#1 2016-12-13 13:36:25

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

new book about mORMot

I’m pleased to announce my new book exclusively about mORMot and Elevate Web Builder, it is called “Enterprise Delphi Databases” and can be purchased on Amazon.  Check for free shipping available to many locations!

It describes End-to-End Object Pascal multi-tier development using mORMot for servers and clients, and using Elevate Web Builder’s Object Pascal to JavaScript to build professional Web clients.

The book was proofread by mORMot Project Manager: Arnaud Bouchez, and he also provided key suggestions for topics including Websockets.

I cover using both ORM and standard SQL with mORMot, and examples of how to use each when creating web clients.  ORM is perfect for new implementations, but mORMot’s SQL interface is great when you must interface with an existing database.

Use either Delphi Professional or the free and open source New Pascal to develop on Windows, Linux and other platforms.  Active Directory authentication and local passwords are both demonstrated.

Some of the mORMot material is introductory for new users, and can be skimmed by experienced mORMot developers.  But it will quickly bring your new staff up-to-speed quickly and will give reassurance to management that mORMot skills are not in a single-employee silo.  There are also some aspects discussed for even seasoned developers.

The numerous chapters on Elevate Web Builder open new opportunities for experienced mORMot developers to quickly generate powerful and attractive web based clients.  The Web is often the best strategy for clients, and the power and features of Elevate Web Builder make it the best choice to deliver the systems of the future.  All of this is done using SOA and REST services mORMot does so well, and the Single Web Page strategy that gives Facebook, Gmail and other web applications their fast, fluid, professional look and feel.

Book information follows:

Order from Amazon US, UK, EU - details at http://www.erickengelke.com

Enterprise Delphi Databases
With mORMot and Elevate Web Builder
By Erick Engelke
Available on Amazon (US, UK, EU)
What makes a database Enterprise quality?  There are no hard rules, but one can assert the following are usually true
-        Scalable performance
o   Support 100 to 100,000 concurrent users
-        n-Tier database capable
-        caching used for performance improvements
-        multiplatform through SOA
-        web accessible interface
-        inherent security
o   externalized authentication (LDAP, RADIUS, Kerberos, OAuth2, etc.)
o   authorization enforced based on principles of least privilege
o   auditing
o   prepared statements
In this book we introduce mORMot, a Pascal based database ecosystem including support for all popular databases (Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo and others).
mORMot databases are instantly network-ready.  Using Delphi or FreePascal you can compile clients for almost any operating system (Windows, OS/X, iOS, Android, X-Windows) which can converse with Windows or Linux servers. 
And when we add Elevate Web Builder (EWB), you can create rich, engaging Web based database applications that run on any Web client and interface with mORMot’s standards-based Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) technologies.
Unique to this environment, mORMot and EWB present fast and reliable end-to-end Pascal solutions.
Fully enterprise-ready, you can configure your applications to use local database passwords, Active Directory or other solutions for user authentication.
In addition to describing essential mORMot and Elevate Web Builder, this book introduces an interface library that bridges the two technologies.  Call a Pascal function in the EWB code and the corresponding function is automatically called on the server, passing all parameters with ease.  mORMot and EWB automatically marshal the data to and from each other using standard JSON notation.
This  book covers all you need to know to get started, and works through more than 30 example programs and concepts from beginner through to multiplatform Web applications, PDF Report generation, HTTPS configuration and clustering.

This is Erick Engelke’s fifth book, following his popular Using Elevate Web Builder book and other books on topics of web, network and systems programming.  Several of his books are available on Amazon.


#2 2016-12-14 10:06:35

Registered: 2015-06-15
Posts: 291

Re: new book about mORMot

Thanks for your work. First real book about mORMot!

Btw. nice to see NewPascal in description smile

erick wrote:

Use either Delphi Professional or the free and open source New Pascal to develop on Windows, Linux and other platforms.  Active Directory authentication and local passwords are both demonstrated.

best regards,
Maciej Izak


#3 2016-12-14 12:25:40

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

hnb wrote:

Thanks for your work. First real book about mORMot!

>Btw. nice to see NewPascal in description smile

erick wrote:

Use either Delphi Professional or the free and open source New Pascal to develop on Windows, Linux and other platforms.  Active Directory authentication and local passwords are both demonstrated.

