#1 2015-04-01 12:13:59

From: UAE
Registered: 2010-08-17
Posts: 36

Track change-type (Add/Update/Delete) of records when replication...

Hi dear Arnaud,

Thanks for implementing the great master/slave replication feature.

I've recently downloded the latest repository and I'd like to use it as main backend in my current project, with this I need to manage a list of products to report and highlight new and/or updated items to the end users (Clients), as appropriate. As far as I studied the correspondig ducumenation, I could not find out how to reflect the change-type applied to a record; for example, I need to know which items are new to my client(s) and which comes as updates.
It would be very helpful for me and also for same scenarios, if you provide such feature or if currently available let me know how to get it used.

As a simple proposal, it would be nice if you let an optional callback parameter in "TSQLRestClient.RecordVersionSynchronize" which receives the "new" (recently retreived from master) and "old" (available with the current processing slave) "TSQLRecordVersion"s, and for new records the old-version value could be set to TSQLRecord(-1) for example; and for deleted records, implementing a new method which lets the clients fetch deleted item-IDs for any TSQLRecord (which directly queries the dedicated deletion-track table; i.e: "TSQLRecordTableDelete", if necessary) seems enough.

Thanks for your great work.

Last edited by Amir (2015-04-01 12:16:57)



#2 2015-04-01 14:01:44

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,548

Re: Track change-type (Add/Update/Delete) of records when replication...

Does make sense!

I've added a new TSQLRestServer.RecordVersionSynchronizeToBatch() OnWrite optional parameter.
See http://synopse.info/fossil/info/479216ff93

Thanks for the feedback!


#3 2015-04-02 06:39:26

From: UAE
Registered: 2010-08-17
Posts: 36

Re: Track change-type (Add/Update/Delete) of records when replication...

Thank you very much for this and also for the great "TSQLRestServer.RecordVersionSynchronizeCallback()" feature.



#4 2015-04-02 07:15:08

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,548

Re: Track change-type (Add/Update/Delete) of records when replication...

Amir wrote:

Thank you very much for this and also for the great "TSQLRestServer.RecordVersionSynchronizeCallback()" feature.

This feature is still in implementation stage: not tested, and with some potential changes.


#5 2015-04-02 11:59:34

From: UAE
Registered: 2010-08-17
Posts: 36

Re: Track change-type (Add/Update/Delete) of records when replication...

ab wrote:
Amir wrote:

Thank you very much for this and also for the great "TSQLRestServer.RecordVersionSynchronizeCallback()" feature.

This feature is still in implementation stage: not tested, and with some potential changes.

Thanks for your notice... But I was very excited about introducing another great feature that satisfies my current project's need in a very simple way. But I know as a convention, if a road-map listed feature or important-update is completed and well tested, most of time a dedicated blog post is born and "self-tests" group of projects involve new test-cases...

To be honest, I've been familiar with Synopse Tools and mORMot framework since 2010-2011, and I followed its progress periodically by checking the timeline and reading your great blog posts (introducing new features and/or challenging other tools/technologies AND sharing experiences and ideas) and also some forum discussions; And as many other things I decided to use mORMot multiple times and unfortunately this never achieved, but these days I'm feeling deeply integrated with your mORMots' life-cycle !!!, as I'm carefully studding mORMot's documentation (Very detail and intensive !!! Thanks.) as well as some most-visited forum topics in addition to reviewing/reading blog posts. (WOWWW !!! GREAT WORK... REALLY GREAT CROSS-PLATFORM OPEN SOURCE PROJECT IN PASCAL WORLD !!!).




#6 2015-04-02 13:17:58

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,548

Re: Track change-type (Add/Update/Delete) of records when replication...

You are welcome!
Thanks a lot for your interest and nice feedback.
Don't be shy, and spread the word on mORMot around you: I've seen a job offer in France last week especially asking for mORMot skills.
Small, but nice move!


#7 2015-04-03 23:42:35

From: UAE
Registered: 2010-08-17
Posts: 36

Re: Track change-type (Add/Update/Delete) of records when replication...

ab wrote:

Don't be shy, and spread the word on mORMot around you:

You can be sure that I'll do my best !!!, I honestly believe mORMot deserves much more. But unfortunately Delphi (Pascal in general) and its related market is relatively small and heavily disposed to use visual-friendly and RAD components and tools which need the least possible coding efforts. Obviously with the current community concerns, it takes this great framework more time to be well-known and accepted !

I'd like to have a serous try to make it available for .NET ASAP (Using C++/CLI to minimize the overhead of managed/native code interaction), I also like to let services be introduced in JavaScript/TypeScript (something like Node.js) using the integrated SpiderMonkey engine, as well as in .NET in Visual Studio, but I really need to spend much more time with mORMot to get more and more familiar with its low level operations and of course your SOS !!!.

ab wrote:

I've seen a job offer in France last week especially asking for mORMot skills.
Small, but nice move!

Very nice and very happy to hear that...



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