#1 Re: mORMot 1 » How fill firemonkey grid from code? upd: Sample inside » 2018-03-21 13:09:21

Because I do not understand how to make an example without using generics in fmx sad

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » How fill firemonkey grid from code? upd: Sample inside » 2018-03-19 10:40:32

i think be a cool if u add Project04ClientFMX.dpr to sample source folder

#4 Re: mORMot 1 » How fill firemonkey grid from code? upd: Sample inside » 2018-03-19 10:37:14

hi, i try create sample use example https://synopse.info/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1115
and all be ok, but i find new function

    function ToObjectList<T: TSQLRecord>: TObjectList<T>; overload;

and try to use it, but function not works fine, only get all records but not data in fields
i try debug and find forgot RecordType

    function ToObjectList<T: TSQLRecord>(RecordType: TSQLRecordClass=nil): TObjectList<T>; overload;

AB pls add

  TSQLRest = class
    function RetrieveList(Table: TSQLRecordClass; const FormatSQLWhere: PUTF8Char;
      const BoundsSQLWhere: array of const;
      const aCustomFieldsCSV: RawUTF8=''): TObjectList<TSQLRecord>; overload;
function TSQLRest.RetrieveList(Table: TSQLRecordClass; const FormatSQLWhere: PUTF8Char;
  const BoundsSQLWhere: array of const;
  const aCustomFieldsCSV: RawUTF8=''): TObjectList<TSQLRecord>; 
var SQL: RawUTF8;
    T: TSQLTable;
  result := nil;
  if (self=nil) or (Table=nil) then
  T := MultiFieldValues(Table,aCustomFieldsCSV,FormatSQLWhere,BoundsSQLWhere);
  if T<>nil then
    result := T.ToObjectList<TSQLRecord>(Table);

and fix function to ToObjectList<T: TSQLRecord>

    function ToObjectList<T: TSQLRecord>(RecordType: TSQLRecordClass=nil): TObjectList<T>; overload;
function TSQLTable.ToObjectList<T>(RecordType: TSQLRecordClass=nil): TObjectList<T>;
var R,Item: TSQLRecord;
    Row: PPUtf8Char;
    i: integer;
  result := TObjectList<T>.Create; // TObjectList<T> will free each T instance
  if (self=nil) or (fRowCount=0) then
  R := RecordType.Create;
//  R := TSQLRecordClass(T).Create;
    Row := @fResults[FieldCount];     // Row^ points to first row of data
    result.Count := fRowCount;
    for i := 0 to fRowCount-1 do begin
//      Item := TSQLRecordClass(T).Create;
      Item := RecordType.Create;
    {$ifdef ISDELPHIXE3}
      PPointerArray(result.List)[i] := Item; // faster than manual Add()
      Item.fInternalState := Self.InternalState;   // Filling InternalState property
      Inc(Row,FieldCount); // next data row

all sample project is based on a project (04 - HTTP Client-Server) by add Project04ClientFMX.dpr
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/64f4j4akzp8r … D-Y7a?dl=0

#5 Re: mORMot 1 » Example to using Livebinding with mORMot » 2018-03-07 12:43:22

hi, AntonE sample link is broken, can u reupload sample, ty

#6 Re: mORMot 1 » SYSTEMNOCASE accent insensitive » 2018-01-16 08:50:42

polidados, pls share sample then u solve problem, i have too problem collation with russian letter(

#7 Re: mORMot 1 » FormatUTF8 \ problem » 2017-12-08 07:56:29

To Chaa
i cant, in real code many operation before i get final RawUTF8 string, and next i run ExecuteNoResult
but i find answer, i change source code SybCommons adding parameter JSONEscape: TTextWriterKind = twJSONEscape

function FormatUTF8(const Format: RawUTF8; const Args, Params: array of const;
  JSONFormat: boolean=false; JSONEscape: TTextWriterKind = twJSONEscape): RawUTF8; overload;


function FormatUTF8(const Format: RawUTF8; const Args, Params: array of const; JSONFormat: boolean; JSONEscape: TTextWriterKind): RawUTF8; overload;

      {$ifndef NOVARIANTS}
      if JSONFormat and (Params[P].VType=vtVariant) then
        VariantSaveJSON(Params[P].VVariant^,JSONEscape,tmp[tmpN]) else  //<==== change parameter
        wasString := not (Params[P].VType in NOTTOQUOTE[JSONFormat]);
        if wasString then
          if JSONFormat and (JSONEscape = twJSONEscape) then //<==== add additional parameter
            QuotedStrJSON(tmp[tmpN],tmp[tmpN]) else
            tmp[tmpN] := QuotedStr(pointer(tmp[tmpN]),'''');
        if not JSONFormat then begin
          inc(L,4); // space for :():

i think it best solution on this time. Ty Chaa!

