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mORMot 1.18.6085, Windows 10
I have a strange problem with mORMotMVC and Delphi 10.4. The problem can also be seen in example "30 - MVC Server". It crashes after takeoff.
Immediately after starting my server I get the following error message: Fatal exception EAccessViolation raised with message Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0053B770 in Modul 'VGServer.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 001A4000.
In my program I can reproduce the following behaviour.
This function declaration works:
procedure ArticleBuy(var pmvIsUserLoggedIn: Boolean; out pmoSelectedArticle: TSQLArtikel);
The error comes when I change the function declaration as follows:
procedure ArticleBuy(pmArtikelID: TID; var pmvIsUserLoggedIn: Boolean; out pmoSelectedArticle: TSQLArtikel);
The behaviour can only be observed under Delphi 10.4. Under Delphi 10.3.3 it still works without problems.
I find following entry in log file:
000000000000DEF3 0 trace u_VGServerMain.TVGSRestServer(02f4ba50) BeginCurrentThread(THttpApiServer) root=Shop ThreadID=3f94 ThreadCount=15
000000000000DF4E ! EXCOS EAccessViolation (c0000005) [] at 53b770 stack trace API 57d63e 40b56c 77d25224 77d12b26 6f133e 6f0508 86cd54 8867db 886ced 895117 77bd0419 77d066dd 77d066ad
000000000000DFCD ! + u_VGServerMain.TVGSHttpServer(027bbb10).Destroy
With best regards
Please enable the detailed .map debugging information and check the exact stack trace with source file names and line numbers.
Or at least run it with the debugger and check the stack trace.
Sadly, I don't have Delphi 10.4 so I can't reproduce it.
As you wrote, I don't see any issue with Delphi 10.3.3 CE.
Thanks for your help.
When I do a DEBUG build with Delphi 10.4, there is NO error! When I do a RELEASE build, I get the following error message:
000000000000C757 ! EXCOS EAccessViolation (c0000005) [] at 53b770 SynCommons.MoveX87 stack trace API 6f133a mORMot.TInterfaceFactory.Create 6f0504 mORMot.TInterfaceFactory.Get 86cd44 mORMotMVC.TMVCApplication.Start 8867c3 u_VGServerMain.TVGServerMain.Create 886d29 u_VGServerDaemon.TVGServerDaemon.Start
000000000004B051 ! EXCOS EAccessViolation (c0000005) [] at 53b770 SynCommons.MoveX87 stack trace API
Fatal exception EAccessViolation raised with message Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0053B770 in Modul 'VGServer.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 001A4000
The error occurs only when I add the parameter "pmArtikelID: TID" to the function in the example. Otherwise it also works with Delphi 10.4 in RELEASE build.
With Delphi 10.3.3 it works with the DEBUG and the RELEASE build.
If I can do more, please say so.
With best regards
Last edited by tbo (2020-07-11 19:56:00)
Isn't any line number in the stack trace?
Unfortunately I get no line numbers displayed. I rarely use the debugger and I don't need more than F7, F8, F9. Let me try it this way.
This is the line (54217) in my version of the "mORMot.pas" unit where the problems start.
case ValueType of
smvInteger, smvCardinal, smvInt64:
if TJSONCustomParserRTTI.TypeNameToSimpleBinary(
And since the error only occurs with the addition of the parameter "pmArticleID: TID", it might even be a useful result.
Then I continue with F7 and F8:
> TSynAnsiConvert.AnsiBufferToRawUTF8()
> TSynTempBuffer.Init()
> TSynAnsiFixedWidth.AnsiBufferToUTF8()
Source: 'TID'#8'¸e', SourceChars: 3, NoTrailingZero: False
> TSynTempBuffer.Done()
> SynCommons.FastSetString(), line number 21211
--> MoveFast()
After that I cannot continue working in the IDE. It stands still. I have to abort the process.
Hope this helps. If I can help in any other way, please ask.
With best regards
I don't know what happens...
Perhaps some Delphi 10.4 optimization issue....
