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I am trying to create a TRestHttpClient from a Json File.
However, when I run the system raises an error "Winhttp.dll Error 57". Is there something I need to initiate after loading from a file?
File test.json created using the following code
Model := CreateSampleModel;
HttpClient := TRestHttpClient.Create('localhost', HttpPort, Model);
Later load this using
Model := CreateSampleModel;
HttpClient := TRestHttpClient(TRestHttpClient.CreateFromFile(Model,'c:\test.json',true));
HttpClient.ServerTimestampSynchronize; // Error at this point.
I am using the latest version of Mormot2.
Thank You
Last edited by srp (2021-11-20 06:58:13)
Please try to debug a bit more and find out what is not working.
Perhaps some information is lacking in the json definition file.
Why did you write HttpClient := TRestHttpClient(...) ?
It is not a good programming practice to force the type.
Writing HttpClient := .... as TRestHttpClient is safer.
Thank You @Ab for the reply.
I tried hard for hours to find out the exact reason for this issue, but my knowledge is limited, and could not find the actual reason for this issue.
But I assume it is something that is related to the initialization of the Object from JSON.
It can be easily reproduced on a mormot server using this code. (I am trying the Example of ex\ThirdPartyDemos\martin-doyle\04-InterfacedBasedServices\src)
FYI : using Delphi 10.3 community Edition
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
sTemp : RawUtf8;
Model := TOrmModel.Create([],'root');
HttpClient := TRestHttpClient.Create('localhost', '11111',Model,false);
sTemp:= HttpClient.DefinitionToJson;
if Assigned(Model) then FreeAndNil(Model);
if Assigned(HttpClient) then FreeAndNil(HttpClient);
Model := TOrmModel.Create([],'root');
httpClient:= TRestHttpClient.CreateFromJson(Model,sTemp,false) as TRestHttpClient ;
HttpClient.ServerTimestampSynchronize; // ERROR at this point
if Assigned(Model) then FreeAndNil(Model);
if Assigned(HttpClient) then FreeAndNil(HttpClient);
Thank You for pointing out and surely will follow good programming practice. Any good link\articles\Books that you can suggest for good Delphi Programming practices that you follow.
Thank You for your time and effort.
Last edited by srp (2021-11-23 07:59:20)
I can confirm this error using Mormot2
The error happens in, line 2383 but this is caused by the previous call in line 2375 due the contents of fProxyName and fProxyByPass that have a content of '='
fSession := WinHttpApi.Open(
pointer(Utf8ToSynUnicode(fProxyByPass)), 0);
From line 652,
fProxyName and fProxyByPass have a content of '='
where the initial JSON is:
I think the problem is that ProxyName ProxyByPass are empty after the '=' for UrlDecodeValue
Last edited by dcoun (2021-11-23 21:16:06)
Re: 'Any good link\articles\Books' the 1970's book by Niklaus Wirth 'Algorithms+Data Structures=Programs' is still worth a read.
Last edited by esmondb (2021-11-23 21:34:55)
Thank You @dcoun for confirming.
Thank You @esmondb. Will definitely go through the book
I further investigated and think the error is at this point '' at line 1934.
constructor TRest.RegisteredClassCreateFrom(aModel: TOrmModel;
aDefinition: TSynConnectionDefinition; aServerHandleAuthentication: boolean);
// ADefinition should be used / assigned at this point.
Edit : I am wrong.
@dcoun you are spot on. I checked and if I make the change in line 2368 of from
if fProxyName = '' then
if (fProxyName = '') or (fProxyName = '=''''') then
It works as expected.
Thank You
Last edited by srp (2021-11-24 06:32:44)
The JSON seems fine:
The problem seems with TRestHttpClient.CreateFromJson, which fails to unserialize the values from DatabaseName. After unserialization, ProxyName should be a void '' string.
There was indeed a bug in TRestHttpClientGeneric.RegisteredClassCreateFrom.
Which was also existing in mORMot 1.18 - I will correct it there too!
Sorry for the issue.
Thank You @Ab.