Another news feed I follow is the Elevate Web Builder's product support group.  I think almost all had Delphi experience since it is also an Object Pascal environment, but many did not want to have to purchase a new Delphi license again.  mORMot's support of heritage Delphi versions, and now New Pascal are real selling features to that audience.



#4 2016-12-14 13:43:19

From: France
Registered: 2011-04-09
Posts: 74

Re: new book about mORMot

Any idea when the book will be available in Europe ? Amazon FR tells me it's not in stock.


#5 2016-12-15 02:19:49

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

jbroussia wrote:

Any idea when the book will be available in Europe ? Amazon FR tells me it's not in stock.

It is available in Germany, and they've already reported a few sales there this week. 

https://www.amazon.de/dp/1517516005/ref … +databases



#6 2016-12-15 03:48:15

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

I've put up a rough overview of the chapters and pagecounts at: http://erickengelke.com/blog.html



#7 2016-12-15 19:34:46

From: Sete Lagoas-MG, Brasil
Registered: 2013-01-20
Posts: 250

Re: new book about mORMot

Unfortunately I didn't read the book yet. The book itself seems to be of good quality. One thing I really didn't like was the front
cover art of the book. I would expect a demoniac cool marmot illustration on the cover of a mORMot book.

Do the source code files for programs shown in the book are available to download?


#8 2016-12-15 21:56:26

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

Yes, the source code url is in the book.  I don't have it handy at the moment but it's on page 17 under "Acquiring the software".

The cover art is for the zen-like peaceful feeling one has when the database is working hard and many people are using it, and everything is just humming along.  You look at the netstat to count sessions, you look at the disk lights, and the process stats, and you just know that people are being served their data and nobody is complaining.



#9 2016-12-18 11:33:59

Registered: 2015-07-21
Posts: 26

Re: new book about mORMot

Great, just ordered it, I am looking forward to it.

For the french guy:
https://www.amazon.de/dp/1517516005/ref … +Databases


#10 2016-12-20 09:38:37

From: France
Registered: 2011-04-09
Posts: 74

Re: new book about mORMot

Thanks. Strange that it is still out of stock on Amazon FR but available on DE. And 81 cents more on DE ! :-P


#11 2016-12-21 12:04:48

Registered: 2014-07-03
Posts: 18

Re: new book about mORMot

@erick, you should redesign your landing page http://www.erickengelke.com/.

It's IMHO no good idea to present an EWB-Demo which scales horrific at mobile with GPRS (50kb/s download, 500ms latency), try ist with Chrome. 1.4 minutes to see a very small informational page? Is it worth to load a huge Framework here?

And: On a Smartphone there is no chance to buy your book. The Link is out of screen sad.


#12 2016-12-21 14:40:58

Registered: 2015-12-08
Posts: 56

Re: new book about mORMot


Any plan for digital book version?


#13 2016-12-22 04:20:54

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

emaxx wrote:

@erick, you should redesign your landing page http://www.erickengelke.com/.
It's IMHO no good idea to present an EWB-Demo which scales horrific at mobile with GPRS (50kb/s download, 500ms latency),

Sorry, I've simplified it a lot a few seconds ago.  GPRS... I remember that.



#14 2016-12-22 22:27:15

Registered: 2015-07-21
Posts: 26

Re: new book about mORMot

I just got the book. I did not read it fully but it tells you less than the documentation at Synopse. It's a book for beginners. No ORM/SOA/DDD or any deeper concepts. And the layout is not good.
Big font, specially of the code listings (approx. 50% of the book, 100 pages code print of the demos of this website) which have ugly line breaks which makes them difficult to read. Sometimes just one single word on a page. I' am pretty sure nobody looked at it before giving it to the press.
That reminds me of bad copies of Lonely Planet you can buy in Asia on a market.
Somebody "above" wrote the book has a good quality. I really cannot agree with this. At least not my version: Printed in Poland by Amazon Fulfillment.
For almost 60€ I've expected a better quality - far to expensive.

Last edited by firstfriday (2016-12-22 23:07:21)


#15 2016-12-23 04:15:27

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

firstfriday wrote:

I just got the book. I did not read it fully but it tells you less than the documentation at Synopse. It's a book for beginners.

I'm sorry you are disappointed.  As I listed in my blog, the first few chapters are to get new people started that are not familiar with mORMot.  The steady stream of beginner questions on the board indicates there was a need for such a section.   But once you get past that... hopefully not too much more disappointment.

