#1 2024-11-05 19:16:11

From: Brazil
Registered: 2016-10-26
Posts: 108

Error Handling dificulty

I've forced an exception by putting a misnamed field in my SQL. During "RetrieveDocVariantArray" for sample, I get the SQL error, but after that, I can't catch the error message.

I tried:
GetLastError is 0
LastDBErrorID is 0
HasDBError is False

What I can use to capture this exception that i see on log?

"ESqlite3Exception {Message:"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [SELECT xSample.RowID, Sample.*, s.numbernumberrequest, s.patient, s.datarequest FROM Sample inner join Request s on (s.RowID = Sample.requestID) where (sample.companyID = ?) and (s.numero = ?) order by s.numero, Sample.numero ] using 3.44.2 - no such column: xSample.RowID", ErrorCode:1, SQLite3ErrorCode:"secERROR"} [TAppRestHttpSrv 8081v1 THttpSrv] at 8ed37c"

debugging i see that some part of caching clearDBError.

Last edited by mrbar2000 (2024-11-05 19:16:45)


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