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I'm looking to introduce the capability to execute javascript into my project. The idea is to allow customers to respond to a web broker server with java script code. However, I'm not looking to support all node related stuff... I would like to keep it simple... plain javascript... trigger a single event, and allow the user to access to a limited number of Delphi classes/functions...
- When web broker load, I load from a database a number of javascript "files" and prep the engine...
- on '/plugin' action event of web broker, I'll like to call a function from Delphi to Javascript...
- Inside the Javascript, I'll like the customer to be able to access data by using a Delphi function... something like GetRecord(tableName, recordID)
sample Delphi functions
procedure RegisterWebEvent(pathName:String,functionName:String); // this allow the javascript to self register what event will be responding to
// add information to a tdictionary, or array, or linked list, or anything!
function getRecord(tableName:String;recordID:String):String;
myDataset.sql.text := 'Select * from ' + tableName + ' where id = ' + QuotedStr(recordID);
if not myDataset.EOF then begin
somehow wrap the return into something like...
I know I can loop thru the fieldsDef to create this, but not sure if I should return a string...
sample javascript script
function MyResponse(request, response){
response.content = '<html><body>hello there </body></html>';
// call delphi to register
function getSomeData(request, response){
// access the request object to get a passed parameter
var id = request.contentQuery.values['id'];
// get data by using a delphi code
var myRec = getRecord('Customers','423423');
if (myRec){
response.content = myRec.Name;
// call delphi to register
At this stage, when I receive a '/pluggin' event, I'll check the next path level and see if there is any registered event...
If I receive /pluggin/getData?id=34 I'll call the javascript function getSomeData
That's it... no Node, no debugging, no external modules, no dll, no nothing... just pure javascript...
- Can I use SyNode and isolate out the "node" part of it, but still use SpiderMonkey 45 or 52?
- Can I create Delphi function to be called from javascript?
- if yes, can I return a javascript object (based on a record?), meaning the object is not yet defined and will depend on data returned by a dataset
- Can I call javascript functions from Delphi....
- Can I pass Delphi classes to javascript (like TRequest/TResponse)?
I'm assuming the answers are...
- Can I use SyNode and isolate out the "node" part of it, but still use SpiderMonkey 45 or 52?
No... There are plenty of code that seems to be hardcoded attached to external js files (like EvaluateModule('synode.js') or aEng.EvaluateModule('DevTools\Debugger.js'))
- Can I create Delphi function to be called from javascript?
- if yes, can I return a javascript object (based on a record?), meaning the object is not yet defined and will depend on data returned by a dataset
Yes, at least the first part... the second part, I'm not sure, but I can surely return a string and call eval to convert to Javascript Object...
- Can I call javascript functions from Delphi....
- Can I pass Delphi classes to javascript (like TRequest/TResponse)?
Maybe... you can use delphi class on javascript, not sure if I can pass them as parameters...
Can someone confirm this is correct? or Am I missing something?
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