#1 2011-02-13 18:26:15

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,560

SynProject 1.12 released

Synopse SynProject is an open source application for code source versioning and automated documentation of Delphi projects.
Licensed under a GPL license.

Here are the enhancements of this 1.12 version:
  - direct insertion of a picture from the clipboard;
  - fix issue with People Name with accents;
  - added "Writer=" optional parameter for header in [Project] section;
  - added "NoUsesUnits=Yes" parameter in [SAD] in order to avoid any adding of "Units used in..." table in SAD document;
  - added custom column widths for \TableNewFeatures[=18,62,20] and \TableBugFixes[=17,10,12,12,49]
  - new internal Graphviz EMF creation written in Delphi, directly from SVG (the WinGraphViz EMF writer was buggy): you can have nice looking vectorial diagrams into your documentation (better looking then PNG or JPG).

Executable is downloadable from http://synopse.info/files/SynProject.zip
Source code (to be compiled with Delphi 7) is available from our source code repository.


#2 2011-02-13 19:24:37

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,560

Re: SynProject 1.12 released

I'm preparing a version able to document DotNet projects.

Yes, I know... but my current employer has such projects, and would like to have the power of SynProject available not only for Delphi projects (with the native .pas source parser), but also for DotNet applications.

Don't forget the tutorials and screenshots always available at http://synopse.info/fossil/wiki?name=SynProject


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