#8 Re: mORMot 1 » FormatUTF8 \ problem » 2017-12-07 12:30:31

To Chaa
Yea, u right, but i used execute to insert in dbf file, if i set false - no one sql command run (ado dont understand : (...) : tokens), if set Yes - symbol \ dubles sad
FormatUTF8 should 2 parameter array ([] - for default, [JSON] - for JSON, [none] - without any change or use [] for none and [Token] for current behavior)
Simple fix

r := FormatUTF8('insert into ' + dbf_TFOMS4 + ' (SNILS_DOCT, POST_DOCT, OBR_SVED, CERT_NUM, CERT_DATE, PRVS) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [], [ss, post_rmis, edu_s, cer_num, cer_date, prvs_rmis], True);
r := string(r).Replace('\\', '\', [rfReplaceAll]);
database_dbf.ExecuteNoResult(r, []);

but may be in foture ab can change parameter FormatUTF8 add option without any change

#9 mORMot 1 » FormatUTF8 \ problem » 2017-12-07 08:48:44

Replies: 4
r := FormatUTF8('insert into ' + dbf_TFOMS4 + ' (SNILS_DOCT, POST_DOCT, OBR_SVED, CERT_NUM, CERT_DATE, PRVS) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [], [ss, post_rmis, edu_s, cer_num, cer_date, prvs_rmis], True);
database_dbf.ExecuteNoResult(r, []);

edu_s contains in text character \, after FormatUTF8, it turns out \\ and an error occurs when running ExecuteNoResult.
In this case, if you run the query without FormatUTF8 with the generated string with one \ error, it does not pass.
Why FormatUTF8 doubles \?

#10 Re: mORMot 1 » GUI CRUD examples » 2017-06-23 09:35:34

absolutly not easy, i try convert ExtJS 4 sample to ExtJS 6 and cant do it(((
Hope any member mormot forum, sometimes create simple sample with ExtJS 6 based on MVVC

#11 mORMot 1 » 18 - AJAX ExtJS Grid with authentication » 2017-04-06 08:20:59

Replies: 0

Hi all, i start learn web with mormot.
i modificate sample 18 to work with webserver using sample 30.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mljuhvkt3475w … id.7z?dl=0
without auth sample work perfect (http://localhost:8092/web/default) and i see extjs grid with data, but if delete database and change

  DB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model, ChangeFileExt(paramstr(0),'.db3'), False);


  DB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model, ChangeFileExt(paramstr(0),'.db3'), True); //Create DB with auth

and try auth with standart login and password (Admin, synopse) and success login i get error in logs

20170406 08163601  -    00.001.422
20170406 08163606  +    mORMotSQLite3.TSQLRestServerDB(027E31F0).URI(GET web/SampleRecord/?SELECT=*&page=1&start=0&limit=10 inlen=0)
20170406 08163606 auth          mORMot.TSQLRestRoutingREST(047EFCD0) AuthenticationFailed(afInvalidSignature) for web/SampleRecord/?SELECT=*&page=1&start=0&limit=10 (session=0)
20170406 08163606 debug         mORMotSQLite3.TSQLRestServerDB(027E31F0) TSQLRestRoutingREST.Error: {  "errorCode":403,  "errorText":"Authentication Failed: Invalid signature (0)"  }
20170406 08163606 srvr          mORMotSQLite3.TSQLRestServerDB(027E31F0)   GET web/SampleRecord -> 403 with outlen=82 in 4406 us
20170406 08163606  -    00.010.922

i read forum and find post https://synopse.info/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=2995#p2995
with sample auth with extjs, but i only start learn and dont understand how combine code auth extjs from albanirneves to sample 18.

Can any help me? Thank you.