I disagree that there is no SOA as there are both Delphi and EWB SOA examples.

There are also examples of SQL and ORM methods depending on which model you need to use for your project.

Starting page 127 to about page 190, it should all be new material to you because it covers REST and SOA RPCs with Elevate Web Builder that is definitely not documented anywhere on Synopse and I think the Web is the right direction to head for market acceptance. 

It includes a new library which supports REST+SOA with mORMot from EWB, which does auto-reconnect of sessions and supports Active Directory for authentication on all web browsers.  We're using it in production here for a couple of months so it's stable and opens new opportunities that didn't exist prior to the publishing.

I will take your recommendations on DDD, etc. and try to incorporate them into a future edition.  That doesn't help you right now, but it will help others in the future.

Somebody "above" wrote the book has a good quality. I really cannot agree with this. At least not my version: Printed in Poland by Amazon Fulfillment.

Amazon is a world-wide company.  My copy was printed on premium Canadian paper, but they demand-print for US, EU and UK and quality may vary by market, the only choices they offer the author are cream or white paper  and glossy or matte cover.  I picked them because shipping to EU and UK is expensive and past experience indicates people are keen for fast and, I believe, free delivery.   I've never seen a Polish book so I have nothing to compare.

The font is a readable 12 point recommended by the publisher.  Apparently 10  or 11 are hard-to-read for many people.  To compensate for the font size, the book uses a large page size of 8x10.   Book sizes are standardized for shipping purposes.

Some of the text boxes were reformatted by the publisher, and I agree there is sloppiness introduced in that last section where they messed up the frames.  Probably I'm to blame for having used MS-Word with text boxes.  This didn't show up in the pre-publishing copies because it had to do with PageMaker or whatever they use.  I do apologize for that.  But every time you submit the document they reformat it.  I thought it was gold this time, I was wrong.

For almost 60€ I've expected a better quality - far to expensive.

I know it's in line with prices for timely US technology books I buy.  I do not know the price of European books.  Approximately 1/3 of my books published on Amazon are sold in the EU so I think it must not be too outrageous.

On-Demand publishing is more expensive, but it is perfect for things like mORMot which gets extended regularly and which is so niche that no regular publisher would touch it.

This book has been a passion for a year and a half, with countless hours going into documentation, writing stripped down working samples,  and also building the next technologies which are unencumbered open source in the accompanying download.

I hope most readers will look past the production problems and see it as a valuable and timely resource.  I could have spent another year finessing the text and layout, but AB and I thought timeliness was critical in our Emails, I was starting to think he might be giving up on me :-).

The price reflects two facts: one the market size is currently very small - meaning its hard to recoup my expenses, and two, the fact I have to legally turn some of this into money to qualify for writing off expenses on my taxes.  Otherwise it's just an expensive time-consuming hobby to the tax man.  I promising you, writing a computer text about a wonderful but niche product is not a lucrative deal.

I've been heavily contributing to the open source comunity for almost 30 years, sometimes as programmer, sometimes as book author, often both.   And I think you have to look at how something like this book will help grow the project, and will save many people many days or weeks of effort, and in the case of EWB, open up new opportunities which didn't exist in that form prior to my work.  In my case, my books subsidize my development environment and activities.  I hope it will benefit you.

I guess people might wonder why pay for something related to open-source, it's all free, right?   To the contrary, I hope people reward AB by trying to help answer questions to save him him time, and by contributing to the project however they can, including donating source and helping financially when they can.


#16 2016-12-23 09:22:29

Registered: 2015-12-08
Posts: 56

Re: new book about mORMot

Can I buy your book any digital format (pdf, mobi, epub)?


#17 2016-12-23 12:43:40

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

HollosCs wrote:

Can I buy your book any digital format (pdf, mobi, epub)?

No, sorry, I've done that before and my books quickly ended up on file sharing sites.



#18 2017-01-06 03:36:38

Registered: 2012-09-10
Posts: 241

Re: new book about mORMot

> Amazon is a world-wide company.  My copy was printed on premium Canadian paper, but they demand-print for US, EU and UK and
> quality may vary by market, the only choices they offer the author are cream or white paper  and glossy or matte cover.  I picked them
> because shipping to EU and UK is expensive and past experience indicates people are keen for fast and, I believe, free delivery.   
> I've never seen a Polish book so I have nothing to compare.