Please try
Thanks for the work. Unfortunately, the problem is not solved. The error occurs both in my program and in the example "30 - MVC Server" (only in RELEASE build).
It's no problem for me. I can continue working with older Delphi versions. If other users report bugs related to Delphi 10.4, you should keep the problem in mind. From my past experience I should have known better, never trust Delphi x.0 versions. But I couldn't resist the new LSP feature.
Thanks again for the time you invest in mORMot.
With best regards
I tried to compile demo 30 both in debug mode and release mode with Delphi 10.4 and it works without error.
Also my software (based on MVC) works.
I'm not sure of framework version used but one of last build. (is there a way to know the build?)
I tried to compile demo 30 both in debug mode and release mode with Delphi 10.4 and it works without error.
Interesting! Did you mean compile, or compile and run? My Delphi 10.4 Professional Patch 1 only installed the Spring4D and DSharp libraries. No other tools or libraries are installed. Maybe you can better isolate the error and provide Arnaud with more information.
Thank you for your support.
PS: Sorry I forgot to mention that I create Win32 programs.
With best regards
Last edited by tbo (2020-07-14 14:47:14)
I have compiled and ran demo 30 (win32) then use browser to browser client pages.
I have only mORMot Framework e VerySimple.Lua installed.
mORMot Framework version used: 1.18.6078
Also my application is win32 and work but I tested it only in debug mode until now.
Last edited by array81 (2020-07-14 21:13:32)
So, I had the time to at least get logging into the MVC demo with 10.4
After building a RELEASE version of it and starting it, it crashes on TInterfaceFactory.Create.
The log can be found at
Currently, I am a bit flabbergasted as to why that happens though.
@Arnaud, as written in the Email, you may get remote access to a VM with Delphi 10.4 and that demo to fiddle arround.
OK. I can confirm there is a problem with demo 30 and last version of framework.
With version 1.18.6078 the demo work without problem.
With version 1.18.6089 the demo crash after run.
Test on Delphi 10.4 in release mode and win32.
Last edited by array81 (2020-07-15 20:45:31)
@ab - I cannot confirm 1.18.6078 working.
I have tried back to version 1.18.5749 and the problem persists. It seems to have to do with the SynCommons.MoveX87 method.
Log from the revision:
It seems to have to do with the SynCommons.MoveX87 method.
I have replaced "MoveFast := @MoveX87" by "MoveFast := @System.Move" and the error still remains.
I have tested version 1.18.5999 and there is already the error. The error depends on the constellation shown in the incoming posting.
Bis bald...
I have located the problem, and it seems to be a compiler/linker problem of Delphi.
When compiling all, we get a hint:
[dcc32 Hint] SynCommons.pas(17526): H2077 Value assigned to 'TSynAnsiFixedWidth.AnsiBufferToUTF8' never used
Which is the line
Result := Dest;
and it get's removed by compiler/linker output
I will try - at a later point this weekend or Monday- to get the compiler to simply love the line. That should resolve the problem.
Buggy Delphi compiler...
Please try
No other compiler hint reported? There are several other identical patterns in the code. Perhaps the "goto" in this method made the compiler especially unhappy.
Thanks a lot for the investigation!
Perhaps worth a QC report to Embarcadero.
Buggy Delphi compiler...
Yeah, not expected, but sh*t happens.
Please try
Will do later. :-)
No other compiler hint reported? There are several other identical patterns in the code. Perhaps the "goto" in this method made the compiler especially unhappy.
Will check, don't think so. A few came from the sample itself.
Thanks a lot for the investigation!
Helps me too. ;-)
Perhaps worth a QC report to Embarcadero.
Definitely. Will try to simplify and do just that.
Have a nice weekend,
Latest 10.4 update 2 is unlikely to solve this issue.
It seems to have introduced some new regressions: … available/
Nope, problem still exists. However, a nicer fix for your particular problem exists as well.
Replace the very first else with a semicolon --->
if (self=nil) or (Dest=nil) then begin
Result := nil;
end else
if (Source<>nil) and (SourceChars>0) then begin
change to
if (self=nil) or (Dest=nil) then begin
Result := nil;
if (Source<>nil) and (SourceChars>0) then begin
And the problem is gone as well. I am trying to minimize the problem and will submit that to the team on Monday.