#13 Re: mORMot 1 » Wacky Races with mORMot project » 2017-04-05 06:59:46

Hi, thx for sample.
I try change project to work with webserver mormot, here link changed source: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pq73gosbf3rma … ws.7z?dl=0
Login: User
Pass: synopse

#14 Re: mORMot 1 » FormatUTF8 QuoteChar » 2017-02-27 10:38:03

  s := FormatUTF8(SELECT * from lm where code = ?', [], ['101'], False);
  //s = 'SELECT * from lm where code = :(''101''):'
  qry := database_oledb.MainConnection.NewStatementPrepared(s, True);

  //not work, reason - not MSSQL syntax
  //error Project client.exe raised exception class EOleDBException with message 'TOleDBConnection: OLEDB Error 80040E14 - Incorrect syntax near the structure ":".'.

  s := FormatUTF8(SELECT * from lm where code = ?', [], ['101'], True);
  //s = 'SELECT * from lm where code = "101"'
  qry := database_oledb.MainConnection.NewStatementPrepared(s, True);

  //not work, reason - different quotechar
  //error Project client.exe raised exception class EOleDBException with message 'TOleDBConnection: OLEDB Error 80040E14 - Invalid column name "101".'.

if change source to ' quotechar query fork fine

procedure QuotedStrJSON(const aText: RawUTF8; var result: RawUTF8);
var i: integer;
  for i := 1 to length(aText) do
    case aText[i] of
      with TTextWriter.CreateOwnedStream do
  // if we reached here, no character needs to be escaped in this string
  result := ''+aText+''; //<= CHANGED

i wont use FormatUTF8 and get string s = 'SELECT * from lm where code= ''101'''

#15 mORMot 1 » FormatUTF8 QuoteChar » 2017-02-27 07:04:59

Replies: 3

i connect to MSSQL server and run query

  s := 
    'SELECT distinct st.StateNumber ' +
    'FROM T_STATE st ' +
    'LEFT JOIN T_LPU_MAIN lm on st.LpuMain = lm.LpuID ';
  s := FormatUTF8(s + sql_where + 'lm.TFomsCode = ? AND lm.TFomsCode <> ?', [], [TFomsCode, '101'], True);
  qry := database_oledb.MainConnection.NewStatementPrepared(s, True);

and get error "TFomsCode" and "101" not column in database. I search source and find function QuotedStrJSON

procedure QuotedStrJSON(const aText: RawUTF8; var result: RawUTF8);
var i: integer;
  for i := 1 to length(aText) do
    case aText[i] of
      with TTextWriter.CreateOwnedStream do
  // if we reached here, no character needs to be escaped in this string
  result := '"'+aText+'"';

problem in quotechar = ", if replace last result to

result := string(aText).QuotedString;


result := ''+aText+'';

all work fine, ab can u add in procedure FormatUTF8 parameter QuoteChar?

#16 mORMot 1 » Add RowCount to TSQLDBStatement » 2017-01-31 12:35:33

Replies: 0

ab, can u add RowCount, i want get rowcount from select like

  qry := database_oledb.MainConnection.NewStatementPrepared(sql, True);
  qry.ExecutePreparedAndFetchAllAsJSON(false, buf);
  i := qry.RowCount;

i small modifity source by add RowCount like ColumnCount

ISQLDBRows = interface
function RowCount: integer;

TSQLDBStatement = class(TInterfacedObject, ISQLDBRows, ISQLDBStatement)
fRowCount: integer;
function RowCount: integer;   
function TSQLDBStatement.RowCount: integer;
  if self=nil then
    result := 0 else
    result := fTotalRowsRetrieved;

#17 Re: mORMot 1 » Best way insert big data (600000 record) from MSSQL to sqlite3? » 2017-01-27 13:45:26

any idea?
Batch mode add record is best performance or have other ways?

#18 mORMot 1 » Best way insert big data (600000 record) from MSSQL to sqlite3? » 2017-01-27 12:02:21

Replies: 3
procedure Fill_RMIS_REG_PN;
  i: Integer;
  batch: TSQLRestBatch;
  r: TSQLReg;
  s: string;
  qry := database_oledb.MainConnection.NewStatementPrepared(sql_pn, True);
  qry.Bind(1, 1); //T_REGISTRATION.Status = 1
  qry.Bind(2, 2); //T_REGISTRATION_CANCEL.Status <> 2
  qry.Bind(3, 0); //T_REGISTRATION.AttachmentStatus > 0
  qry.Bind(4, 1); //T_REGISTRATION.Profile in (1, 2)
  qry.Bind(5, 2); //T_REGISTRATION.Profile in (1, 2)
  qry.Bind(6, 101); //T_STATE.StateNumber <> 101
  qry.ExecutePreparedAndFetchAllAsJSON(false, buf);
  tblTemp := TSQLTableJSON.Create('', buf);
  batch := TSQLRestBatch.CreateTSQLRestBatch.Create(ServerDB, TSQLReg, 10000);
  for i := 0 to tblTemp.RowCount - 1 do begin
    s := tblTemp.getU(i, 0); //GUID
    r := TSQLReg.Create;
      r.PatientId       := s;
      r.TFomsCode       := tblTemp.getU(i, 1);
      r.SNILS           := tblTemp.getU(i, 2);
      r.PolicyOmsNumber := tblTemp.GetU(i, 3);
      r.LastName        := tblTemp.GetU(i, 4);
      r.FirstName       := tblTemp.GetU(i, 5);
      r.FatherName      := tblTemp.GetU(i, 6);
      r.Sex             := tblTemp.GetU(i, 7);
      r.Birthday        := DateOf(tblTemp.GetAsDateTime(i, 8));
      r.Address         := tblTemp.GetU(i, 9);
      r.Diff            := tblTemp.GetAsInteger(i, 10);
      if r.ID = 0 then batch.Add(r, True);

how speedup insert?

