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I decided to give a try to FPC and lazarus as @ab favors them
I have working code in delphi and in FPC in release mode but not in debugging for FPC
In Compiler Option Debugging, I have:
Check and assertion group all ticked
Generate info for the debugger ticked (Dwarf with sets)
Display line numbers in run-time errors ticked
Use Heaprtc unit ticked
All others are unchecked
-MObjFPC, Lazarus 2.2.0 (rev lazarus_2_2_0-122-gb464aafe69) FPC 3.2.3 i386-win32-win32/win64
An unhandled exception occurred at $006B732A:
EInvalidCast: Invalid type cast
$006B732A SETPARSERTYPE, line 9666 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/core/mormot.core.json.pas
$004CE255 CREATE, line 7328 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/core/mormot.core.rtti.pas
$004CFBC1 DOREGISTER, line 8096 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/core/mormot.core.rtti.pas
$004CFC92 DOREGISTER, line 8110 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/core/mormot.core.rtti.pas
$004D0CFD NEWINSTANCE, line 8642 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/core/mormot.core.rtti.pas
$004B980B CREATEEX, line 4373 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/core/
$006BE229 GLOBALCRYPTALGOINIT, line 4284 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/crypt/
$006BBB56 IMPLEMENTS, line 3305 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/crypt/
$0073619D INITIALIZEUNIT, line 5338 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/crypt/mormot.crypt.ecc.pas
$00736278 MORMOT.CRYPT.ECC_$$_init$, line 5345 of ../../../../../DG/mORMot2/src/crypt/mormot.crypt.ecc.pas
An other problem I found is that LibLocation of mysql library dll is ignored when compiled in FPC (in Delphi it works)
I am using ZEOS 8.0-patches from marsupilami79 and Mormot2 from Github in both Delphi/FPC
Last edited by dcoun (2022-03-13 13:44:52)
With Lazarus 2.2.0 (rev lazarus_2_2_0-0-g4d49533f10) FPC 3.2.2 i386-win32-win32/win64
It is compiled for the first time giving again the same error.
After that, without changes it can not be compiled and I am getting an error:
PCHRserver.lpr(52,1) Error: Undefined symbol: TC_$VARMAN_$$_itp_vardisp_calldesc$VARMAN$3
Varman is an wrapper unit having a class that has a variant and add/returns data using PDocVariantData and _safe(_v)^
I can not test it for linux in debug mode as I am running lazarus in windows.
It can not reproduced in your side, but are you using windows or Linux?
Should I forget fpc for windows (I already have Delphi 11 Pro) and use it only for Linux?
Concerning the ZEOS problem in linux can you reproduce the following?
My linux executable is searching for libmariadb.dll and I have tried to set the location with both ways:
a) myzurl:=TZURL.Create('zdbc:mysql://',server,port,db,rootuser,rootpass,zopts); with zopts to have "zopts.Add('LibLocation='+{$IFNDEF OSWINDOWS}'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/')"
b) myzurl.LibLocation
Thank you in advance
I am not able to reproduce your problem.
How did you write PCHRserver.lpr?
Don't post the code here directly, but in a link -- e.g. on
Concerning ZEOS problem?
Thank you Arnauld, I though so about Zeos, so probably I should return back to 7.0 for the moment....
What exactly do you want to see from PCHRserver.lpr as is about 40 units. Do you wan to see the varman unit that it is in the Undefined symbol error message?