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i need to print a text rotated or paragraph on X,Y of a page.
-> Need to print a paragraph on X = 105mm, Y = 148,5mm of a page. But i need to print rotated on 180 degrees.
I try to rotate canvas:
mode := GetGraphicsMode(PDFDocumentGdi.VCLCanvas.Handle);
GetWorldTransform(PDFDocumentGdi.VCLCanvas.Handle, XformOLD);
SetGraphicsMode(PDFDocumentGdi.VCLCanvas.Handle, GM_ADVANCED);
XForm.eM11 := Cos(DegToRad(angle));
XForm.eM12 := Sin(DegToRad(angle));
XForm.eM21 := -Sin(DegToRad(angle));
XForm.eM22 := Cos(DegToRad(angle));
XForm.eDx := PDFPage.PageWidth;
XForm.eDy := PDFPage.PageHeight;
SetWorldTransform(PDFDocumentGdi.VCLCanvas.Handle, Xform);
SetGraphicsMode(PDFDocumentGdi.VCLCanvas.Handle, mode);
The page rotation occurs normally, but the position of the text is not printed on 105 and 148.5.
Can you help me?