#19 Re: mORMot 1 » Postresql error with use zeos. SOLVED! » 2016-12-21 07:41:16

1) install psqlodbc_09_05_0400-x86
2) copy all files from "c:\Program Files (x86)\psqlODBC\0905\bin\" into 15 - External DB performance folder

#20 Re: mORMot 1 » Postresql error with use zeos. SOLVED! » 2016-12-21 07:25:28

mormot - latest source
zeos - latest 7.2 from https://github.com/svn2github/ZeosLib/t … esting-7.2
zeos 7.3 same result
installed PostgreSQL-9.6.1-1-win64-bigsql.exe

but if i put into folder not renamed libpq74.dll i get error (lib from "c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\pg96\bin\libpq.dll" )

Project PerfTest.exe raised exception class Exception with message 'Client-Library libpq.dll found but could not be loaded. Check compile-target and library compatibility!'.

i try donwload x32 (postgresql-9.6.1-1-windows-binaries.zip) and x64 (postgresql-9.6.1-1-windows-x64-binaries.zip) version dll always "Client-Library libpq.dll found but could not be loaded. Check compile-target and library compatibility!"

#21 mORMot 1 » Postresql error with use zeos. SOLVED! » 2016-12-20 13:16:18

Replies: 3

run sample 15 - External DB performance
1) install latest postgresql (PostgreSQL 9.6.1 on x86_64-pc-mingw64, compiled by gcc.exe (Rev5, Built by MSYS2 project) 4.9.2, 64-bit)
2) uncomment
{$define USEZEOS}
{$define USEFIREDAC}
3) comment all except Postresql
4) install odbc and setup
5) put \zeoslib\lib\postgresql\libpq74.dll into  15 - External DB performance folder and rename to libpq.dll
6) run
odbc test success
firedac test success
zeos test failed

Project PerfTest.exe raised exception class EZSQLException with message 'SQL Error: ERROR:  prepared statement "518270435119021832" does not exist'.

press continue on error and next exception

Project PerfTest.exe raised exception class ESQLite3Exception with message 'Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [Step] using 3.15.2 - SQL Error: ERROR:  prepared statement "518270435119021832" does not existrthDate,, extended_errcode=1'.

press continue on error and next exception

Project PerfTest.exe raised exception class ESQLite3Exception with message 'Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [drop table Sample] using 3.15.2 - no such table: Sample, extended_errcode=1'.

where i wrong?

#22 Re: mORMot 1 » Parameters in query. SOLVED, find bug in source » 2016-11-24 14:08:32

after analize search copypast misstake in naming fCommand as ISSCommandWithParameters and need simple change to ICommandWithParameters

  ICommandWithParameters = interface(IUnknown)
    function GetParameterInfo(var pcParams: UINT; out prgParamInfo: PDBPARAMINFO;
      ppNamesBuffer: PPOleStr): HResult; stdcall;
    function MapParameterNames(cParamNames: UINT; rgParamNames: POleStrList;
      rgParamOrdinals: PUintArray): HResult; stdcall;
    function SetParameterInfo(cParams: UINT; rgParamOrdinals: PUintArray;
      rgParamBindInfo: PDBParamBindInfoArray): HResult; stdcall;

  ISSCommandWithParameters = interface(ICommandWithParameters)
    function GetParameterProperties(var pcParams: PtrUInt; var prgParamProperties: PSSPARAMPROPS): HResult; stdcall;
    function SetParameterProperties (cParams: PtrUInt; prgParamProperties: PSSPARAMPROPS): HResult; stdcall;

code before

            (fCommand as ISSCommandWithParameters).SetParameterInfo(  //COPYPAST ERROR?
              fParamCount, pointer(fParamOrdinals), pointer(fParamBindInfo)));
          if ssParamPropsCount>0 then
              (fCommand as ISSCommandWithParameters).SetParameterProperties(
                ssParamPropsCount, pointer(ssParamProps)));

code after

            (fCommand as ICommandWithParameters).SetParameterInfo(  //COPYPAST ERROR?
              fParamCount, pointer(fParamOrdinals), pointer(fParamBindInfo)));
          if ssParamPropsCount>0 then
              (fCommand as ISSCommandWithParameters).SetParameterProperties(
                ssParamPropsCount, pointer(ssParamProps)));

if change work fine

#23 Re: mORMot 1 » Parameters in query. SOLVED, find bug in source » 2016-11-24 13:29:00

sorry my bad eng, I read the previous post and realized that he put it incorrectly.