So, registered at the quality portal:
It is an awful Delphi bug which should impact a lot of user code - not only mORMot.
I guess this is safer to wait for a fix (in patch 3) and avoid using 10.4 until stabilized.
It reminds me of … C64-broken
Not sure the Quality and Testing did increase since that time...
Thanks a lot for creating a QC entry.
Hope they take it into consideration.
I have opened up that bug for discussion at the Delphi-PRAXiS as well, hoping to get some traction: … elphi-104/
As for your question, whether any hints are left, yes one, at first glance looking alike, but this time, I believe it to be correct.
In mORMotService.pas, method function TService.GetControlHandler: TServiceControlHandler; (line 1143)
It says
[dcc32 Hint] mORMotService.pas(1170): H2077 Value assigned to 'TService.GetControlHandler' never used
However, you have a non-conditional EXIT in line 1154, so the code after that shall never be reached.
Please review ;-)
P.S.: Last, but not least, with the latest changes to mORMot, it works fine under Delphi 10.4 :-) As we are currently just developing, with a release years ahead, I feel okay continuing to use 10.4 ;-)
Last edited by sakura (2020-07-20 05:46:33)
Very nice!
Let's hope indeed that a hint is enough to identify potential misbehavior.
I tried to fix Delphi 10.4 unexpected hint with
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
I have written a blog article to give some feedback to users, since they are likely to use Delphi 10.4 - our survey stated that most users try to keep in synch with the latest Delphi revision.
"patch release before holidays" syndrome...
I think you can cancel the twitter account creation.
After this post, Embarcadero will no longer want to sponsor the sponsorship of mORMot.
Issue has been closed as "Expected behavior" in the JIRA events...
But in practice, sakura reported that the latest 10.4.1 release was not showing the problem any more!
So the issue has been fixed.
Don't use Delphi 10.4 but the 10.4.1 branch.
Don't use Delphi 10.4 but the 10.4.1 branch.
I'd say wait for 10.5 (or 10.5.1?) - Anyways, 10.4.1 is way better than 10.4, but as far as I had time to play around, I'd still wait. 10.4 changed so many things - usually for the better - but they all still need to learn to play nicely with each other.
Just for feedback, it seems this issue may have re-appeared in Delphi v11.1
Using a TDynArray to manage an an array of Int64's which I Pop items from, it worked in Debug but Release gives the "EAccessViolation (c0000005) [] at c4c540 SynCommons.MoveX87"
lId: int64;
if fMyIDsDynArray.Pop(lID) then ...
but changing to this, works (no FastMove)...
if fMyIDsDynArray.Count > 0 then
lId:= pInt64(fMyIDsDynArray.ElemPtr(0))^;
Hi ab
Did some investigating over the weekend going through the generated code
The problem is occurring in TDynArray.ElemPtr - and only seems to be when the TDynArray.ElemPtr is inlined, optimised, and I'm guessing it's also depending on something like whether parameters are passed on the stack or by register to the procedure using it - not sure but it doesn't happen in all scenarios.
It's the use of the label and the Goto that are confusing the compiler...
function TDynArray.ElemPtr(index: PtrInt): pointer;
label ok;
var c: PtrUInt;
begin // very efficient code on FPC and modern Delphi
result := pointer(fValue);
if result=nil then
result := PPointer(result)^;
if result=nil then
c := PtrUInt(fCountP);
if c<>0 then begin
if PtrUInt(index)<PCardinal(c)^ then { <== only here does 'edi' register get populated with our "index" }
ok: inc(PByte(result),PtrUInt(index)*ElemSize) else { <== assumes "index" is now in 'edi' register}
result := nil
end else
{$ifdef FPC}
if PtrUInt(index)<=PPtrUInt(PtrUInt(result)-_DALEN)^ then
if PtrUInt(index)<PPtrUInt(PtrUInt(result)-_DALEN)^ then
{$endif FPC}
goto ok else { <== Goto 'ok' but 'edi' has not been populated with our 'index' }
result := nil;
I guess you would say this is a Delphi Optimisation problem - I expanded out the 'if' statement to not use the Goto and this fixed the problem - slightly more code but just as efficient I think.
