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Hi Guys,
I starting develop mormot using mormot2.
I trying build a ticket system as prove of concept.
I had read this topics and I would like know why not can use PUT/DELETE with SOA interfaced based?
Congratulations for the Server.Route.Get/Post/Put/Delete article. I'm using this approach.
But do not works to DELETE/PUT
Server.Route.Get('/projeto/<id>', 'root/find/<id>'); // works
Server.Route.Delete('/projeto/<id>', 'root/delete/<id>'); // dont works
Why Route DELETE cannot get the instace of service and call your delete(id: integer) method as the GET does?
And some base classe that implements IInvokable could expose a virtual method called DoRequest(Ctxt: TRestServerUriContext)? so the programmer could be treat others situations not implemented by mormot!
What you think?
For DELETE/PUT please try with the following:
For procedure TMyServer.MyMethod(Ctxt: TRestServerUriContext) what I propose is to let the framework recognize the signature and run it as a method-based service.
Pages: 1