interesting, i try run sample on 2 pc and 2 servers work well

It means that the 1 button works correctly on all 4 computers

I suspect the dbf driver does not support the parametrized queries.
This is what "interface not supported means".

I do not think so (commenting 3 lines in source code framework of check make the code work), and standart Delphi way by ADOCommand support parameters, but i think FormatUTF8 and execute inline completely suits me.

Thanks for all reply this post.

#24 Re: mORMot 1 » Parameters in query. SOLVED, find bug in source » 2016-11-23 08:43:30

interesting, i try run sample on 2 pc and 2 servers work well
if put first button visual no changes, but string '111' add to field CERT_NUM in record with SNILS = '124-864-626 74'
P.S. need unzip folder, before run exe file, connection string get base from folder where run exe file.

#25 Re: mORMot 1 » Parameters in query. SOLVED, find bug in source » 2016-11-23 06:32:51

fix first error add 4 parameter true in FormatUTF8

      2: begin
        r := FormatUTF8('update postcert SET CERT_NUM = ? where SNILS_DOCT = ?', [], [cer_num, ss], True);       
        database_dbf.ExecuteNoResult(r, []); //no error

r contain 'update postcert SET CERT_NUM = "111" where SNILS_DOCT = "124-864-626 74"'

second error fixed if correct set second parameters to false (no expect result) and comment 3 lines in SynOleDB

        if not OleDBConnection.OleDBProperties.fSupportsOnlyIRowset then begin
//          OleDBConnection.OleDBCheck(self,
//            (fCommand as ISSCommandWithParameters).SetParameterInfo(
//              fParamCount, pointer(fParamOrdinals), pointer(fParamBindInfo)));

dont understand why OleDBCheck run 'Interface not supported'.

pls fix OleDBCheck

#26 Re: mORMot 1 » Parameters in query. SOLVED, find bug in source » 2016-11-23 06:08:09

I changed the project, but the error is still present

    database_dbf: TOleDBConnectionProperties;

    ADOProviderJet = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;Persist Security Info=False;Mode=ReadWrite;Data Source=';

  procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    path, ss, edu, cer_num: RawUTF8;
    r: RawUTF8;
    path := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(TDirectory.GetParent(ParamStr(0)));
    database_dbf := TOleDBConnectionProperties.Create('','','','');
    database_dbf.ConnectionString := ADOProviderJet + path;
    cer_num := '111';
    ss := '124-864-626 74';

    case TButton(Sender).Tag of
      1: begin
        r := 'update POSTCERT SET CERT_NUM = "'  + cer_num + '" where SNILS_DOCT = "' + ss + '"';
        database_dbf.ExecuteNoResult(r, []); //work fine
      2: begin
        r := FormatUTF8('update postcert SET CERT_NUM = ? where SNILS_DOCT = ?', [], [cer_num, ss]);
        database_dbf.ExecuteNoResult(r, []); //error
      3: begin
        with database_dbf.NewThreadSafeStatementPrepared('update postcert SET CERT_NUM = ? where SNILS_DOCT = ?', True, True) do begin
          BindTextS(1, cer_num);
          BindTextS(2, ss);
          ExecutePrepared; //error

first button: work fine
second button: Project Parameters.exe raised exception class EOleDBException with message 'TOleDBConnection: OLEDB Error 80040E14 - Ошибка синтаксиса (пропущен оператор) в выражении запроса ':('111'):'.'.
third button: Project Parameters.exe raised exception class EIntfCastError with message 'Interface not supported'.

link to updated sample project with dbf and exe
https://www.dropbox.com/s/sdiq1a6z6a1ug … rs.7z?dl=0

#27 Re: mORMot 1 » Parameters in query. SOLVED, find bug in source » 2016-11-22 11:41:18

yea, see my sample, first ExecuteNoResult work fine and in dbf in field CERT_NUM put 111. But next 2 command work with error.
code from sample

  database_dbf: TOleDBConnectionProperties;

