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function TSQLRecordMany.ManyAdd(aClient: TSQLRest; aSourceID, aDestID: TID;
NoDuplicates: boolean; aUseBatch: TSQLRestBatch): boolean;
result := false;
if (self=nil) or (aClient=nil) or (aSourceID=0) or (aDestID=0) or
(fSourceID=nil) or (fDestID=nil) then
exit; // invalid parameters
if NoDuplicates and
(InternalIDFromSourceDest(aClient,aSourceID,aDestID)<>0) then
exit; // this TRecordReference pair already exists
fSourceID^ := aSourceID; <--- assigned int64 to integer
fDestID^ := aDestID; <--- assigned int64 to integer
if aUseBatch<>nil then
result := aUseBatch.Add(self,true)>=0 else
result := aClient.Add(self,true)<>0;
TSQLRecordMany = class(TSQLRecord)
fSourceID: PPtrInt; <-- integer
fDestID: PPtrInt; <-- integer
model class that use IDGenerator -> ID generate int64 number value > 2147516417 will rounded to 2147516417
for example
the ID will rounded from 3538742966002679809 to 2147516417 for data that stored in DB from class inherited from TSQLRecordMany (Tested with MongoDB)
This is not a bug.
This is a limitation due to the pointer size on 32-bit systems.
The source and dest fields are of type TSQLRecord, i.e. pointers, so are limited to 32-bit on 32-bit systems.
64-bit IDs were never supported for TSQLRecordMany on 32-bit systems, because they can't.
If you want to use huge ids, don't use TSQLRecordMany but regular TSQLRecord, with TID explicit fields (which are 64-bit), and make the SQL join by hand. Or even better, don't make joins, but define your ORM class as an aggregate (see the doc) with all needed fields in the single class.
Thank you for clarifying
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