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After the execution of aDB.Backup(), all my ORM operations failed. Here is the error message:
ESqlite3Exception {Message:"Error SQLITE_MISUSE (21) [SELECT ID,Channelname,Url,Suburl,Tcpmode,Onvif,User,Password,Sipid,Sipstreams,Sipchannelname FROM Inputstream WHERE RowID=?] using 3.46.1 - bad parameter or other API misuse",ErrorCode:21,SQLite3ErrorCode:"secMISUSE"} [] at 53d310 ../../src/db/mormot.db.raw.sqlite3.pas (5828) ../../src/db/mormot.db.raw.sqlite3.pas (8642) ../../src/db/mormot.db.raw.sqlite3.pas (8964) ....
Did I do something wrong?
As documented, TSqlDataBase.Backup() closes the database so it is not suited for multi-threaded ORM for sure.
Try to use TSqlDataBase.BackupBackground() instead.
This is actually tested in … .pas#L1761
(the regression tests are a good place to look at and search for patterns)
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