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hi, i have a server THttpApiWebSocketServer which works very well on the web, i am now trying to do a test with a windows client, when i use mormot 1 TWinHttpWebSocketClient.Create('localhost','8087',false,'socket',' ') all good but this same line in mormot 2 generates an error: the connection to the server ended abnormally, am I missing something?
ab, sorry I already found the line that makes it work differently than what I expected,
here I show how it was before and how it is now, this change was made in one of your fixes.
function TDocVariantData.InternalAdd(const aName: RawUTF8): integer;
var len: integer;
if aName<>'' then begin
if dvoIsArray in VOptions then
raise EDocVariant.CreateUTF8('Add: Unexpected [%] object property in an array',[aName]);
if not(dvoIsObject in VOptions) then begin
VType := DocVariantVType; // may not be set yet
end else begin
if dvoIsObject in VOptions then
raise EDocVariant.Create('Add: Unexpected array item in an object');
if not(dvoIsArray in VOptions) then begin
VType := DocVariantVType; // may not be set yet
********************************NOT WORK actual version mormot ************************
// len := length(VValue);
// if VCount>=len then begin
// len := NextGrow(VCount);
// SetLength(VValue,len);
// end;
// if aName<>'' then begin
*************IT WORKS previous version mormot*******************
if VValue=nil then
SetLength(VValue,16) else
if VCount>=length(VValue) then
SetLength(VValue,VCount+VCount shr 3+32);
if aName<>'' then begin
len := length(VValue);
if Length(VName)<>len then
if dvoInternNames in VOptions then begin // inlined InternNames method
if DocVariantType.fInternNames=nil then
DocVariantType.fInternNames := TRawUTF8Interning.Create;
end else
VName[VCount] := aName;
result := VCount;
Thanks for your prompt response, I understand your answer and I had already done the test by using indexes, if it works, the strange thing is that I change the mormot to a previous version and if it works, but well I'll change it to work with indexes, and how the project is quite long I'm afraid I must check carefully, but I repeat before it worked.
hello, I have created a small example to be able to generate demonstrate the error, before it worked in previous versions of mormot something happens now
the correct result expected in earlier versions of mormot 1 is this
{"value0": 10, "object": {}, "array1": [{"value1": 10}], "array2": [{"value2" : 20}], "array3": [{"value3": 30}]}
now in the latest version of mormot 1 is this
thank you very much. Excellent
hello ab,
I have been migrating a large project which used ADO components to mormot, as a very large one, I decided for the moment to use the TQuery class of unit SynDB with which I have done very well and in the future to use interfaces, so I have managed to get my software used db oracle database, sqlserver, postgre, mysql, of course I had to standardize the sql statements, but nevertheless it was easy and fast, but I had a problem when I wanted to use sqlite database, the behavior of the TQuery.First method fails and however with the other databases mentioned above it is not, debugging I have noticed that most of the SynOleDB, SynDBZeos, SynDBODBC units at some time before or after executing a new statement initialize the property fCurrentRow: = -1 or fCurrentRow: = 0
but the SynDBSQLite3 unit does not at any time, there is some reason in particular, since when I initialized the property by modifying the sources
procedure TSQLDBSQLite3Statement.ExecutePrepared;
var SQLToBeLogged: RawUTF8;
Timer: TPrecisionTimer;
DB: TSQLDataBase;
fCurrentRow:=0; /////CHANGE HERE/////
inherited ExecutePrepared; // set fConnection.fLastAccessTicks
I would like to know if I make that change in the sources I will not have problems in the future thanks.
ok thank you very much I will try it
Hello, I am trying to implement the mormot unit with a third-party component called Digital-metaphor Reportbuilder, this has a feature that can be seen here: … DE_Plugins to add other database manager, and I'm working well but I had to make a small change to the sources, since I want this to work with several databases, the problem is that the reporbuilder needs to update some tables and I am using TSynDBDataSet that allows me to apply changes in the tables, this is all fine but when the tables are blank the TSynDBDataSet the ColumnDataSize calculation is wrong and if I use IgnoreColumnDataSize it works as a memo field even worse since reporbuilder is stricter with the definition of the table, for that reason make some changes so that the user that create a ClientDataSet with TSynDBDataSet is the one that decides how is the definition of the table and not the same mormot, being able to achieve something like this:
DataClient.OwnerDef:=True; // MY PROPERTY
with DataClient.FieldDefs do
Add('folderid',ftLargeint, 0);
Add('foldername',ftWideString, 60);
the change I made in the unit SynDBVCL procedure InternalInitFieldDefs
procedure TSynBinaryDataSet.InternalInitFieldDefs;
var F: integer;
DBType: TFieldType;
if (Owner is TSynDBDataSet) then begin
if TSynDBDataSet((Self).Owner).OwnerDef then begin //property add OwnerDef
with TSynDBDataSet((Self).Owner) do begin
for F := 0 to FieldDefList.Count-1 Do
if fDataAccess=nil then
for F := 0 to fDataAccess.ColumnCount-1 do
with fDataAccess.Columns[F] do begin
case ColumnType of
SynCommons.ftInt64: DBType := ftLargeint;
SynCommons.ftDate: DBType := ftDateTime;
SynCommons.ftUTF8: DBType := ftWideString; // means UnicodeString for Delphi 2009+
SynCommons.ftBlob: DBType := ftBlob;
SynCommons.ftDouble, SynCommons.ftCurrency: DBType := ftFloat;
else raise EDatabaseError.CreateFmt(
'GetFieldData ColumnType=%s',[TSQLDBFieldTypeToString(ColumnType)]);
Any suggestion that you can do this in another way thanks.
Hello, I'm having problems doing some tests like in example 17 TClientDatase something like that
ds1.DataSet := ToDataSet(self,values.Values,['Id','Name','DateTime'],[ftInt64,ftUTF8,ftDate]);
the date generated in the dataset is null.
debugging I found that the SynVirtualDataSet unit exists a function called TDocVariantArrayDataSet.GetRowFieldData which has a condition
case fColumns [F] .FieldType of
ftDouble, SynCommons.ftDate:
VariantToDouble (Values [ndx], PDouble (@ fTemp64) ^
there would be the possibility that this variant is processed something like this
VariantToDateTime (Values [ndx], PDateTime (@ fTemp64) ^);
note: this line generates the date well but not the time
in the mormot documentation explains that this class TDocVariantArrayDataSet is used for mongodb can generate a VCL dataset, but there is the
possibility of creating a property where it indicates that the TVariantDynArray is generated from another source as explained in example 17
ok perfect, thanks for the fix, this solves the problem when the date is null
Hello, in this unit there is a function called
TSynVirtualDataSet.GetFieldData in which a line was written like this
result: = Data <> nil; // null field or out-of-range RowIndex / Field
assuming that at some point the Data variable can be Nil
but below in the same function is the line when the field is type: ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime
if PDateTime (Data) ^ = 0 then
when the data is Nil then it would be something like that
if PDateTime (Nil) ^ = 0 then
generating an error the compiler
and the condition is never met
Thank you very much for the help, now solve, everything was in the procedure ConsoleWaitForEnterKey both the loop with the function CheckSynchronize. I already have running the example 16 in windows, linux, android.
ok thank you I will try, and congratulations for your great framework
Hi, I'm trying to implement the Samples \ 16 - Execute SQL via services for a cross-platform client in delphi fmx, works fine without using
.SetOptions ([], [optExecInMainThread, optFreeInMainThread]) on the server, trying not to generate a new connection to the sqlserver every time I run a query on the client side, but when I use optExecInMainThread, calls to the methods from The client does not work, What am I doing wrong. Thank you.
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