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Im not pretty sure "when" it changed. but we noticed today, that RawByteStrings (member of a record) are send without JSON_BASE64_MAGIC Chars at the beginning.
SynCrossplatformJSON's Base64JSONStringToBytes testet for this by default and as it is not present my Blob is not received.
I changed the Withbase64Magic to false and my Blob is received correct.
my m2 Record looks like this:
RRecord = packed record
dateiname : RawUtf8;
groesseinbytes : integer;
dateityp : RawUtf8;
dateidatum : TDateTime;
dokument : RawByteString; // <- This Data is send without magic
On Client it looks like this:
RRecord = record
dateiname: String;
groesseinbytes: Integer;
dateityp: String;
dateidatum: TDateTime;
dokument: TSQLRawBlob;
function Variant2RRecord (_variant: variant): RRecord;
var _a: integer;
_arr: PJSONVariantData;
result.dateiname := _variant.dateiname;
result.groesseinbytes := _variant.groesseinbytes;
result.dateityp := _variant.dateityp;
result.dateidatum := Iso8601ToDateTime(_variant.dateidatum);
result.dokument := VariantToBlob(_variant.dokument);
Is this the new "default" behavior or is it an Error ?
Rad Studio 12.1 Santorini
Rad Studio 12.1 Santorini
Pages: 1