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Pages: 1
Good morning,
I really like the new design of mORMot2 and I assume it will increase the already breathtaking speed of development. It is just an amazing piece of software.
As others mentioned, the transition from mORMot1 is not that easy. So I started a couple of examples in my fork of the project. … rtin-doyle
The goals I want to accomplish are the following:
- Get the examples running with PUREMORMOT2 definition (done)
- The examples should work in Delphi 7 and FPC on Windows and Debian Linux (X86_64 server and client, ARM64 server only) (done, not yet tested on ARM64)
- Make the same use case work for different technical approaches like ORM, method based and interfaced based services (started, probably not yet correct)
- Create a best practice starting point for different scenarios like a standalone client only application, local network client server, client server on the internet. (open)
Any feedback is welcome.
Great work and thanks for sharing!
Delphi XE4 Pro on Windows 7 64bit.
Lazarus trunk built with fpcupdelux on Windows with cross-compile for Linux 64bit.
Thanks for the samples!
Testing Project04 Server&Client in Win64, Client compiles and run fine.
However trying to compile Project04InterfaceBasedServer for Win64:
In Delphi 10.4 : [dcc32 Fatal Error] F2092 Program or unit 'mormot.core.variants' recursively uses itself
In FPC 3.3.1 : mormot.core.json.pas(9217,32) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "<Procedure Variable>"
Changing said lines to :
if not Assigned(OnMatch) or
(not Assigned(@KeyCompare) and
not Assigned(@ValueCompare)) then
Compiles and run, but when sending a text msg from client app, get error:
{ "errorCode":406, "errorText":"IExample.Add failed parsing ASample: TSample from input JSON" }
Try this:
if not Assigned(OnMatch) or
(not (Assigned(KeyCompare) or
Assigned(ValueCompare))) then
Pages: 1