  ADOProviderJet = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;Persist Security Info=False;Mode=ReadWrite;Data Source=';

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  path, ss, edu: RawUTF8;
  cer_num: Integer;
  r: RawUTF8;
  path := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(TDirectory.GetParent(ParamStr(0)));
  database_dbf := TOleDBConnectionProperties.Create('','','','');
  database_dbf.ConnectionString := ADOProviderJet + path;
  cer_num := 111;
  ss := '124-864-626 74';

  r := 'update POSTCERT SET CERT_NUM = "'  + cer_num.ToString + '" where SNILS_DOCT = "' + ss + '"';
  database_dbf.ExecuteNoResult(r, []); //work fine

  //comment next 2 row to get second error
  r := FormatUTF8('update postcert SET CERT_NUM = ? where SNILS_DOCT = ?', [], [cer_num, ss]);  
  database_dbf.ExecuteNoResult(r, []); //error

  r := FormatUTF8('update postcert SET CERT_NUM = ? where SNILS_DOCT = ?', [], [cer_num, ss]);
  with database_dbf.NewThreadSafeStatementPrepared('update postcert SET CERT_NUM = ? where SNILS_DOCT = ?', True, True) do begin
    BindVariant(1, cer_num, True);
    BindTextS(2, ss);
    ExecutePrepared; //error

#28 Re: mORMot 1 » Parameters in query. SOLVED, find bug in source » 2016-11-22 07:35:41

sample project
https://www.dropbox.com/s/sdiq1a6z6a1ug … rs.7z?dl=0

firsrt error
Project Parameters.exe raised exception class EOleDBException with message 'TOleDBConnection: OLEDB Error 80040E14 - Ошибка синтаксиса (пропущен оператор) в выражении запроса ':(111):'.'.

second error
Project Parameters.exe raised exception class EIntfCastError with message 'Interface not supported'.

#29 mORMot 1 » Parameters in query. SOLVED, find bug in source » 2016-11-21 14:02:35

Replies: 12

Hi all, need advice i have some working code

  ADOProviderJet = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;Persist Security Info=False;Mode=ReadWrite;Data Source=';
  database_dbf := TOleDBConnectionProperties.Create('','','','');
  database_dbf.ConnectionString := ADOProviderJet + path_imp;
  r := 'update POSTCERT SET OBR_SVED = "'  + edu_s + '" where SNILS_DOCT = "' + ss + '"';
  database_dbf.ExecuteNoResult(r, []); //work fine

i try use parameters but code not work.

  r := FormatUTF8('update postcert SET CERT_NUM = ? where SNILS_DOCT = ?', [], [cer_num, ss]);
  database_dbf.ExecuteNoResult(r, []); //error
  r := FormatUTF8('update postcert SET CERT_NUM = ? where SNILS_DOCT = ?', [], [cer_num, ss]);
  with database_dbf.NewThreadSafeStatementPrepared('update postcert SET CERT_NUM = ? where SNILS_DOCT = ?', True, True) do begin
    BindTextS(1, cer_num);
    BindTextS(2, ss);
    ExecutePrepared; //error

#30 Re: mORMot 1 » Delphi Starter Edition is now free » 2016-08-30 10:37:57

Not free - only special offer up to 9 semptember 16

#31 mORMot 1 » how get info from "class inheriting from TSQLAuthUser" » 2016-08-01 11:59:19

Replies: 0

i created inheriting class from TSQLAuthUser

  TSQLUser = class(TSQLAuthUser)
    fMO: TSQLMO;
    fRole: TUserRole;
    fMOReadOnly: Integer;
    fDateB, fDateE: TDateTime;
    property MO:   TSQLMO    read fMO   write fMO;
    property Role: TUserRole read fRole write fRole;
    property MOReadOnly: Integer read fMOReadOnly write fMOReadOnly;
    property DateB:    TDateTime read fDateB write fDateB;
    property DateE:    TDateTime read fDateE write fDateE;

and add it to model
  Result := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLAuthGroup, TSQLUser, ... ]);

in auth i have code

  if not ClientRest.SetUser(login, password) then Exit;
  u := TSQLUser.Create(ClientRest, 'LogonName = ? and Date(DateE) is Null', [login]);
    if u.ID <> 0 then begin

if GroupRights of auth client = 2 (supervisor) all ok - supervisor have right to read AuthUser table, but if i set GroupRights = 3 (user) not have permission.

i try

u := TSQLUser(ClientRest.SessionUser);

but in this case i not have all additional TSQLUSER fields (MO, Role, MOReadOnly, DateB, DateE)

how can i get additional TSQLUSER fields from class inheriting from TSQLAuthUser?

