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Pages: 1
I'm a little confused
The documentation says:
- THttpServerRequestAbstract = abstract generic input/output structure used for HTTP server requests
- THttpServerRequest = generic input/output structure used for HTTP server requests
- TSQLRestServerURIContext = mORMot 1 backward compatibility types redirections of the next:
- TRestServerUriContext = calling context for a TOnRestServerCallBack event handler
You have several layers,
- one pure HTTP which starts with THttpServer*
- one at REST level, maybe without HTTP, which starts with TRestServer*
In mORMot, we make a distinction between REST and HTTP.
Because both are not the same, and in mORMot REST client-server logic may work without HTTP, e.g. in-process or over WebSockets or Unix sockets.
All this is explained in the mORMot 1 documentation.
Which is the reference for concepts and guidance.
thank you ,seems I should read the tutorial 1.18 more carefully
Pages: 1