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I am a very satisfied user of your tools and congratulate you for your work!
I was faced with two problems I could fix.
SynTaskDialog version 1.17
On one computer the message was larger than the dialog form. Curiously the function AddLabel in TTaskDialog.Execute sets the correct width to the label but after setting the caption the width was larger. I realized that the message had a very very long word (web site adress).
Here are the changes I made:
function AddLabel(const Text: string; BigFont: boolean): TLabel;
var // <- NEW
vRect: TRect; // <- NEW
result := TLabel.Create(Form);
result.Parent := Par;
result.WordWrap := true;
if BigFont then begin
if aEmulateClassicStyle then begin
result.Font.Height := FontHeight-2;
result.Font.Style := [fsBold]
end else begin
result.Font.Height := FontHeight-4;
result.Font.Color := $B00000;
end else
result.Font.Height := FontHeight;
result.Left := X;
result.Top := Y;
result.AutoSize := False; // <- NEW
vRect := Rect(0, 0, aWidth-X-8, result.Height); // <- NEW
result.Height := DrawText(result.Canvas.Handle, PChar(CR(Text)), - 1, vRect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_WORDBREAK); // <- NEW
result.Width := aWidth-X-8;
result.Caption := CR(Text);
SynPDF 1.16
If I don't have outline in my report, I don't have zoom button enabled !
In the "else" part of the last "if" in the procedure TGDIPages.EndDoc, I replaced "M.Enabled := false;" to "M.Enabled := True;"
procedure TGDIPages.EndDoc;
if UseOutlines and (fOutline.Count>0) then begin
Root.Enabled := true;
M := Root;
for i := 0 to fOutline.Count-1 do
with TGDIPagereference(fOutline.Objects[i]) do begin
while (M<>Root) and (cardinal(-2000-M.Tag)<cardinal(fOutline.Count)) and
(Rect.Bottom<=TGDIPagereference(fOutline.Objects[-2000-M.Tag]).Rect.Bottom) do
M := M.Parent;
M := NewPopupMenuItem(fOutline[i],-2000-i,M);
end else
//M.Enabled := False; // <- COMMENT
M.Enabled := True; // <- NEW
I hope this could help
SynTaskDialog has been modified to compute the height by hand, as you proposed.
I was not able to reproduce the issue with bookmarks.
I tried with the Report sample program: no problem with bookmarks.
So nothing changed yet here - M.Enabled should be left to false here until we are able to reproduce it.
Do you customize the menus?
In the "05 - Report created from code" project from the last mORMot, uncomment the 2 "DrawTitle" calls and run.
//DrawTitle('This is your text',false,0,'','bookmarkname');
The zoom button is not enabled because there is not a least one outline (DrawTitle add an outline when useoutline = true).
Have a nice day
There was indeed an issue.
But the fix was not exactly what you proposed.
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
I looked at your patch for SynTaskDialog
Your code is not identical to the one I proposed but seems effectively correct.
So I tried it and... It did not work !
I reused my code and... It did work !
But... I don't know why ???!!!
This the test on a Windows XP where Calibri font is not installed so Tahoma font is used
vDialogue : TTaskDialog;
vDialogue.Title := 'My Title';
vDialogue.Inst := 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer';
vDialogue.Content := 'Libero interdum "' +
'necVestibulumidsedetwisinequetinciduntMorbiAliquampedetinciduntSedsempercursusorciipsumipsumegestasProinTortortempus' +
'" (' +
'neque libero Curabitur Donec non Morbi et odio ' +
'Praesent. Felis tincidunt vitae turpis malesuada fames\n\n'+
'sodales ac Suspendisse augue Aenean. Euismod Aenean non\n\n' +
'Morbi et vitae at hendrerit Quisque vitae accumsan. Tellus pretium adipiscing leo Curabitur\n\n' +
'Pellentesque turpis lacus Nulla.\n\n' +
'Curabitur faucibus risus eget nisl Lorem libero augue dui Nullam urna. Convallis';
vDialogue.Buttons := 'Button1'#10'Button2';
vDialogue.Verify := 'Ne plus afficher ce message';
vDialogue.VerifyChecked := False;
vDialogue.Execute([], 100, [tdfUseCommandLinks], tiWarning);
With your code below for AddLabel it does not work
function AddLabel(Text: string; BigFont: boolean): TLabel;
var R: TRect;
result := TLabel.Create(Form);
result.Parent := Par;
result.WordWrap := true;
if BigFont then begin
if aEmulateClassicStyle then begin
result.Font.Height := FontHeight-2;
result.Font.Style := [fsBold]
end else begin
result.Font.Height := FontHeight-4;
result.Font.Color := $B00000;
end else
result.Font.Height := FontHeight;
Text := CR(Text);
result.AutoSize := false;
R.Left := 0;
R.Top := 0;
R.Right := aWidth-X-8;
R.Bottom := result.Height;
R.Bottom := DrawText(result.Canvas.Handle,pointer(Text),-1,R,DT_CALCRECT or DT_WORDBREAK);
result.Caption := Text;
With my code below it does work
function AddLabel(const Text: string; BigFont: boolean): TLabel;
vRect: TRect;
result := TLabel.Create(Form);
result.Parent := Par;
result.WordWrap := true;
if BigFont then begin
if aEmulateClassicStyle then begin
result.Font.Height := FontHeight-2;
result.Font.Style := [fsBold]
end else begin
result.Font.Height := FontHeight-4;
result.Font.Color := $B00000;
end else
result.Font.Height := FontHeight;
result.Left := X;
result.Top := Y;
result.AutoSize := False;
vRect := Rect(0, 0, aWidth-X-8, result.Height);
result.Height := DrawText(result.Canvas.Handle, PChar(CR(Text)), - 1, vRect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_WORDBREAK);
result.Width := aWidth-X-8;
result.Caption := CR(Text);
Did I missed enormous something ?
Thanks for your help
In fact, after a call to DrawText() API, the R.Right content is changed!
I was not expecting this...
It should be fixed by
Thanks for the feedback!
I tested successfully the last SynTaskDialog and SynPDF patches.
Thank you
Pages: 1