#1 2021-09-23 03:57:18

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

Follwing  this post about the thread-safe of TRestServerDB, I did some test about multi-threaded BatchAdd.

The database is PostgreSQL, and I use TSQLDBZEOSConnectionProperties

Test 1:  I use TRestServerDB.BatchAdd  to insert 150,000 records into one table in a single thread
Test 2:  I use TRestServerDB.BatchAdd to insert 50,000 records in the the same table, but from three different concurrent threads

Both Test 1, and Test 2 uses the SAME instance of TRestServerDB.

Test1:  is quite fast, achieving a rate of 100,000 records/second
Test2: very slow,  the overall rate is 5000 records/second

Is this expected?  Any tricks to improve the multi-threaded Batch insert?

Note - If I split the data into three different tables (i.e., the same table structure but diff table names) - the results are still similar.  Multi-threaded insert is very slow.

Last edited by wxinix (2021-09-23 03:58:12)


#2 2021-09-23 06:28:38

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

The ORM DB access is protected with a mutex, so it is serialized.
The three threads won't work in parallel, but one after the other.

1. What if you insert 150,000 records from three concurrent threads?
2. What if you insert 50,000 records from one thread, but 3 times in a row?
3. What if you use our direct PostgreSQL layer instead of Zeos?
4. What if you use SQLite3 instead of PostgreSQL?

The main point is test 2. My guess is that when the 2nd or 3rd Batchs of 50,000 are executed, they are waiting for the data of the first batch to be fetch to the disk, so PostgreSQL delays the write.
It may have nothing to do with multi-threading, but with sending a lot of data to PostgreSQL.
Please enable the logs and find out the proper timing. It will give you clues about what happens.

As a trick, for best performance what I usually do is use a shared (and secured with a lock) TSQLRestBatch instance between threads, then use a background thread to push all the pending data at once, e.g. every few seconds.
The inserts will be delayed, but the insertion will be instant from the requests.
Don't forget to flush the bending data on server shutdown. Obvious drawbacks is that the DB does not instantly contain the new data - but in most use-cases of batch, it doesn't matter much (e.g. if you use it the ORM class as a journal).


#3 2021-09-23 14:42:34

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

Note - all the insertion cases are targeting ONE single table.  For each test case, the table will be emptied in advance.

1. What if you insert 150,000 records from three concurrent threads?
It doesn't change the overall average insert rate

2. What if you insert 50,000 records from one thread, but 3 times in a row?
Similar (slightly slower 1~2%) insertion rate,  compared to one-time 150,000 records.

3. What if you use our direct PostgreSQL layer instead of Zeos?
mORMot PostgreSQL layer IMPROVES the multi-threaded (3 threads) insertion rate by x6 times,  increasing from Zeo's 5000 records/sec to a much higher 30000 records/sec
But,  PostgreSQL layer DROPS the single-threaded insertion rate from Zeo's 100,000 record/sec to about 50,000 records/sec

4. What if you use SQLite3 instead of PostgreSQL?
If I use mORMOt internal in-mem SQLite3,  the multi-threaded insertions is about 4~6% FASTER then the single-thread insertion,  around 220,000 records/sec
If I use mORMot static object list,  the multi-threaded insertions is about 4~6% FASTER then the singled-thread insertion, around 500,000 records/sec

-  mORMot in-mem SQLite, and static object list:   multi-threaded batch insertion rate is FASTER than single-threaded insertion
-  for PostgreSQL,  Zeos has the best single-threaded batch insertion rate (100,000 records/sec),  mORMot Postgresql Layer has the best multi-threaded batch insertion rate (50,000 records/sec).

Are the above making sense?

Last edited by wxinix (2021-09-23 14:50:17)


#4 2021-09-23 15:43:52

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

Yes, they make sense.
So the performance drop is clearly specific to the PostgreSQL database link.
Probably the way the data is queued on both client and server DB sides.
Note that 30,000 or 50,000 inserts per second is a very good number for a regular SQL database.