My copy just arrived yesterday and here are my first impressions about book friendliness,
I haven't got the chance to read it obviously so cannot comment on content itself, though I would prefer less code examples.
I've ordered it from amazon.com, paper is fine.

> The font is a readable 12 point recommended by the publisher.  Apparently 10  or 11 are hard-to-read for many people.
> To compensate for the font size,

I cannot agree with that, font is really not that great, it's kind of big and not that friendly to read,
also font used for code samples is too big and not consistent (not all code samples use same font and font size).

Now if you compare it to some classical Delphi books like Delphi Component Design or Delphi Developer's Guide, you'll
see that it's much easier to read or follow code there.
Note that these picture doesn't show truly how much easier it is with them, but when you take book in hands, it's evident.


> the book uses a large page size of 8x10.   Book sizes are standardized for shipping purposes.

It's too wide for my liking, for example couldn't fit in my mail box so postman left it nearby,
fortunatelly nobody took it (it was openned though), it's to specific wink

> Some of the text boxes were reformatted by the publisher, and I agree there is sloppiness introduced in
> that last section where they messed up the frames.  Probably I'm to blame for
> having used MS-Word with text boxes.  This didn't show up in the pre-publishing copies because
> it had to do with PageMaker or whatever they use.  I do apologize for that. 
> But every time you submit the document they reformat it.  I thought it was gold this time, I was wrong.

Final page layout is really bad, it's not just visible in last section and within frames, it's everywhere, especially second half.
Note that I primarily think of code samples, though text itself could be much better.
I don't think that person doing final page preparation took more than half an hour for it, or just didn't care.
Simply browsing quickly through pages would reveal problems. Next time make sure that you see
it before giving a final OK or do formatting yourself.

For example, https://postimg.org/image/q5zp1vq3j, https://postimg.org/image/7baaphy7z/

Also there are so many empty pages: https://postimg.org/image/ndol39nwn/
And picture quality could be better: https://postimg.org/image/mcxcpgmc7.
It's not that important actually, but it's nice to have more details like here: https://postimg.org/image/ryi0t6ty9/

>> For almost 60€ I've expected a better quality - far to expensive.

> I know it's in line with prices for timely US technology books I buy.  I do not know the price of European books. 
> Approximately 1/3 of my books published on Amazon are sold in the EU so I think it must
> not be too outrageous.
> On-Demand publishing is more expensive, but it is perfect for things like mORMot which
> gets extended regularly and which is so niche that no regular publisher would touch it.

> This book has been a passion for a year and a half, with countless hours going into documentation,
> writing stripped down working samples,  and also building the next technologies which are
> unencumbered open source in the accompanying download.

> I hope most readers will look past the production problems and see it as a valuable and
> timely resource.  I could have spent another year finessing the text and layout, but AB and I thought
> timeliness was critical in our Emails, I was starting to think he might be giving up on me :-).

If was ~65EUR for me (including shipping), price level is reasonable for this type of market
close to other similar books (+/- 5EUR), however it leaves bad taste due to formatting.

> sometimes as book author, often both.   And I think you have to look at how something
> like this book will help grow the project, and will save many people many days or weeks of effort,
> and in the case of EWB, open up new opportunities which didn't exist in that form prior to my work. 
> In my case, my books subsidize my development environment and activities.  I hope it will benefit you.

Any Delphi Book is much appreciated, especially those targeting mORMOt, EWB/SMS/uniGUI and similar web technologies,
so this is just a friendly criticism, don't stop writing wink

Last edited by igors233 (2017-01-06 03:37:54)


#19 2017-01-06 13:23:54

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

The formatting was a problem.  I agree generally, though we will all have personal opinions on some aspects.

I will be significantly reformatting this book in 2017, probably in March as I will have a month at home for a medical leave.  There may be a few minor edits for clarification too.

That doesn't help you directly, but it does benefit the Delphi/NewPascal/Mormot/EWB communities we all care deeply about.

I will update this thread when the new revision is available.


#20 2017-01-07 15:33:33

From: Argentina
Registered: 2016-12-09
Posts: 25

Re: new book about mORMot

erick wrote:

The formatting was a problem.  I agree generally, though we will all have personal opinions on some aspects.

I will be significantly reformatting this book in 2017, probably in March as I will have a month at home for a medical leave.  There may be a few minor edits for clarification too.

