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MSSQL server
Does the mormot always have to have index
Why the question, I have a table with index
And I get an error
"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [PRAGMA table_info (Users);] using 3.31.0 - Unregistered class, extended_errcode = 1."
Is there a workaround for this issue?
202 / 5 000
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This is probably not a problem with the index.
I feel a bit in the dark because the problem does not exist for me, but it does occur in the workplace.
I made a log and the server goes out at
20220308 12294943 EXC EOleSysError 80040154 ("Class not registered") [] at 5662b5 stack trace API 6df464 6df48c 40b828
20220308 12294943 EXC EOleSysError 80040154 ("Class not registered") [] at 5662b5 stack trace API 6df464 6df48c 40b828
20220308 12294943 EXC EOleSysError 80040154 ("Class not registered") [] at 5662b5 stack trace API 6df464 6df48c 40b6a0 77da88b4 77d94ee6 5662b5 7f5823 a39871 7e4e72 7e5537 7e7615 7e6e6a 7eaf66 a3caea 9c0005 9c0500 7b939e 9bd882 9689c5 968c3a 94d4a4 959f04 97992f 97a1bc 97ac68 95d019 95d16e 95d287 90bf18 9081fe
20220308 12294943 EXC EOleSysError 80040154 ("Class not registered") [] at 5662b5 stack trace API 6df464 6df48c 40b6a0 77da88b4 77d94ee6 5662b5 7f5823 a39871 7e4e72 7e5537 7e7615 7e6e6a 7eaf66 a3caea 9c0005 9c0500 7b939e 9bd882 9689c5 968c3a 94d4a4 959f04 97992f 97a1bc 97ac68 95d019 95d16e 95d287 90bf18 9081fe
20220308 12294943 EXC EOleSysError 80040154 ("Class not registered") [] at 5662b5 stack trace API 6df464 6df48c 40b828
20220308 12294943 EXC ESQLite3Exception {"ErrorCode":1,"SQLite3ErrorCode":"secERROR","Message":"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [PRAGMA table_info(Users);] using 3.31.0 - Class not registered, extended_errcode=1"} [] at 90c886 stack trace API 6df464 6df48c 40b828
20220308 12294943 EXC ESQLite3Exception {"ErrorCode":1,"SQLite3ErrorCode":"secERROR","Message":"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [PRAGMA table_info(Users);] using 3.31.0 - Class not registered, extended_errcode=1"} [] at 90c886 stack trace API 6df464 6df48c 40b6a0 77da88b4 77d94ee6 90c886 90bf86 9081fe 9b8d47 a6df48 625c9f 625877 625826 631379 a7ded2 76c3fa29 77d87a9e 77d87a6e
What should I look for next?
After I commented CreateMissingTables
I am getting an error
20220308 13083155 EXC ESQLite3Exception {"ErrorCode":1,"SQLite3ErrorCode":"secERROR","Message":"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [SELECT RowID,LogonName,DisplayName,PasswordHashHexa,GroupRights,idusera,username,pass,blokada,wygasa,fullname,ile,pass2,lastlogin,kod,phone,canreset,lastask FROM Users WHERE LogonName=?] using 3.31.0 - Class not registered, extended_errcode=1"} [] at 90c886 stack trace API 6df468 6df490 40b828
Last edited by konsul41 (2022-03-08 13:12:06)
EOleSysError "Class not registered" seems to be a MSSQL driver problem on your side.
You don't have the expected client COM / OLEDB objects for the platform you use (Win32 or Win64).
Also ensure you get the latest version of the source code and the static binaries.
SQlite version 3.31.0 is pretty old.
I use
What specific drivers does mormot use for this?
Is it about these? … erver-2017
Last edited by konsul41 (2022-03-08 16:16:18)
Pages: 1