#32 Re: mORMot 1 » Sample "30 - MVC Server" and downloading a report-file » 2016-07-05 14:05:38

any find answer?
i too want create small web part with 2 button, each button only generate and download excel file.

#33 mORMot 1 » Delphi 10 Seattle » 2015-09-01 08:59:04

Replies: 5


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BCC32C and BCC64, Clang-based C++ compilers for Windows, are both updated to Clang 3.3 and LLVM 3.3.

http://altd.embarcadero.com/download/ra … lder10.iso

#34 Re: mORMot 1 » big problem with Batch » 2015-08-20 20:11:47

thx, i install home xe8u1, and compile sample 15 all work fine. problem in work pc. Next time before post question i test in home and work.

#35 Re: mORMot 1 » big problem with Batch » 2015-08-20 06:22:25

in xe7 test work fine in latest version. but in xe8u1 dont.

#36 Re: mORMot 1 » big problem with Batch » 2015-08-19 19:08:18

OK, thanks i solve problem delete if Rest.TransactionBegin(TSQLDiagnose) (in post #5) then but u new create "test" and this test get error in my pc i tomorrow try compile sample in xe7 and some more tests.

#37 Re: mORMot 1 » big problem with Batch » 2015-08-19 14:35:48

in latest mormot

procedure TSQLRest.Commit(SessionID: cardinal; RaiseException: boolean);
  if self<>nil then begin
    fAcquireExecution[execORMWrite].Safe.Lock; //FREEZE here
      if (fTransactionActiveSession<>0) and
         (fTransactionActiveSession=SessionID) then begin
        fTransactionActiveSession := 0; // by default, just release flag
        fTransactionTable := nil;

i comment

//  fAcquireExecution[execORMWrite].Safe.Lock;
//  fAcquireExecution[execORMWrite].Safe.UnLock;

and commit work fine

in 1440 mormot this procedure have another syntax

procedure TSQLRest.Commit(SessionID: cardinal; RaiseException: boolean);
  if self<>nil then begin
      if (fTransactionActiveSession<>0) and
         (fTransactionActiveSession=SessionID) then begin
        fTransactionActiveSession := 0; // by default, just release flag
        fTransactionTable := nil;

#38 Re: mORMot 1 » big problem with Batch » 2015-08-19 14:16:34

in my code in first post i delete

  if Rest.TransactionBegin(TSQLDiagnose) then

and all work fine,
but intresting why not work test in 15 - External DB performance, but in old 1440 version test work fine

#39 Re: mORMot 1 » big problem with Batch » 2015-08-19 13:51:19

Delphi XE8U1
intresting test, i download latest version and run test with 100 count
records prepared but not inserting - program FREEZE

Prepared 100 rows in 312us

if comment test and uncomment test2

Prepared 100 rows in 339us
Inserted 100 rows in 10.93ms i.e. 9144 per second

in ids[] after BatchSend i see

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...

after change mormot to old 1440 and run u sample (15 - External DB performance) test work fine (and test2 too)

Prepared 100 rows in 390us
Inserted 100 rows in 9.37ms i.e. 10663 per second //test
Prepared 100 rows in 374us
Inserted 100 rows in 11.32ms i.e. 8832 per second //test2

i put 2 exe compiled 15 - External DB performance sample with 1440 and latest version framework to u see problem
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vy1hm8mr550w … 8zlGa?dl=0

#40 mORMot 1 » big problem with Batch » 2015-08-19 06:23:51

Replies: 10

today i compile my code with latest version and Butch not work (after butch program run, i see fields have data isnerting and work fine, close program, but data dont save in base, db3 20kb (except 1,2mb if compile with version 1440))
i have some backup version framework, 1622 not work too, but 1440 work fine
Now more info:
i try add to base diagnoses from csv file in batch mode

InitClient(not TFile.Exists(path_app + DBFile));

function CreateDataModel: TSQLModel;
  result := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLDataRecord, TSQLDiagnose, TSQLOptions]);

procedure InitClient(LoadData: Boolean = False);
  Model := CreateDataModel;
  Rest := TSQLRestClientDB.Create(Model, CreateDataModel, ChangeFileExt(paramstr(0), '.db3'), TSQLRestServerDB);

  if LoadData then TSQLDiagnose.CreateDiagnoses(Rest);

class procedure TSQLDiagnose.CreateDiagnoses(const ARest: TSQLRest);
  i: integer;
  diagnose: TSQLDiagnose;
  sl, slES: TStringlist;
  ids: TIDDynArray;
  sl := TStringList.Create;
  slES := TStringList.Create;

  if Rest.TransactionBegin(TSQLDiagnose) then

    for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin
      ExtractStrings([';'], [' '], PChar(sl.Strings[i]), slES);
      diagnose := TSQLDiagnose.Create(Rest, 'Code = ?', [slES.Strings[0]]);
        if diagnose.ID = 0 then begin
          diagnose.Code := slES.Strings[0];
          diagnose.Desc := slES.Strings[1];
          Rest.BatchAdd(diagnose, True);


this code work fine in version 1440 and create base 1.2mb, but in new version created 20kb blank base.