What is weird is point 2. Because from one thread, it uses the same connection.
Perhaps you may try to use a single connection for PostgreSQL instead of the default, which is one connection per pool IIRC.

If you really need consistent write to PostgreSQL, I guess my shared TSQLRestBatch trick which is sent in a background thread may be the only solution.


#5 2021-09-23 17:26:34

From: Ukraine
Registered: 2012-03-24
Posts: 1,579

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

wxinix wrote:

But,  PostgreSQL layer DROPS the single-threaded insertion rate from Zeo's 100,000 record/sec to about 50,000 records/sec

I think this depends on data you insert. ZEOS interally uses binary pg protocol, so if inserted data is mostly numbers it can be faster compared to mORMot Postgres layer, where text pg protocol is used

Last edited by mpv (2021-09-23 17:27:17)


#6 2021-09-24 00:18:31

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

mpv wrote:
wxinix wrote:

But,  PostgreSQL layer DROPS the single-threaded insertion rate from Zeo's 100,000 record/sec to about 50,000 records/sec

I think this depends on data you insert. ZEOS interally uses binary pg protocol, so if inserted data is mostly numbers it can be faster compared to mORMot Postgres layer, where text pg protocol is used

Thank you for the advice.  I'll keep this in mind. But for now - I'll stick to ZEOS, which seems has faster performance for my use case.


#7 2021-09-24 00:22:43

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

ab wrote:

If you really need consistent write to PostgreSQL, I guess my shared TSQLRestBatch trick which is sent in a background thread may be the only solution.

Thank you ab, for the advice.

I implemented as advised - using a background worker thread to do the BatchAdd work, and rerun the test.

Note - I am using ZEOS for PostgreSQL connection.

The results are very satisfying.
- mORMot static object list   -  760,000 records/sec
- mORMot SQLite in-memory -  290,000 records/sec
- PostgreSQL                     -  110,000 records/sec

Should you be interested - the record type is defined as follows:

  TSQLRecordSample = class(TSQLRecord)
  strict private
    FAmount: Currency;
    FBirthDate: TDateTime;
    FCreatedAt: TCreateTime;
    FLastChange: TModTime;
    FName: RawUTF8;
    property Amount: Currency read FAmount write FAmount;
    property BirthDate: TDateTime read FBirthDate write FBirthDate;
    property CreatedAt: TCreateTime read FCreatedAt write FCreatedAt;
    property LastChange: TModTime read FLastChange;
    property Name: RawUTF8 index 40 read FName write FName stored AS_UNIQUE;

Last edited by wxinix (2021-09-24 00:23:20)


#8 2021-09-24 07:06:49

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

Thanks for the positive feedback!


#9 2021-09-28 19:19:13

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

I continued with my performance testing - this time, I compared mORMot2  SQLite in memory vs mORMot2 External SQLite File DB.  I am very surprised that the External SQLite File DB is much faster than the SQLite in MEM DB - 25% faster!   

- For External SQLite File DB, I used TSQLDBSQLite3ConnectionProperties, and SynchronousMode := Off, and LockingMode := Exclusive
- Delphi 10.4.2,  Win64 Build

Details below - but does that make sense?  I expect the In-MEM DB faster than External File DB.

- Single Table,  Multi-Threaded, BatchAdd via a background worker thread,  the SQLite In MEM DB Results:

20210928 18564227  " debug Test_BatchAdd_STable_MThread_MemDB::thr_1 - Orm.Server.BatchSend 6000 records takes 22.54ms (266098 rec/sec), code 200
20210928 18564229  " debug Test_BatchAdd_STable_MThread_MemDB::thr_2 - Orm.Server.BatchSend 6000 records takes 23.09ms (259830 rec/sec), code 200
20210928 18564230  " debug Test_BatchAdd_STable_MThread_MemDB::thr_3 - Orm.Server.BatchSend 6000 records takes 23.42ms (256191 rec/sec), code 200

