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It was told on this Blog that the Delphi memory manager (FastMM4 since Borland 2006 - but it was even worse with the previous "Borland's" MM), doesn't scale well on multi-code CPU. That is, if you have a multi-threaded application with a lot of memory handling (e.g. aString := aString+someString), the Delphi MM won't scale with multi cores. When I mean "don't scale", I mean that the optimistic though of "my CPU has 4 cores, therefore the same work run in 4 threads will be 4 times faster than with 1 thread" is false. It perform even worse with multiple threads than with 1 thread...
So we went into forking a nice project, named ScaleMM, and created our scalable optimized MM, named SynScaleMM. Our forked modifications were even included in the main ScaleMM branch.
During my profiling of our SynScaleMM, I discovered some very nice results with Delphi compiler inlining features.
One main method of the unit is the following:
function TThreadMemManager.GetMem(aSize: NativeUInt): Pointer;
bm: PMemBlockList;
if aSize <= (length(FMiniMemoryBlocks)*32) then
if aSize > 0 then
// blocks of 32: 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224
bm := @FMiniMemoryBlocks[(aSize-1) shr 5] else
Result := nil;
else if aSize <= (length(FSmallMemoryBlocks)*256) then
// blocks of 256: 256,512,768,1024,1280,1536,1792 bytes
bm := @FSmallMemoryBlocks[(aSize-1) shr 8]
{$ifdef USEMEDIUM}
else if aSize <= (length(FMediumMemoryBlocks)*2048) then
// blocks of 2048: 2048, 4096... bytes
bm := @FMediumMemoryBlocks[(aSize-1) shr 11]
// larger blocks are allocated via the old Memory Manager
Result := GetOldMem(aSize);
if FOtherThreadFreedMemory <> nil then
with bm^ do
if FFirstFreedMemBlock <> nil then
// first get from freed mem (fastest because most chance?)
Result := FFirstFreedMemBlock.GetUsedMemoryItem else
// from normal list
Result := GetMemFromNewBlock;
Result := Pointer(NativeUInt(Result) + SizeOf(TMemHeader));
This method is usually called from the Delphi Getmem() function. This method was declared inline, that is the code will be like if it was typed in the source, whereas a not inlined method will just be called in place.
In some cases, the asm code produced by the Delphi compiler was really optimized. For instance, when a pm := Owner.GetMem(SizeOf(pm^)); is called, it will generate this asm instructions:
SynScaleMM.pas.752: pm := Owner.GetMem(SizeOf(pm^));
0040B7FA 8B4308 mov eax,[ebx+$08]
0040B7FD BA02000000 mov edx,$00000002
0040B802 8D74D074 lea esi,[eax+edx*8+$74]
0040B806 833800 cmp dword ptr [eax],$00
0040B809 7405 jz $0040b810
0040B80B E810FEFFFF call TThreadMemManager.ProcessFreedMemFromOtherThreads
0040B810 8BC6 mov eax,esi
0040B812 8B10 mov edx,[eax]
0040B814 85D2 test edx,edx
0040B816 7409 jz $0040b821
0040B818 8BC2 mov eax,edx
0040B81A E889FFFFFF call TMemBlock.GetUsedMemoryItem
0040B81F EB05 jmp $0040b826
0040B821 E8EA000000 call TMemBlockList.GetMemFromNewBlock
0040B826 83C008 add eax,$08
0040B829 8BF0 mov esi,eax
As you can see, all if aSize <= (length(FMiniMemoryBlocks)*32) then branches have been changed into a fixed branch, because in our case the aSize parameter was a constant (in our case, SizeOf(pm^)).
Modern compilers rock! Inlining is one of the only features I'm missing with Delphi 7. But the same code compiled with Delphi 7 (without the inlining, I wanted our fork to compile from Delphi 6 up to XE), performs very well. A little less aggressive, but it does scale much better than FastMM4, in all cases!
About SynScaleMM, see
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