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Am trying to load some legacy data in batch on server startup with CreateMissingTables().
With a previous version of mORMot this worked without hiccup, now we get a SQL syntax error, a ' , ' in excess.
Am using TSQLRestBatch with AutomaticTransactionPerRow set to a number lower then the number of records to import.
Batch := TSQLRestBatch.Create(self, TSQLContact, 30);
Found two ways to bypass this:
1. Set the AutomaticTransactionPerRow parameter in the TSQLRestBatch constructor to a number higher than the number of legacy records to import. (Not really a solution)
2. Or change in procedure TSQLRestServerDB.InternalBatchStop.
// INSERT Values[] into the DB
SQL := SQL+','+CSVOfValue('('+CSVOfValue('?',fieldCount)+')',rowCount-1);
Statement := nil; // make compiler happy
// INSERT Values[] into the DB
if Pred(rowCount) >0 then
SQL := SQL+','+CSVOfValue('('+CSVOfValue('?',fieldCount)+')',rowCount-1);
Statement := nil; // make compiler happy
Or are we overlooking something?
I also have a problem with InternalBatchStop.
Sometimes the SQL generated in the line
SQL := SQL+','+CSVOfValue('('+CSVOfValue('?',fieldCount)+')',rowCount-1);
'insert or ignore into Emails (RowID,Email,First_Name,Last_Name,Recipient_Name,Subscribed,Subscribe_Date,GroupID,Fields) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?),'
has an extra unnecessary comma at the end and that leads to exception at Statement^.Prepare(DB.DB,SQL).
As a workaround I use the following code:
FCSVValues := CSVOfValue('('+CSVOfValue('?',fieldCount)+')',rowCount-1);
if FCSVValues <> '' then
SQL := SQL +',' + FCSVValues;
I found the similar problem in this topic
I think it should be fixed.
No I understand!
Should be fixed by
Thanks for your feedback and patience.
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