#42 Re: mORMot 1 » wrong regional show datatime in drawgrid » 2015-07-13 07:09:57

i fix it, add this before create drawgrid

  tblList.SetFieldType('dr', sftDateTime, nil, -1);

but i dont understand why if i define dr as TDatetime and this field contain only date not considered sftDateTime in this code new version framework

  result := FieldType(Field,@EnumType); //in new version return sftUTF8Text except sftDateTime

AB, please fix this problem.

#44 mORMot 1 » wrong regional show datatime in drawgrid » 2015-07-10 09:20:37

Replies: 5

i execute sql simple 'select dr from recs', field dr: TDateTime, in field stored data born without time. in prev version framework (1.18.1440) date show in drawgrid ok '01.01.1991', but today i get latest version and drawgrid show field dr  '1991-01-01'.
datetime stored date+time view ok in latest version '01.01.1990 10.00.00' and prev too.
How change view datetime with only date to regional setting?

#45 Re: mORMot 1 » DDD ORMSelectAll » 2015-06-18 10:57:14

try this?

function TPhoMessartCommand.Select: TCQRSResult;
  Result := ORMSelectAll('', []);

#46 Re: mORMot 1 » TTimeLog and Get Year SQL command » 2015-06-18 10:10:44

i found solution from source

{$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
procedure TTimeLogBits.Expand(out Date: TSystemTime);
  Date.wYear := (Value shr (6+6+5+5+4)) and 4095;
  Date.wMonth := 1+(Int64Rec(Value).Lo shr (6+6+5+5)) and 15;
  Date.wDay := 1+(Int64Rec(Value).Lo shr (6+6+5)) and 31;
  Date.wDayOfWeek := 0;
  Date.wHour := (Int64Rec(Value).Lo shr (6+6)) and 31;
  Date.wMinute := (Int64Rec(Value).Lo shr 6) and 63;
  Date.wSecond := Int64Rec(Value).Lo and 63;

work solution (y must be integer)

Result := sql + FormatUTF8('(r.Created >> (6+6+5+5+4)) & 4095 = ?', [], [y]);

or if y string

  Result := sql + '(r.Created >> (6+6+5+5+4)) & 4095 = ' + y;

#47 mORMot 1 » TTimeLog and Get Year SQL command » 2015-06-18 08:34:00

Replies: 2

if i use InputDate: TDateTime i write

  Result := sql + FormatUTF8('strftime("%Y", InputDate) = ?', ['%'], [y]);

but if i use Created: TTimeLog how get all records only 2015 year?

#48 Re: mORMot 1 » Code to add hide drawgrid column » 2015-06-04 08:27:28

ab, i rewrite some code and delete sftHidden, and add only 2 line to work hide, please add this line to framework.

how use to hide column

  tblList.SetFieldType('approvedate', sftDateTime, nil, 0); //set ContentSize to 0
  tblList.SetFieldType('declinedate', sftDateTime, nil, 0); //set ContentSize to 0


function TSQLTable.CalculateFieldLengthMean(var aResult: TIntegerDynArray;
  FromDisplay: boolean=false): integer;
        case fFieldType[F].ContentType of
        if fFieldType[F].ContentSize = 0  then aResult[F]:=0; // ADD THIS TO WORK
        inc(U); // points to next value
  for F := 0 to FieldCount-1 do begin
    if aResult[F] = 0 then Continue;  // ADD THIS TO WORK

#49 Re: mORMot 1 » FormatUTF8 » 2015-06-04 07:46:27

ab, big thanks it work!

#50 Re: mORMot 1 » FormatUTF8 » 2015-06-04 07:13:48

change to

Result := Result + FormatUTF8('strftime("%%Y", InputDate) = ?', [], [cbbCurrentYear.Value]);

and not work, in result: ' strftime("%Y", InputDate) = ?'

FormatUTF8 dont parse string with %% and dont change ? to


if i remove % all parse ok, but strftime not work, i think it but in FormatUTF8

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