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There are some way to mapping property with names diferents between record and object. i.e:
TDTOAPerson TClient
Name ----> ClientName
BirthDay ----> BirthDay
I see something about TMapRTTI on last version of mormot, but i dont see on forum, blog or documentation nothing about this.
The documentation is part of the source comments of TRttiMap.
See also test.core.base.pas line 2456 and following.
Thanks i read all.
1) There are some list to register many TRttiMap like RegisterFromText?
2) What u think that pass some method to be called during ToA or ToB where I can make copyvalue or no!?
ex: m.ToA(@MeuRecord, @MyConvertMethodToA)
function MyConvertMethodToA(A, B: pointer; PropName: String; pA, pB: PPRttiCustomProp): Boolean;
v: TVarData;
if PropnameB = 'Name' then
v := 'Sr. ' + GetValueVariant(A, v) <<< i think that don't work this way, just to explain the idea
// here i can change the value to be put in A property "Name".
pA^.SetValueVariant(A, v); <<< something like this
Result := True
end else
Result := False;
procedure TRttiMap.ToA(A, B, MethodToA: pointer);
handled: boolean;
if MethodToA <> Nil then
handled := MethodToA(A, B, PropName, pA, pB) <<< I dont know if will need all this params
if not handled and (pa^ <>) nil then
pb^.CopyValue(A, B, pa^); // copy this mapped property value
until n = 0;
What u think?
The usecase of TRttiMap is to easily copy field values by names.
What you are supposed to do is:
- use TRttiMap to copy field values by name
- leave the dest field name as '' to ignore a field
- add your own custom code for those ignored fields, which may need additional process
This "custom code" would be easy and nice, with no RTTI involved.
Using a MethodToA() function sounds clearly over-complicated to me.
The usecase of TRttiMap is to easily copy field values by names.
What you are supposed to do is:
- use TRttiMap to copy field values by name
- leave the dest field name as '' to ignore a field
- add your own custom code for those ignored fields, which may need additional processThis "custom code" would be easy and nice, with no RTTI involved.
Using a MethodToA() function sounds clearly over-complicated to me.
MyConvertMethod is to specific cases, where we cant convert A to B, o B to A directly
a new function in TRttimap
function TRttiMap.CustomMap(MyConvertMethod): PRttiMap;
Sample of use:
TDTOClient.Date is String;
TOrmClient.DateFinal is TDateTime;
map.Init(TypeInfo(TDTOClient), TOrmClient)
'FatherName', '', // ignore in A
'', 'MatherName' // ignore in B
.Map('Date', 'DateFinal')
procedure TMyService.MyConvertMethod(map: TRttimap; AToB: Boolean; propertyName: String; A, B: pointer)
if AToB and (propertyName = 'Date') then then
map.SetValue(B, propertyName, ConvertIsoString2DateTime(map.GetValue(A, propertyName)))
map.SetValue(A, propertyName, ConvertDateTime2IsoString(map.GetValue(B, propertyName)));
Yes, I understood what you meant.
But my idea is to use functions for the conversion.
It is safer, faster and cleaner.
function ToOrm(const client: TDTOClient): TOrmClient; overload;
result := mapClient.ToB(@client);
result.DateFinal := ConvertIsoString2DateTime(client.Date);
The main benefit is to use strong typing.
You could just use ToOrm() and ToDto() with no doubt, and the pointers are hidden.
Just to prove my point, your callback function is incorrect, if AToB is true and the property is not 'Date".
Even for you, such a callback function is overcomplicated.
Are u completly correct. Thanks AB
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