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before we could get the Model and the Model Index from a Class Record, with Rec.RecordProps.
M: = Rec.RecordProps.Model. Also to get the Index of RecordClass from the Model,
RCIndex: = Rec.RecordProps.ModelTableIndex.
But now it does not get done.
Now I'm using:
M: = Client.Model and
RCIndex: = Model.GetTableIndex (aRecordClass);
Did I use the right way?
thank you
Yes, you can have several models running on the same process.
For instance, when using within a proxy application with local and external tables, or with several layers of services.
So we split the pure-class information (mainly RTTI) in TSQLRecordProperties and a model-specific new class, named TSQLModelRecordProperties.
Since the TSQLModel index is dependent to the Model, you have to use GetTableIndex() as you wrote.
Sounds just fine to me.