- Single Table,  Multi-Threaded, BatchAdd via a background worker thread, External SQLite File DB,  SynchronousMode := Off, LockingModel := Exclusive

20210928 18564257  " debug Test_BatchAdd_STable_MThread_SQLite::thr_1 - Orm.Server.BatchSend 6000 records takes 17.34ms (345861 rec/sec), code 200
20210928 18564258  " debug Test_BatchAdd_STable_MThread_SQLite::thr_3 - Orm.Server.BatchSend 6000 records takes 18.15ms (330578 rec/sec), code 200
20210928 18564259  " debug Test_BatchAdd_STable_MThread_SQLite::thr_2 - Orm.Server.BatchSend 6000 records takes 17.71ms (338676 rec/sec), code 200

Last edited by wxinix (2021-09-28 19:20:48)


#10 2021-09-29 07:43:58

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

This is not consistent with my previous finding about mORMot BatchAdd and previous benchmarks.

I don't have any idea why you find this.
Perhaps the Delphi Win64 memory manager is not very efficient? What if you try on Win32?


#11 2021-09-29 16:12:29

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

ab wrote:

This is not consistent with my previous finding about mORMot BatchAdd and previous benchmarks.

I don't have any idea why you find this.
Perhaps the Delphi Win64 memory manager is not very efficient? What if you try on Win32?

HI ab,  I uploaded the testing project to my github gist , you can try and see yourself.  In BOTH x86 and Win64 cases,  mORMot2 SQLite external file DB is much faster than the SQLite in memory DB.

Delphi 10.4.2, Win64 build,  results:

LServer_SQLiteMem.BatchSend   6001 records takes 21.60ms  (277785 records/second).
LServer_SQLiteExtFile.BatchSend 6001 records takes 16.84ms (356248 records/second).

Delphi 10.4.2, x86 build,  results:

LServer_SQLiteMem.BatchSend   6001 records takes 28.33ms  (211809 records/second).
LServer_SQLiteExtFile.BatchSend 6001 records takes 21.48ms (279363 records/second).


#12 2021-09-29 23:51:05

Registered: 2013-03-08
Posts: 139

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

In my pull request https://github.com/synopse/mORMot2/pull/58
I convert sample 15 and results are:
Running tests using Synopse mORMot framework 2.0.1, compiled with Free Pascal 3.2 64 bit, against SQLite 3.36.0, on Manjaro Linux - Linux 5.4.148-1-MANJARO, at 2021-09-30 01:44:36.

Insertion speed (rows/second)
                              Direct      Batch       Trans       Batch Trans
Sqlite file full              304         15413       29067       82673
Sqlite file off               4027        69256       35187       90535
Sqlite file off exc           12478       82022       35143       90420
Sqlite file off exc aes       8005        73736       35028       88832
Sqlite in memory              28583       90438       35340       91195
In memory static              82611       183708      85679       183769
In memory virtual             80202       170404      84334       170010
External sqlite file full     305         7638        31593       99072
External sqlite file off      5352        67390       39135       106364
External sqlite file off exc  17633       92354       38797       105929
External sqlite in memory     32937       107940      38307       106935
Remote sqlite socket          5587        49019       5781        42242

Read speed (rows/second)
                              By one      All Virtual All Direct
Sqlite file full              24912       281563      275360
Sqlite file off               25301       289184      290528
Sqlite file off exc           42320       292620      293083
Sqlite file off exc aes       42133       296155      298169
Sqlite in memory              42353       289502      300300
In memory static              91441       551876      554692
In memory virtual             90920       211855      212539
External sqlite file full     50652       130589      286057
External sqlite file off      50972       131665      286368
External sqlite file off exc  51019       131585      286763
External sqlite in memory     49759       130938      286944
Remote sqlite socket          6518        117181      227489


#13 2021-09-30 06:55:33

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

In fact, you didn't compare plain SQLite in-memory and SQlite on file performance.
You did compare direct SQlite in-memory and external SQlite3 file performance.

