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Trying to use Firedac in a trestbatch I am getting the following error:
Invalid call to TSqlDBFireDACStatement.BindArray(Param=36,Type=ftUnknown)
The exception comes from procedure TSqlDBStatement.BindArray(Param: integer; ParamType: TSqlDBFieldType; const Values: TRawUtf8DynArray; ValuesCount: integer);
in line 5938 of mormot.db.sql where Paramtype is ftUnknown
Looking the Orm class, this parameter is a rawutf8 and in the external mariadb database it is a Longtext field. Changing it to MediumText, the error does not exist anymore
Ok, so probably most of them can be changed to mediumtext to work with Batches.
Thank you @ab
I started with mormot2 and firedac a year ago. In the mean time I switched to zeos to have the same code base for FPC.
I did not delete the old code with firedac, I just used preprocessor conditionals to keep the firedac use.
Yesterday, I tried to use my codebase that works ok with zeos and mariadb, switching to firedac: TSqlDBFireDACConnectionProperties instead of TSQLDBZEOSConnectionProperties
The above was the first problem. Today I noticed that with firedac, mormot2 when starting, wants to add a database field from Orm that already exists as TinyInt instead of BigInt.
I just want to report that zeos and Firedac are not interchangeable under same common conditions