function TDynArray.ElemPtr(index: PtrInt): pointer;
var c: PtrUInt;
begin // very efficient code on FPC and modern Delphi
result := pointer(fValue);
if result=nil then
result := PPointer(result)^;
if result=nil then
c := PtrUInt(fCountP);
if c<>0 then
if PtrUInt(index)<PCardinal(c)^ then
result := nil
{$ifdef FPC}
if PtrUInt(index)<=PPtrUInt(PtrUInt(result)-_DALEN)^ then
if PtrUInt(index)<PPtrUInt(PtrUInt(result)-_DALEN)^ then
{$endif FPC}
result := nil
You could say this is a bit of a 'gotcha' but at the same time I can see the Goto jumping to inside an if statement being a bit of an odd scenario for it
What is weird is that I am not able to reproduce the problem with the Delphi 11.1 compiler.
Anyway, it is clearly a Delphi optimizer bug. Using a goto inside an inlined function makes the code shorter and more efficient.
FPC has no troubles inlining it.
I will remove the label on Delphi...
Please try for mORMOt 1.
and for mORMOt 2.
Well back in the office now (Australia time ) and am also reproducing the problem in Delphi 11.1 and 11.2 too (was using 10.4 earlier).
Not sure if it's my setup, or just down to the usage case of the ElemPtr in certain situations.
I know the above has fixed things but would be interested to know if this test program reproduces the problem for you in a release build?
program MoveFastx87;
SysUtils, SynCommons;
anArray: TInt64DynArray;
aDynArray: TDynArray;
aInt64: Int64;
aDynArray.Init(TypeInfo(TInt64DynArray), anArray);
aInt64:= 1;
if aDynArray.Pop(aInt64) then
writeln ('Popped ', aInt64);
on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
I tested your sample and I could not reproduce that in 11.0, 11.1 and 11.2, debug or release mode, in 32bit or 64bit. No exception, and element popped.
=> mormot v1 & v2..
Last edited by flydev (2022-12-12 08:42:54)
Well that was unexpected!
I've tried this program on 3 different machines running different version of Delphi and all 3 are failing in release build.
Could you confirm you're using the older ver of mormot (before ab's fix), and I'm going to see what my 3x installs all have in common - maybe it's something in my config that's doing this.
BTW, I'm actually running a Debug build but with {$O+} and {$O-} around "procedure TDynArray.ElemMoveTo" implementation - still shows the problem but easier to debug.
Forget this last post - forgot to turn on optimisation around ElemMoveTo. So the problem did exist up until ab's fix. I'll leave it at one of those quirks I have to live with unless I come across anything more...
Well it seems i have found the solution, if not the problem.
I was using an older version of Mormot1 dated may 2022.
Last edited by missionhq (2022-12-12 10:43:32)
Could you confirm you're using the older ver of mormot (before ab's fix)
Yes, the version was from the commits of Nov 22, 2022. Even with Debug/O+, no exception.
@missionhq: did a reset, cloned from commit 74cfbc4 then with debug O+ the exception is triggered on delphi 11.2, I will try when I am back on 11.0 and 11.1.
EAccessViolation: Access violation at address 00941F00 in module 'Project01.exe'. Read of address 076F5980
Last edited by flydev (2022-12-12 11:02:30)
Cheers flydev - it's so weird, predictable on 3 machines for me and I can see that the inlined ElemPtr is returning an invalid pointer. It bugs me when I can't get to the root cause of a problem but I think I'm going to have to give up on this one
Well at least I feel better knowing it's not just me
I think we can put it down to a compiler bug and know that the fix ab committed is worth having, at leas for Delphi.
Thanks again for your help!
I tried to make a full review of the mORMOt 2 source code to ensure no such goto is inlined on Delphi.
Should help stability with such Delphi regressions.
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