#1 2011-12-05 09:01:13

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,845

Total Commander 64 bit is using... Lazarus and FPC

I'm a long-time registered user of TotalCommander.

This tool is my daily file manager. I never use Windows Explorer, since TotalCommander is just faster, more easy to use (especially with the keyboard), has a lot of plug-ins. I even created my own plug-ins to access some custom file formats, and navigate into them just like with any folder. And it includes a lot of well written commands for FTP access or file comparison, which made other tools (like WinMerge) unnecessary.

There is a new beta version of Total Commander available, which targets Windows 64 bit. I just thought: 'Whoo, this is a real-world Delphi XE2 64 application'. I downloaded and tried it. Worked as expected, and integrates seamlessly with Windows Seven (for the shell extensions). Then I took a look at the executable... and discovered it was not compiled with Delphi XE2... but with FPC !


#2 2012-04-03 18:24:18

Registered: 2011-11-17
Posts: 28

Re: Total Commander 64 bit is using... Lazarus and FPC

But it's GUI is kinda spaghetti. Unreal Commander, having no need for backward compatibility, is sometimes easier and more straightlined to use.
Though in general TC seems to be more featured.


#3 2012-04-19 10:18:42

Registered: 2012-04-19
Posts: 1

Re: Total Commander 64 bit is using... Lazarus and FPC

I also like Total Commander.
I use for a lot of already integrated plugins and programs TCUP (based on total commander)


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