That doesn't help you directly, but it does benefit the Delphi/NewPascal/Mormot/EWB communities we all care deeply about.

I will update this thread when the new revision is available.

  I get the book yesterday. I read the first 100 pages in 4 hours. That tell a lot of the book. Im a newbie mormot user, just read some of the documentation before buy your book, not in a specifically order. I really expect from that book something exciting of mormot. I will end reading the 156 pages, but so far right now don't find any exciting there and feel very dissapointed for the buy. Sorry, but i pay 59.95 for a book with pages filled with 1/4 text on big fonts code... not fair at all.
  I must agree with the others the book is very basic, almost the stuff i read, and i read more than 35% of the book. The code samples don't work, i mean, i see many samples where vars are not defined, or assignments are wrong.
  Pictures quality are ilegible, bad stretched, like a high school weekend work. Sorry, is my sensation.
  As a recommendation for the times to come, i suggest you pass first the book to mormot developers to check that stuff and correct mistakes and help to rephrase some stuff. I believe ,mormot developers must have worried about the quality of the books about the product, even more if that book are publicity here. Im looking for a ORM solution and the book, IMHO, don't make a big favor to mormot.

  I will end reading the book (i think before monday) before give a final veredict and will come back to this topic.

Best regards.

Last edited by donaldshimoda (2017-01-07 15:51:16)


#21 2017-01-07 17:27:35

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

Thanks for the helpful input.  I will certainly try to address these concerns and improve it for the next release sometime midway through this year.  Most of the work will be in February or March, but the timing of the release... I'm not sure.

Many of the people I consulted were from non-mormot groups who felt mormot had a really steep learning curve and were scared off by the multi thousand page SAD.   There was no obvious path, and they didn't know where to begin.    You see some of them post in this newsgroup, and there were many in the Elevate Web Builder group who echoed that sentiment.

The first few chapters you discussed are for those people.  They want a fast course to get them migrated off other technologies.  I believe that is where we can bring growth to our mormot community.

The sections on Elevate Web Builder is quite a departure for mormot developers, it opens opportunities to rephrase our applications to real web clients.  I really hope you will find value in that.



#22 2017-01-09 15:14:07

Registered: 2016-07-05
Posts: 39

Re: new book about mORMot

Hi Erick,

I baught both of your book. 65 euros each. I was interrested about building apps with MORMOT + EWB. The price is expensive and I can understand it because there is not so much audience about Delphi or EWB. So I will not critic the price. You are also free to sell it the price you want. But:
- About the layout, I really don't understand. There was many pages to save (first for ecology, and for some other good reasons). For example, page 211: The page is well covered with Project 07;08 and a part of 09. Good  !! Page 230 : 1 line only. 235, 244 : 2 lines only. And many more...
- About code : A lot of code from Mormot Web site. Why not make them available from your web site or Github?
- The font size is quite big ( reduce it would save some paper)

I'm frustrated because i expected a complete small application including CRUD, Auth, Sharding, JSON (Un)Serialization, logging. Some kind of Starter Kit. I would pay 65 euros for this even if the book was 100 pages only.

I have to say that I'm glad that some people are writing books about MORMOT and EWB. Hope those remarks (critics) will help you to improve your next editions ;-)


#23 2017-01-10 23:43:03

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

DKA wrote:

Hi Erick,

I'm frustrated because i expected a complete small application including CRUD, Auth, Sharding, JSON (Un)Serialization, logging. Some kind of Starter Kit. I would pay 65 euros for this even if the book was 100 pages only.

I have to say that I'm glad that some people are writing books about MORMOT and EWB. Hope those remarks (critics) will help you to improve your next editions ;-)

Trust me, the comments are making it better. 

To be honest, on a first edition you never know if you hit the ball out of the park (baseball reference) or not until you get replies.  My test audience scored differently than the public.   While the EWB book was a huge success,  this one has met with criticism.

But part of the responsibility of an honest author is to fix what's wrong.  So here is my proposal:

I've been working on the second edition with new and a few updated chapters based on comments and suggestions.  These are copyrighted material, but I will publicly release the new chapters as downloadable PDFs from my web site.

The book remains copyrighted, but existing customers get some benefit of the second edition without spending additional money.

So far I've written chapters about Sharding/De-Normalization and a lot about DDD.  All of them are on the advanced side of the room.  Now that you mention it, I will also do a starter kit included in the book's download.

