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Hi ab,
i must access some informations from the certificate from the peer for a connect client (THttpClientSocket).
Via the TNetTlsContext there is allready access to some Information (PeerIssuer,PeerSubject)
and if TNetTlsContext.WithPeerInfo = true also the full information (PeerInfo) in a text represantation.
Is it possible to append "CertInfo: TX509Parsed;" to the TNetTlsContext-Record and assign it to the NetTlsContext?
With the addition to the TNetTlsContext and a change in / TSChannelNetTls.AfterConnection line 2100
if Context.WithPeerInfo then
the infos are accessible for the client. For this to work i must also put the definition of WinInfoToParse in the inferface part.
{$ifdef OSWINDOWS}
procedure WinInfoToParse(const c: TWinCertInfo; out Info: TX509Parsed);
not perfect and also only working for win/schannel at the moment.
Other option would be to fill the TX509Parsed via the PeerInfo-Text, but i didn't find a function in your great framework to interpret the text (opposite of ParsedToText). And maybe the PeerInfo text key-names are not a defacto-standard?
Maybe it is also possible to implement something that is already there for openssl (GetPeerCertFromUrl(const url: RawUtf8): PX509DynArray;) for the other clients (socket/schannel,...)
Be aware that there seems to be a breaktion change with the certificate-chain order in some windows-versions. Found this on curl implemention:
One use case would be:
Request the external wan-ip via a service (for example: Make a connect with (IgnoreCert and WithPeerInfo) to find the webserver - hostname/common-name and maybe the alt.names from a service inside the lan, that don't know the public dns-names. After that the service can check if the "websites, https" is running via a second request. -> "Self Monitoring" https-endpoint from inside without the info from a config what url to monitor.
Best regards,
Is it possible to append "CertInfo: TX509Parsed;" to the TNetTlsContext-Record and assign it to the NetTlsContext?
The problem is that this TX509Parsed is not known in and we would rather not make a dependency from to
But I will look into some kind of solution.
Edit: Please try
I have also implemented this field on OpenSSL.
And if you need more, you have the INetTls.GetRawTls method.
Hi ab,
thanks for the quick change.
it works for me. Is it possible to make WinInfoToParse usable (move to interface?)
{$ifdef OSWINDOWS}
procedure WinInfoToParse(const c: TWinCertInfo; out Info: TX509Parsed);
I also realized with my test that the the alternative DNS-Names are not yet parsed by WinCertCtxtDecode in (mormot.lib.sspi) as also mentioned in comment...
Info.SubjectAltNames := ''; // not yet part of TWinCertInfo
Any plans to integrate that Subject Alternative Name (SAN) attribute (OID: … extensions
Thanks again.
Please try with
What should i say - you are the best!
Thank you so much.