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Hi Arnaud, this topic is not very easy, but i can not find the reason.
Using a m2 TRestHttpServer with WEBSOCKETS_DEFAULT_MODE and TRestHttpClientSocket only http connection
we get unexpected request timeouts on client site.
In Log we can see timestamp request to server, auth, instance and contract request.
But then using one of the interface function sometimes gives "request timeout"
On Server site we can see all as normal. but if request timeout nothing is in log on server site.
We checked firewall / content filter there should be nothing.
Do you have any idea what else we can check / Enable any extra log or so ?
Rad Studio 12.2 Athens
What do you call "request timeout"?
Is it a HTTP_TIMEOUT = 408 error code?
On server side:
Is it visible on the server side, via TRestServerUriContext.ExecuteCommand() as TimeOut method - i.e. InternalLog('TimeOut %.Execute(%) after % ms' ?
Do you use the HeaderRetrieveAbortDelay option?
On client side:
It may come from a long SockReceivePending()=cspNoData line 2373 of THttpClientSocket from
Is it the case?
As written in the comment:
// timeout may happen not because the server took its time, but
// because the network is down: sadly, the socket is still reported
// as OK by the OS (on both Windows and POSIX)
Edit: Please try with
Today we had "same" behavior like @itSDS (I'm looking for errors on our side first and since weeks), but it's not a client issue on our side.
1. service isn't responsive any more (/timestamp over curl gives timeout too).
2. absolut no cpu-usage in any thread
3. no exceptions or error in (verbose) log file before.
4. absolut no timeout in postgres.
Our service runs since yesterday evening and we had about 40' request per hour till the issue at 2:20 pm.
We are using mORMot commit #fe67be7b8 / / linux (fpc 3.2.0).
Last edited by danielkuettner (2025-02-03 16:05:54)
@AB yes its a 408 error. I made a documented client / Server / Log and sent it to you also.
Rad Studio 12.2 Athens
Hi Arnaud, i checked all of this:
What do you call "request timeout"?
Is it a HTTP_TIMEOUT = 408 error code?
On server side:
Is it visible on the server side, via TRestServerUriContext.ExecuteCommand() as TimeOut method - i.e. InternalLog('TimeOut %.Execute(%) after % ms' ?
No on Server site i can see nothing
Do you use the HeaderRetrieveAbortDelay option?
On client side:
It may come from a long SockReceivePending()=cspNoData line 2373 of THttpClientSocket from
Is it the case?
I don't know, i will add DoLog To OnLog
And the Connection is still alive - Server is responding to other clients
Client is sending next Request if i start any
The Only Thing i observed is, that the Packed is "bigger" lets say 600KB to 2MB
Rad Studio 12.2 Athens
And the Connection is still alive - Server is responding to other clients
Client is sending next Request if i start any
So your case seems different to Daniel's, who has a stuck server with no response at all
The Only Thing i observed is, that the Packed is "bigger" lets say 600KB to 2MB
Could you send me the full log by email (link?), please?
Hello Arnaud,
I could find the location of our culprit today.
But I'm not able to understand it by now and have to test more.
Hi Arnaud yes i think daniel has an other problem.
I sent you new Logs today with low level logs
And yes my Problem is primary with big data packets (exact size unkown) but its reproducable in different client server scenarios.
Rad Studio 12.2 Athens
Hi Arnaud, i',m back from holiday, did you change something i can test ?
atm we switched back to standard server implementation
Last edited by itSDS (2025-03-04 11:00:59)
Rad Studio 12.2 Athens
Pages: 1