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I downloaded Mormot2.1 and I'm looking for an example of Mormon2 using authentication to test my new JavaScript Mormot2 libraries which will be released open source.
I found a good example with Client and Server in :
There is an accompanying article, unfortunately, my ancient grade-school German is too stale to be able to understand it.
But my problem is I keep getting CORS errors if I try to access the Mormon service with a Web browser.
This is even though the stock code has the line:
FHttpServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*';
which in my experience fixes CORS. Not sure why it doesn't here.
This is currently a roadblock.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
BTW, I was using 2.1-stable if that matters.
Here is the translation of the article into English with Google Translator. The result is not perfect, but it is readable.
I used the server as an example for a new article with TMS WebCore. Unfortunately I didn't pay attention during the implementation and developed against an older version of mORMot2. I had no time for a revision for a year. The following changes were made that it works with the WebCore Miletus App example:
constructor TFileRestServer.Create(const pmcRootName: RawUtf8; const pmcDataFolder: TFileName);
if not DirectoryExists(pmcDataFolder) then
raise Exception.Create('A data directory must be specified.');
CreateWithOwnModel([TAuthGroup, TFileAuthUser], {HandleUserAuthentication=} False, pmcRootName);
// Register the authentication methods selectively
{$IF DEFINED(AuthNone)}
(AuthenticationRegister(TRestServerAuthenticationDefault) as TRestServerAuthenticationSignedUri).NoTimestampCoherencyCheck := True;
constructor TTestServerMain.Create(const pmcCustomerConfigFileName: TFileName; const pmcDataFolder: TFileName);
inherited Create;
FRestServer := TFileRestServer.Create(ROOT_NAME_FILE, pmcDataFolder);
FRestServer.NoAjaxJson := False; // Important that JavaScript can process the result
With best regards
Pages: 1