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I suggest to add a constant than defines the RecordReference calculation rules (not specifying the number 64 in different parts of the code). And make it available for modification by the developer
function RecordReference(Model: TSQLModel; aTable: TSQLRecordClass; aID: TID): TRecordReference;
if aID=0 then
result := 0 else begin
result := Model.GetTableIndexExisting(aTable);
if result>=REC_REF_MAX_TABLES then
result := 0 else
inc(result,aID * REC_REF_MAX_TABLES);
Is it possible or am I missing something?
I don't think it is a good idea, because it is error prone as a global constant.
It may be safer as part of the TSQLModel.
If you need another bit mask, you could encode your own value and use it in your code.
I was thinking about the model. But there are functions that work without it. For example:
function RecordRef.ID: TID;
result := Value shr 6; // 64=1 shl 6
Maybe should modify them:
function RecordRef.ID(Model: TSQLModel): TID;
If you need another bit mask, you could encode your own value and use it in your code.
I didn't quite understand how it helps me, because I need all the power of the mORMot's TRecordReference and TRecordReferenceToBeDeleted
And yet I would rather use RecordReference.
In my opinion, this is a great solution - to store the table and ID in one field, which in fact has only one limitation - the number of tables. And it would be cool to be able to bypass this limitation. Of course, it would be even cooler to have its own function for forming RecordReference, perhaps some kind of virtual method of the model .. But this will require serious refactoring. Adding a constant or model property is much cheaper in terms of time.
Arnaud, this is very critical for me. I'm getting to the point where 64 tables are not enough.
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