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Trying to use firedac from a windows client to connect to a Mysql database in a unix server I am getting errors that a table (with name in upper case) does not exist, and trying to create it I am getting errors. the table exists in the filesystem in lowercase.
I tried to fix it without success by adding
var dbmormot: TSqlDBFireDACConnectionProperties;
with dbmormot.Parameters do begin Add('MetaCaseInsCat=True'); Add('MetaCaseIns=True'); end;
and also:
procedure checkconnection(Sender: TSqlDBConnection; Event: TOnSqlDBProcessEvent);
if Event<>speCreated then exit;
with TSqlDBFireDACConnection(Sender).Database do begin
I noticed that mormot2 in mormot.rad.firedac line 332,
meta.ObjectName := Utf8ToString(UpperCase(aTableName));
or in line 367
TableName := Utf8ToString(UpperCase(aTableName));
I remove the Uppercase in both places and it works.
How do you propose me to deal with it? Am I missing an other configuration tunning point?
Thank you in advace
Last edited by dcoun (2023-02-07 13:53:56)
@ab do you propose something for the above?
It works OK after removing the "Uppercase" in Mormot2's mormot.rad.firedac and I do not have any special config in Mariadb
Please try
The uppercase conversion may still be needed with some databases.
Therefore, deleting the UpperCase() may not please everyone.
So I introduced a new property. By default, it should work for you now.
Thank you a lot @ab