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mormot.db.raw.sqlite3, line 6810, had the max memory hard coded as 4096 - is that intentional?
"TSqlRequest.Execute: output overflow after 512 MB for []'.
function DirectExplainQueryPlan(DB: TSqlite3DB; const aSql: RawUtf8): RawUtf8;
R: TSqlRequest;
cnt: integer;
result := R.ExecuteJson(DB, 'explain query plan ' + aSql, true, @cnt, 4096,
[twoForceJsonExtended, twoIgnoreDefaultInRecord]);
if cnt = 0 then
result := ''; // no query plan
Last edited by wxinix (2021-12-29 01:56:45)
Do you have a query plan bigger than 4KB?
What is the SQL?
My guess is that the "explain query plan" is fine, but your request is too big.
There is indeed a query resultset size limitation at 512MB as stated by the error message: "TSqlRequest.Execute: output overflow after 512 MB for []".
512MB of JSON is way to much.
Use paging in your query for such tables.
If you really need to have all content of a table, use low-level SQlite3 direct access, but not the JSON/ORM level.
You may want to change the TSqlDataBase.StatementMaxMemory property to a higher value, but I would not recommend that because it would consume a lot of memory and the request will be blocking for other process.