And the external SQL Batch process is more optimized about the generated SQL, IIRC.
This explain the difference, as clearly shown by the Sample 15 numbers reported by @ttomas.
Note that numbers are consistent with mORMot 1 as can be seen on https://gist.github.com/synopse/13c2cdd … 2cb9d9f316

Edit: I checked TSqlDBConnectionProperties.MultipleValuesInsert and TRestOrmServerDB.InternalBatchStop.
And in fact they generate the same multi-insert SQL as " INSERT .. VALUES (..),(..),(..),.....  ".
So I am not sure where the performance difference lies.
I just committed some code refactoring which enhanced performance on my side. Please check and see if it is better on your side.


#14 2021-09-30 13:31:18

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

ab wrote:

I just committed some code refactoring which enhanced performance on my side. Please check and see if it is better on your side.

HI @ab, @ttomas

Thank you for the advice and feedback.

I built with the latest commit - still it seems SQLite External File provides the best BatchAdd performance (~350k records/second).

There got to be some (nice) reason for such a stunning performance for an SQL DB. Regardless,  my goal is to find out which settings provides the best WRITE performance- given the testing results,  the answer appears to be SQLite External File .

Note - SQLite External File also gives very good READ performance (slightly worse than SQLite in Memory). So overall,  SQLite External File appears to be the best option?

Any comments? Insights or advice?

Last edited by wxinix (2021-09-30 13:31:48)


#15 2021-09-30 17:14:07

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

For what I just found, perhaps some hints about the performance difference:
1) Direct SQLite3 uses inlined parameters, so a bit more processing.
2) Direct SQLite3 features a JSON cache.

I have just by-passed the parameters inlining for TRestOrmServerDB.MainEngineRetrieve.
So 1) should affect less the "By one" performance.

The 2) JSON cache reduces a bit the performance for our benchmarks.
But in real live, on real code, it is very efficient. In practice, I see a lot of "from cache" entries in production logs. So performance would be higher with direct SQLite3 process.
For the "By one", I have just by-passed the cache, since we have a per-ID cache at higher level.

In production, I would use the internal Sqlite3 engine for sure.
Especially with my latest commits.


#16 2021-09-30 17:48:53

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

ab wrote:

In production, I would use the internal Sqlite3 engine for sure.
Especially with my latest commits.

Hi @ab  thank you for the latest commit, and advice.

In case of a real-time time-series database where WRITES (BatchAdd, every couple of seconds) are much more frequent than READS (every couple of minutes)  - is the internal SQLite engine's cache still working?  I think the cache would be less effective?

Thanks again.


#17 2021-09-30 19:41:55

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

I merged your sample.
But I am afraid it is broken in its use of SQLite3 modes.
So the numbers are not accurate, and pretty not relevant about external tables.
I will fix it.

Note that I would always use direct SQLite3 on production.


#18 2021-10-01 14:54:22

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

I have fixed the sample.

And also rewritten some part of the ORM process for better performance.
Now the direct SQLite3 layer seems faster than the external SQLite3 layer for both reads and writes.

Running tests using Synopse mORMot framework 2.0.1, compiled with Free Pascal 3.2 64 bit, against SQLite 3.36.0, on Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) - Linux 5.10.0-8-amd64, at 2021-10-01 17:48:59.

