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Probably a scenario for a newbie but I am not still sure how to implemented correctly with mormot2:
Everything from the following is happening in the server which connects to an external database and I am using AcquireExecutionMode[execOrmWrite/Get]:=amBackgroundThread;
I have a table TormTable, that except the table ID, it has also an other unique field unif, covered with a unique database index.
property unif:ptrint read Funif write Funif;
Before I add a new record in this table (as one job in a list of sql orm adds), I check if an existing record has the same content with the field TormTable.unif and use this record instead.
My problem is to add a new record in this table in a race condition:
Checking if a record with the same TormTable.unif exists and using a TRestBatch for all adds in my function is a solution.
But it can cause a error is a record with the same TormTable.unif contents was just inserted by an other web client request. (There is also a small possibility that such a record can be added by an other external software in the db-This table is defined to check maxID before each insert in mormot).
I was thinking that I can repeat the check and the Trestbatch. But sometimes I am getting out of sync errors from Zeos with indexes collisions and I have not find a solution to avoid them.
In such a case, what is the appropriate way to close and recreate the connection or refresh the db connection pool, in a running mormot server?
An other solution is to use db transaction locking for this table.
1. In such a case, should I use AcquireExecution[execOrmWrite].Safe^.Lock; before Begintransaction?
2. calling commit, if I get an exception should I issue a rollback?
Generally which is the safe way to handle a transaction?
Thank you in advance
Some comments:
1) don't use PtrInt for a field, it is not portable between 32-bit and 64-bit. Use explicit Int64 or integer.
2) what do you store into this field? Why just not use the TID?
3) look at TSynUniqueIdentifier if you really need a separated field, or at TOrmModel.SetIDGenerator() to have the ORM fill the TID directly.
Some comments:
1) don't use PtrInt for a field, it is not portable between 32-bit and 64-bit. Use explicit Int64 or integer.
2) what do you store into this field? Why just not use the TID?
3) look at TSynUniqueIdentifier if you really need a separated field, or at TOrmModel.SetIDGenerator() to have the ORM fill the TID directly.
The unique field TormTable.unif's content is predefined by other source. I can not change it. But I must have one record in the table per TormTable.unif content.
I thought about hash32 for defining idvalue but I want to avoid it, because in other tables I have multiple unique fields and it becomes more possible for duplicate hash result
So why not just this PtrInt field as the TID?
Because in the near future, the unique field can be a string too. In an other table, it is a GUID
So the easiest in your case is to use a global lock during the process.
And perhaps use an in-memory cache - e.g. via TSynDictionary - of the unique field, for lookup. Reading all Id and UniF values at server startup, then using it as fast reference.
And about the batch adding, don't use a manual transaction, but let the TRestBatch implement it for you.
It could fallback and rollback the whole batch if needed.
The problem with the TrestBatch, is that sometimes the next orm object needs first object's IDvalue in one of its properties.
How can I handle this?
By filling the in-memory dictionary during preparing the TRestBatch.
In case of error writing, just rollback the in-memory dictionary by reading again all id/unif from DB again (it should not be called anyway).
The in-memory dictionary can not be used if I have an other app outside mormot that feeds too records.
I can use the in-memory dictionary for a number of tables, but not for all.
In an other thread, you propose to recreate the database connection. How can I do that?
I notice that I can "expire" the connections pool. What should I check before doing that?
Zeos with mariadb
postgresql with mormot's direct