I will make the first instalment available sometime this coming weekend.

Unlike the BBS, the printed form gives opportunity for thoughtful, detailed and illustrated answers.
Feel free to Email me about topics.  I can't answer quickly, but I can research and include responses in my documents.

I hope that sounds agreeable.



#24 2017-01-12 11:12:06

Registered: 2016-07-05
Posts: 39

Re: new book about mORMot


Indeed this sounds agreable.

About topics : if you plan to add a starter kit, my wish (people may have other wishes) is to study a starter kit based on example 14 with:
  - Handshake
  - Auth
  - Service call 1 : Getting a list of records. Json transmitted by Mormot Server.
  - Json unserialization from EWB
  - Transfering in Dataset/Grid in EWB
  - Modifyng grid in EWB (CUD)
  - Json Serialization
  - Service call 2 : Applying updates

Some of those points are already covered by your book.

Because I really believe in capabilities of EWB+ Morrmot couple, my proposition is to share this starter kit in Synopse web site and in EWB web site. It will help many beginers (like me) to create apps and wil bring audience to your book.
This starter kit will be also improved by the community.



#25 2017-01-12 19:13:45

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

I wrote:
"So far I've written chapters about Sharding/De-Normalization..."

and that first six page chapter is now available.

It, and future chapters as they come available, can be downloaded at http://www.erickengelke.com/ewbmormot2.zip

The same files are included in my large ewbmormot.zip, but that file is huge and I don't expect everyone to keep downloading it every week..

If you can send your suggestions to my Email address, I will communicate with you to refine the topics in Email before I post a complete article to the web.  Try to include a little description of each so I can understand why it seems confusing.


I updated the file the clarify a point a few hours later.

Last edited by erick (2017-01-13 03:18:27)


#26 2017-01-17 09:41:09

Registered: 2016-07-05
Posts: 39

Re: new book about mORMot

OK Erick,

For example, I cannot find the needed source to compile and run the delivered apps. For example, no wbp file in the ewbmormot.zip file.
And the ewbmormot.zip file is "only" 3.5 Mb. So it is not large (in my opinion).

I'm confused.


#27 2017-01-18 19:00:36

Registered: 2012-09-05
Posts: 79

Re: new book about mORMot

Here's my $0.02: don't use Microsoft Word for writing a book. It's a waste of time.

(Before counting me off as some Microsoft basher, let me assure you that Excel and Word are my two favorites pieces of software of all time, period. I truly think they are a monument to human ingenuity.)

To write a book, the absolute best way is to use LaTeX.  Easy to learn, fun, and, the best of all, it's plain text, so if you throw your favorite VCS to the mix (which is git, of course, right?)  you get all you need to create a stunningly well designed book.

There are ready-made classes to create your book. For example, I took a sample chapter provided earlier in this thread, opened it with Word, saved as .docx, then used docxtolatex to convert the file. After some _very_ minor editing, got the following:


Please have in mind that I didn't do much other than a few touches here and there. The design is all provided by this LaTeX class: https://github.com/Tufte-LaTeX

If you want, I can edit and convert your book for you. It's no big deal.


#28 2017-01-19 09:38:26

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,548

Re: new book about mORMot

+1 on TeX/LaTeX

This is really a great piece of software.
I even bought and read (several times, since it was meant to be so) the TeX book by the great Donad Knuth...
Software is great, but his book is somewhat difficult to digest. wink


#29 2017-01-20 02:30:49

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

DKA wrote:

OK Erick,
For example, I cannot find the needed source to compile and run the delivered apps. For example, no wbp file in the ewbmormot.zip file.
And the ewbmormot.zip file is "only" 3.5 Mb. So it is not large (in my opinion).

I'm confused.

I don't know why you would use a wpb file?  I believe it is a webshot connection file, never actually used one myself.

I put everything into one file for simplicity.  Some people felt the download file was too large, maybe they use modems.  In the future I may break out the binaries into a separate download as most developers will not need to have the big EXE files.



#30 2017-01-20 02:50:31

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

> (Before counting me off as some Microsoft basher, let me assure you that Excel and Word are my two favorites pieces of software of all time, period. I truly think they are a monument to human ingenuity.)

I can tell you I was seriously thinking about it a few times in the last few months, as LaTex is something I've used years ago and a close friend just rediscovered it last year and reminded me.  But I had already invested a lot in the Word version and didn't know a good way to convert Word to LaTex.  I figured that would wait until the next project.

