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Env: Windows64 / Lazarus3.2+fpc3.2fix + mORMot2 trunk
json: RawUtf8;
dataset: TOrmTableDataSet;
json := '[{"F":1},{"F":2},{"F":3},{"F":2},{"F":null},{"F":0},{"F":null}]';
dataset := TOrmTableDataSet.CreateFromJson(Application, json, [oftInteger]); // Create a DataSet
dataset.Table.SortFields('F', True); // Sort Field
expected: null, null, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3
actual: 0, null, null, 1, 2, 2, 3
Did I make a mistake?
Another question: I want to sort Japanese/Chinese fields, the {CustomCompare} para in SortFields how should I put in?
Last edited by delphi_911 (2024-10-10 01:30:06)
Null is just handled as 0 when sorting as oftInteger, because it handles Utf8CompareInt64(), which does not support null.
A custom compare function is the right way to handle null, or sort with UTF-8 content.
I guess you could try to use our Utf8ICompReference() from mormot.core.unicode.
I tested [Utf8ICompReference] from mormot.core.unicode. did not get correct order when there were Chinese/Japanese characters.
And found [AnsiIComp] in got the correct order but a lot more slower.
Last edited by delphi_911 (2024-10-09 09:12:18)
In fact, Utf8ICompReference()
- is platform-neutral, i.e. gives the same results on all OS and all pascal compilers;
- will be case-insensitive, i.e. convert uppercase/lowercase characters;
- will use the "natural Unicode" order, i.e. the 32-bit UCS4 code point integer value, which may not be what you expect.
I will add something using the OS comparison function.
Please try
Utf8CompareOS works OK with Chinese/Japanese characters, and much faster then sysstr - AnsiStrComp.
Thank you so much for your support!