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If I open the logfile with the log viewer, while the program is running and produces lines to the log file, and watching it over time the log go nuts!
It seems that the log viewer holds the logfile so that log rotation can not rename the file but still copies and compresses the filecontents into the rotate-list of files.
As it can't begin with an empty file it continues to run the rotate cycle for each line that adds to the log. This will cause huge cpu and memory load.
Is there a way to avoid this and still view the log? It's too easy to forget to close the viewer and unwatched it can cause a mess.
Otherwise I really like the viewer.
Delphi-11, WIN10
Yes, under Windows the problem exists from the beginning. I think it's because of a memory mapped file - so a possible solution is in memory mapped file flags. Under Linux all works as expected.
Don't know where I should set these options/flags and what choices I have?
I skimmed through the Logviewers code but didn't found anything useful.
Delphi-11, WIN10
LogViewer opens a log file using TSynLogFile = class(TMemoryMapText) from SynLog.pas
TMemoryMapText uses TMemoryMap.Map
and there is a line
F := FileOpen(aFileName,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
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