Well, I'm ready to renew my Knuth membership card today.  I still have all the books.

The only thing I liked about Word was the grammar checking.   But the autocorrections were killing me as I cut and paste code.

> There are ready-made classes to create your book. For example, I took a sample chapter provided earlier in this thread, opened it with Word, saved as .docx, then used docxtolatex to convert the file. After some _very_ minor editing, got the following:

I will definitely pursue this option.  Thanks for some excellent advice and the effort you put into this.


#31 2017-01-20 04:42:55

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

erick wrote:

> There are ready-made classes to create your book. For example, I took a sample chapter provided earlier in this thread, opened it with Word, saved as .docx, then used docxtolatex to convert the file. After some _very_ minor editing, got the following:

Which docxtolatex program, there are several  different ones?  I'm using a Mac version of Word, some  conversion programs try to use OLE and I can't use that.  I also tried pandoc but it seems to generate many many errors in Latex, I gave up on it.



#32 2017-01-20 16:16:57

Registered: 2012-09-05
Posts: 79

Re: new book about mORMot

erick wrote:

Which docxtolatex program, there are several  different ones?  I'm using a Mac version of Word, some  conversion programs try to use OLE and I can't use that.  I also tried pandoc but it seems to generate many many errors in Latex, I gave up on it.


My bad, the program is actually named docx2tex: http://docx2tex.codeplex.com/ - it doesn't use any OLE magic.


#33 2017-01-21 14:07:01

Registered: 2014-06-30
Posts: 6

Re: new book about mORMot

Hello Erick,
Thank you for creating this book. It is great news for us mORMot lovers.
Honestly, what is your advice: buy it now or wait for the updated version?
Thanks. Albert


#34 2017-01-22 03:31:17

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

Great timing Albert, I just signed in tonight to say


I've spent many hours yesterday and today converting the text to LaTex.  And there are some new chapters which haven't been made public yet, I'll work tomorrow to putting them into LaTex too.  I'll send it out for printing on monday, proof/fix in a while loop.

A second edition will be available on Amazon by mid Febrary.  I'll announce it here when it is available.



#35 2017-02-02 19:41:40

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot

Good news, it's available, neater, better, more topics, cheaper. 
I've started a new thread about the 2nd edition.


#36 2017-05-16 18:25:51

From: Brazil
Registered: 2016-05-11
Posts: 16

Re: new book about mORMot

Hi Erick, congratulations on writing the book, i started to read it and would like to know how to compile one of those EnterpriseX examples in Lazarus, while compiling i got several errors in unit ewbmormot.pas and LibSodium.pas, my goal is to have the server in the Linux. Sorry for the bad english.



#37 2017-05-28 03:29:58

Registered: 2015-09-09
Posts: 155

Re: new book about mORMot


Sorry, I've been absent for a bit.

I've got it compilable for Win32 NewPascal but I haven't quite merged that back in - doing that broke the delphi compile.  While I work on merging the two sources you can download the NewPascal variant at  http://www.erickengelke.com/enterprise3.zip

I'll post more about that sample in a separate thread.


#38 2021-03-23 07:14:39

From: France
Registered: 2020-11-27
Posts: 60

Re: new book about mORMot

Just a small question to be sure, as the last post here is from 2017, the EWB book 2nd edition is about mORMot too, right ?


#39 2021-03-31 12:30:10

Registered: 2020-09-07
Posts: 121

Re: new book about mORMot

flydev wrote:

Just a small question to be sure, as the last post here is from 2017, the EWB book 2nd edition is about mORMot too, right ?

I purchased that book. And I regret big time.

Though it is appreciated that this might be the only published mORMot book on the market, and the table of contents appear very logical and reasonable,  yet the book contents are full of typos, incomplete samples, misleading and incorrect information, and confusing lines out of context!!   The misleading/incorrect information will do you big harm! 

I strongly suggest the author to carefully proofread the book, and fix the typos and correct the wrong information.

Also it claimed to have been proofread by AB - I don't know how he did the "proofread" but the book is of very low publishing quality, I am very upset with the purchase.  This forum and SAD are probably more useful.

Last edited by wxinix (2021-04-14 15:18:54)


#40 2024-06-14 13:53:00

Registered: 2024-06-14
Posts: 20

Re: new book about mORMot

That is a good news


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