.fFTSWithoutContentFields<>'') and (Props.fFTSWithoutContentTableIndex>=0) then
+ begin
result := FormatUTF8('%content="%",',[result,
+ if Props.Kind = rFTS5 then
+ result := FormatUTF8('%content_rowid="ID",',[result]);
+ end;
for i := 0 to fields.Count-1 do
result := result+fields.List[i].Name+',';
tokenizer := 'simple';
@@ -49266,18 +49273,36 @@ begin
fts := Props.Props.SQLTableName;
ftsfields := Props.Props.SQLTableSimpleFieldsNoRowID;
// see*fts4content
- Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_bu BEFORE UPDATE ON % '+
- 'BEGIN DELETE FROM % WHERE docid=old.rowid; END;',
- [main,main,fts]);
- Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_bd BEFORE DELETE ON % '+
- 'BEGIN DELETE FROM % WHERE docid=old.rowid; END;',
- [main,main,fts]);
- Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_au AFTER UPDATE ON % '+
- 'BEGIN INSERT INTO %(docid,%) VALUES(new.rowid%); END;',
- [main,main,fts,ftsfields,Props.fFTSWithoutContentFields]);
- Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_ai AFTER INSERT ON % '+
- 'BEGIN INSERT INTO %(docid,%) VALUES(new.rowid%); END;',
- [main,main,fts,ftsfields,Props.fFTSWithoutContentFields]);
+ if Props.Kind=rFTS5 then
+ begin
+ Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_bu BEFORE UPDATE ON % '+
+ 'BEGIN INSERT INTO %(%,rowid,%) VALUES(''delete'',old.rowid%); END;',
+ [main,main,fts,fts,ftsfields, StringReplaceAll(Props.fFTSWithoutContentFields, 'new.', 'old.')]);
+ Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_bd BEFORE DELETE ON % '+
+ 'BEGIN INSERT INTO %(%,rowid,%) VALUES(''delete'',old.rowid%); END;',
+ [main,main,fts,fts,ftsfields, StringReplaceAll(Props.fFTSWithoutContentFields, 'new.', 'old.')]);
+ Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_au AFTER UPDATE ON % '+
+ 'BEGIN INSERT INTO %(rowid,%) VALUES(new.rowid%); END;',
+ [main,main,fts,ftsfields,Props.fFTSWithoutContentFields]);
+ Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_ai AFTER INSERT ON % '+
+ 'BEGIN INSERT INTO %(rowid,%) VALUES(new.rowid%); END;',
+ [main,main,fts,ftsfields,Props.fFTSWithoutContentFields]);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_bu BEFORE UPDATE ON % '+
+ 'BEGIN DELETE FROM % WHERE docid=old.rowid; END;',
+ [main,main,fts]);
+ Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_bd BEFORE DELETE ON % '+
+ 'BEGIN DELETE FROM % WHERE docid=old.rowid; END;',
+ [main,main,fts]);
+ Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_au AFTER UPDATE ON % '+
+ 'BEGIN INSERT INTO %(docid,%) VALUES(new.rowid%); END;',
+ [main,main,fts,ftsfields,Props.fFTSWithoutContentFields]);
+ Server.ExecuteFmt('CREATE TRIGGER %_ai AFTER INSERT ON % '+
+ 'BEGIN INSERT INTO %(docid,%) VALUES(new.rowid%); END;',
+ [main,main,fts,ftsfields,Props.fFTSWithoutContentFields]);
+ end;
Also added changes in SynDBVCL, SynDBMidas for use FPC TBufDataset. Current units don't compile in FPC.With this changes I can use SynDB, SynDBRemote to TBufDataset in FPC.
Pages: 1