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i use a view base class with more overloaded methods that can return an array of selected ids/an array with all field values of selected rows/tobjectlist with all object selected etc etc...
Please download the following pdf: … 201.18.pdf
Take a look at the paragraphs about ORM queries.
You have several code sample in there, using either CreateAndFillPrepare/FillOne either TSQLTableJSON.
sorry eraldo,
i don't need a method to do a select of view (where "view" is a database view) or you need a method to get an user's selection of record from a view (where "view" is V part in MVC)?
I suspect you are speaking about a DB view.
The ORM is not able to create a view, by design.
So it was not meant to work with it.
Depending on the backend database engine, it may work - but for instance for SQLIte3 it won't work, since it will try to create a missing table with the view name.
But both the SQLIte3 core and the underlying SynDB*.pas are able to access views.
So you can easily create an interface-based service, run a query on a view, then return it directly as RawJSON to the client.
Then, on the client, use a TSQLTableJSON to work on the context. You can use a dedicated TSQLRecord class mapping the returned view column layout for direct ORM access, with FillOne, as usual.
See sample in directory "SQLite3/Samples/16 - Execute SQL via services" for how to work with SQL queries via services.
Thank lele9,
Really i'm speaking about the DB view.
The ab is correct. I'm currently using interface-based service, to return to the client a select on a view.
I imagined that someone could be doing this in another way.
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