Insertion speed (rows/second)
                              Direct      Batch       Trans       Batch Trans
Sqlite file full              115         6319        64747       174794
Sqlite file off               12759       277631      117895      405383
Sqlite file off exc           37738       356862      122970      418900
Sqlite file off exc aes       24869       310375      120186      411742
Sqlite in memory              100126      426766      122667      430811
In memory static              253074      564620      273231      576435
In memory virtual             259591      558846      270679      545256
External sqlite file full     120         6816        74253       171485
External sqlite file off      15620       260851      122155      352522
External sqlite file off exc  51920       322424      121963      364219
External sqlite in memory     71029       384157      123580      425061
Remote sqlite socket          19477       183853      20045       166530

Read speed (rows/second)
                              By one      All Virtual All Direct
Sqlite file full              93625       919371      921319
Sqlite file off               96372       898149      899847
Sqlite file off exc           179746      881756      897746
Sqlite file off exc aes       175734      887075      893734
Sqlite in memory              181662      912575      919202
In memory static              282023      1648532     1660026
In memory virtual             284212      619732      643956
External sqlite file full     152685      407199      885425
External sqlite file off      153855      400849      871459
External sqlite file off exc  151356      406785      639427
External sqlite in memory     172878      852006      885425
Remote sqlite socket          20477       352683      695410

Note that "Sqlite file off exc" is the right mode to use on production: both safe and fast.
The "exclusive" lock is indeed a feature on server side: it ensures no one tempers with the database while the mORMot service is using it.


#19 2021-10-01 20:39:38

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

ab wrote:

I have fixed the sample.

And also rewritten some part of the ORM process for better performance.
Now the direct SQLite3 layer seems faster than the external SQLite3 layer for both reads and writes.

I rerun my test with the latest commit - quite contrary, it seems external SQLite3 layer is still much faster than direct SQLite3 layer for writes.  I am using Delphi 10.4.2, win64.

I noticed that in your sample code, https://github.com/synopse/mORMot2/blob … tCases.pas, TRestClientDB class is used, like below:


But in my testing code,  I use TRestServerDB class directly, together with TSQLRestBatch class:

 LBatch := TSQLRestBatch.Create

My question is - is the latest performance improvements only for TRestClientDB?  It seems TRestServerDB.BatchSend performance is not improved with the latest commits.

Last edited by wxinix (2021-10-01 20:40:24)


#20 2021-10-01 20:53:20

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

Both are the same: a local LBatch or the TRestBatch as part of TRestClient.

About the numbers:
Delphi Win32 numbers: https://gist.github.com/synopse/3803d3c … 031b38c84a
Delphi Win64 numbers: https://gist.github.com/synopse/ed99718 … 3a4e0566f4
FPC Win64 numbers: https://gist.github.com/synopse/82d353e … 017d12c94d

The fastest is FPC. Especially for the AES encryption which is better on FPC due to more tuned asm (Delphi asm is behind). And the absolute best numbers are on FPC + Linux x86_64 (see above numbers).
But with all compilers, I found out the internal SQLite3 to be (slightly) faster than external SQlite3.

I don't know why your Delphi Win64 is less good for the internal SQLite3 on your computer.
The external DB layer is very thin: most of the time is spent inside the SQlite3 engine itself. Our ORM is able to bypass the whole "external" layer. So it makes sense to have close numbers.


#21 2021-10-02 04:29:44

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

It is not "Delphi Win64 is less good for internal SQLite 3 on my computer".  Actually, I did get the similar results using Delphi 10.4.2, x64,   when running the official test project https://github.com/synopse/mORMot2/blob … onsole.dpr .  Such results indicate Direct (internal) SQLite layer is faster then External SQLite layer, as you noted.

However, my updated test project  https://gist.github.com/wxinix/325c64a2 … 4ae02ff75f  indicates otherwise - that is,  External SQLite layer is faster than Direct SQLite layer.

I am happy with the good-enough performance either way. Just not sure what caused the difference.  If you could take a quick peek,  that would be great.  But if you are not interested, that is also fine.  Thanks again for you feedback and the continued performance improvements.

ab wrote:

I don't know why your Delphi Win64 is less good for the internal SQLite3 on your computer.
The external DB layer is very thin: most of the time is spent inside the SQlite3 engine itself. Our ORM is able to bypass the whole "external" layer. So it makes sense to have close numbers.


