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Hi All,
I have had the need to combine several jobs to produce a document pack from our application. This application takes data from both HTMLView and the DevExpress ExpressQuantumGrid Suite / DevExpress Printing system. I've been looking for a long time to find the best way to do this and I have now found it. Html2Pdf covers getting the data from HTML View. I hope to demonstrate one way of getting the data from the DevExpress printing system.
First the print code for DevExpress. The key here is to use the function EnumPagesAsImages. The first parameter is an array of integers indicating the pages you want to convert to an image. To keep things simple I do one page at a time. The second parameter determines the image type to use. As the SynPDF system works with well metafiles that is the graphic type I have used. The third determines if the background should be painted. The forth parameter is a call back function to receive the rendered image. Parameters 5, 6 & 7 are data pointers which I don't use.
PageCount: Integer;
// Other printing preparation code goes here
// Force the printout to regenerate
// Copy each page to the PDF document
for PageCount := 0 To dxComponentPrinter1.GetPageCount - 1 do begin
dxComponentPrinter1.EnumPagesAsImages([PageCount], TMetaFile, False, PDFPrinter.AppendDevExpressGrid, nil, nil, nil);
Now the PDF document class. This just simple code so far. I hope to improve it to scale the metafile so I can add my own borders and additional headers and footers.
TDevExpress2SynPDF = class(TPdfDocumentGDI)
constructor Create(AUseOutlines: Boolean=false; ACodePage: integer=0; APDFA1: boolean=false);
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure AppendDevExpressGrid(AComponentPrinter: TCustomdxComponentPrinter; AReportLink: TBasedxReportLink;
AIndex, APageIndex: Integer; const AGraphic: TGraphic;
AData: Pointer; var AContinue: Boolean);
uses SynGdiPlus;
procedure TDevExpress2SynPDF.AppendDevExpressGrid(
AComponentPrinter: TCustomdxComponentPrinter; AReportLink: TBasedxReportLink;
AIndex, APageIndex: Integer; const AGraphic: TGraphic; AData: Pointer;
var AContinue: Boolean);
Emf : TMetafile;
R : TRect;
PdfPage : TPdfpage;
if AGraphic is TMetaFile then begin
Emf := AGraphic as TMetaFile;
// Make this page landscape
PdfPage := Self.AddPage;
PdfPage.PageWidth := Self.DefaultPageHeight;
PdfPage.PageHeight := Self.DefaultPageWidth;
R.Left := 0;
R.Top := 0;
R.Bottom := Emf.Height;
R.Width := Emf.Width;
Gdip.DrawAntiAliased(Emf, Self.VCLCanvas.Handle, R, smAntiAlias, trhClearTypeGridFit);
constructor TDevExpress2SynPDF.Create(AUseOutlines: Boolean; ACodePage: integer;
APDFA1: boolean);
inherited Create(AUseOutlines, ACodePage, APDFA1);
Gdip := TGDIPlusFull.Create;
destructor TDevExpress2SynPDF.Destroy;
I use the Gdip.DrawAntiAliased as the normal metafile SynPDF functions produce either a black and white image with some backgrounds and lines missing or the PDF file is blank.
I hope this code helps somebody out but please post comments, suggestions or improvements to my code.
Take care,
Pages: 1