#22 2021-10-02 07:46:30

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

Perhaps smOff/lmExclusive missing directives.


#23 2021-10-05 19:39:32

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

I have introduced a new BATCH JSON layout with "SIMPLID" method and detection of redundant methods.
This new format would make the client not compatible any more with mORMot 1 but there is an option to disable it.

SIMPLE and SIMPLID are able to directly write into SQLite3 with almost no memory allocation.
The result is outstanding: it gives a huge performance boost - more than two times faster on direct SQLite3 Batch+Transaction insertions.

Running tests using Synopse mORMot framework 2.0.1, compiled with Free Pascal 3.2 64 bit, against SQLite 3.36.0, on Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) - Linux 5.10.0-8-amd64, at 2021-10-05 22:26:52.

Insertion speed (rows/second)
                              Direct      Batch       Trans       Batch Trans
Sqlite file full              113         8101        73333       239320
Sqlite file off               12978       438365      127753      777302
Sqlite file off exc           38599       623441      126636      800064
Sqlite file off exc aes       25135       491207      127360      787215
Sqlite in memory              105102      852660      128297      856677
In memory static              250991      1189343     275945      1207583
In memory virtual             248348      1139471     263476      1150483
External sqlite file full     116         7263        75706       186313
External sqlite file off      15690       295368      122033      393886
External sqlite file off exc  51204       354660      124870      386922
External sqlite in memory     102617      833889      129157      833750
Remote sqlite socket          20076       158516      21872       192255

Read speed (rows/second)
                              By one      All Virtual All Direct
Sqlite file full              94679       885896      887705
Sqlite file off               98441       900900      903179
Sqlite file off exc           186758      897988      905387
Sqlite file off exc aes       186327      908265      916254
Sqlite in memory              186880      913993      919878
In memory static              290334      1627074     1646361
In memory virtual             286500      644620      641889
External sqlite file full     137204      406867      880281
External sqlite file off      161438      412286      886446
External sqlite file off exc  158760      400304      878117
External sqlite in memory     185870      869111      888572
Remote sqlite socket          21410       363715      714234

Note that these numbers include some in-process client-like JSON marshaling and routing. I also optimized the client Batch generation process.

So here is the corresponding graph for the insertions:
And for the reading:

The performance numbers of mORMot 1 - which were already first in their class - are clearly outperformed with mORMot 2.
We handle more then 1 millions of records per second, for both reading and insertion.


#24 2021-10-05 21:27:38

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

ab wrote:

The performance numbers of mORMot 1 - which were already first in their class - are clearly outperformed with mORMot 2.
We handle more then 1 millions of records per second, for both reading and insertion.

Congratulations!  @ab

Really, really neat, amazing, and fantastic work!  It rocks!!!!

Wow wow wow! 
Yes Yes Yes! - this time, it is indeed that the Direct SQLite File/InMem is much faster than External SQLite File/InMem!!!!!!
Super, super, super fasttttttttttttttttttttttttt!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by wxinix (2021-10-05 21:39:16)


#25 2021-10-06 15:04:51

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

I have enhanced the Batch JSON layout to store the inserted fields as hexadecimal bitset instead of JSON object.
It reduces the transmitted JSON size, and also allow direct SQLite3 process from the JSON buffers.

It won't change our extdb-bench numbers, but it would help to leverage the multi-insert process when only some of the TOrm fields are written.


#26 2021-10-07 05:52:21

Registered: 2010-07-02
Posts: 1,218

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

Amazing work again, ab!

With all these mORMot2 improvements, I just hope it'll not that difficult when upgrading from mORMot1 in the future.

Delphi XE4 Pro on Windows 7 64bit.
Lazarus trunk built with fpcupdelux on Windows with cross-compile for Linux 64bit.


#27 2021-10-07 15:52:46

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,848

Re: Multi-threaded BatchAdd performance

This was no breaking change in the format, only a new encoding, which could be disabled if needed.


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