#1 Re: mORMot 1 » Stop the war! » 2022-02-25 21:47:09

Please stay in safe MPV!

I'm Russian and was shocked when this insane bastard decided to fully open this Pandora's box sad
I'm feeling deep shame for our goverment and all this kleptocracy.

One of my grandfathers was Ukrainian and his stories about the WWII were terrific.
Hope that invaders will get enough bloody arguments to stop this mess.

Never thought that Kiev (where I was several times) will be bombarded with winged missiles in the 21st century sad

Слава Украине! - Героям слава!

#2 Re: mORMot 1 » Memcached Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework » 2022-01-25 04:55:36

You can e-mail directly to me (the e-mail is on the end of the library description): eugene.ilyin (at) gmail (dot) com

But right now, I'm working on increasing Brotli/Zopfli compression speed and mem reusage.

Maybe we should create a separate mORMotBP2 project on GitHub

P. S.
Or maybe we can put this library to mORMot as AB suggested couple of years ago smile

#3 Re: mORMot 1 » [Fixed] TDocVariantData.GetValueIndex, TDocVariantData.GetVarData » 2021-11-11 20:28:19

Hm, ok partial support of the JSON spec for this rare case is good enough.
Anything better than unexpected exception for incoming JSONs smile

Thanks, fix confirmed, now it's


#4 mORMot 1 » [Fixed] TDocVariantData.GetValueIndex, TDocVariantData.GetVarData » 2021-11-11 15:49:29

Eugene Ilyin
Replies: 3

Hi, the recent 1.18.6318:

program Test;
  V: Variant;
  VD: TVarData;
  with TDocVariantData(V) do
    Writeln(GetValueIndex('') = 0);
    Writeln(GetVarData('', VD, @StrComp));
    Writeln(AddValueFromText('','test') = 0);
Exception class $C0000005 with message 'access violation at 0x0052573a: read of address 0xfffffffc'. Process Test.exe (11556)

TDocVariantData.GetValueIndex problem place:

      result := FindNonVoidRawUTF8(pointer(VName),aName,aNameLen,VCount) else
      result := FindNonVoidRawUTF8I(pointer(VName),aName,aNameLen,VCount) else

    for result := 0 to count-1 do // all VName[]<>'' so n^<>0
      if (PStrLen(n^-_STRLEN)^=len) and CompareMemFixed(pointer(n^),name,len) then

    if (PStrLen(n^-_STRLEN)^=len) and IdemPropNameUSameLen(pointer(n^),name,len) then

    for result := 0 to count-1 do
      if ((n^=0) and (len=0)) or
        ((PStrLen(n^-_STRLEN)^=len) and CompareMemFixed(pointer(n^),name,len)) then

    if ((n^=0) and (len=0)) or
      ((n^<> 0) and (PStrLen(n^-_STRLEN)^=len) and IdemPropNameUSameLen(pointer(n^),name,len)) then

TDocVariantData.GetVarData problem place:

  if (integer(VType)<>DocVariantVType) or not(dvoIsObject in VOptions) or
     (VCount=0) or (aName='') then

  if (integer(VType)<>DocVariantVType) or not(dvoIsObject in VOptions) or
     (VCount=0) then

TDocVariantData.AddValueFromText problem place:

  function TDocVariantData.AddValueFromText(const aName,aValue: RawUTF8;
    Update, AllowVarDouble: boolean): integer;
    if aName='' then begin
      result := -1;
  result := GetValueIndex(aName);

//  if aName='' then begin
//    result := -1;
//    exit;
//  end;
  result := GetValueIndex(aName);
  • Any request contained the empty name in JSON object will crush the thread request processing

  • Any TDocVariantData access: Exists(aName), NameIndex(aName), AddValue, AddValueFromText, SearchItemByProp, ReduceAsArray, Rename, Delete(aName), GetValueOrDefault, GetValueOrNull, GetValueOrEmpty, GetValueEnumerate, GetAsPVariant, RetrieveValueOrRaiseException, SetValueOrItem, AddOrUpdateValue, GetOrAddIndexByName, GetOrAddPVariantByName, GetPVariantByName, IntSet, DoFunction, Exists, ExistsOrLock, AddExistingPropOrLock, ...

  • Any JSON iterating, search, etc.


Is empty name allowed for JSON object members?
Yes. Following the spec:

  element ',' elements
  ws value ws
  '{' members '}'
  member ',' members
  ws string ws ':' element <-- String HERE for member name
  '"' characters '"' <-- Chars HERE for string value
  "" <-- Empty content HERE for chars
  character characters

No empty name tests provided in sanity checks.

P. S. Please check the other places where the Name prop assumed not to be empty (no sure that I found all the cases).

#5 Re: mORMot 1 » Delphi 10.4 and TAutoFree » 2021-09-25 18:02:59

Yeah, but it was so usefull not to generate all this try ... finally nesting, all libraries and all sources with IAutoFree now must be rewritten.
Especially for TSQLRecord and it's ancesstors sad

#7 mORMot 1 » [Fixed] CSVToRawUTF8DynArray » 2021-08-18 20:07:58

Eugene Ilyin
Replies: 2

Hi, the recent 1.18.6309:

program Test;
  R1, R2: TRawUTF8DynArray;
  CSVToRawUTF8DynArray('AA,BB,CC,DD', ',', ',', R1);
  CSVToRawUTF8DynArray('A,B,C,D', ',', ',', R2);

RawUTF8ArrayToCSV problem place:

  while offs<length(CSV) do begin

  while offs<=length(CSV) do begin




The SynSelfTests.pas TTestLowLevelCommon._UTF8 doesn't cover the listed case:


#8 Re: mORMot 1 » Memcached Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework » 2021-05-19 21:00:04

Hi htits2008,
Just get the recent release, follow the instructions and build the Demo project, run HTTP server locally, open the root page and see the headers, GZip/Brotli compression, CSP directives, cache behaviour, static assets etc.
Then play with options and see the results or check how the test cases work.
Then try to build some your favorite front-end: Angular, React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, VanillaJS, play with SSR and experiment with mORMot on-the-fly mustache template engine, etc.
Then connect all of it with your favorite reverse proxy like nginx, openhttplite, CDN, etc.

Fill free to ask if something is not clear.

#9 Re: mORMot 1 » Testing thousands connections » 2021-03-20 18:58:01

Yeap, k6 is NOT for the maximum performance testing.
k6 is for complex scenarios to check relative to previous runs performance degradation/increase.
That why for the speed tests it's in my "Class B"

As for the raw HTTP queries flow - the "Class A" exist (really try Oha, after 10-12 Oha runs you will love this console like UI and performance measurements. Oha is written in Rust, very stable, small, fast, and predictable - the same run sequences show the same performance results with a very low deviation).

#10 Re: mORMot 1 » Testing thousands connections » 2021-03-19 18:47:05

@mpv, you can easily migrate to k6

It's army swiss knife on the modern complex load testing scenarios:
Asserts, Thresholds, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, WebSocket, gRPC, Cookies, Crypto, Custom metrics, Encodings, Environment variables, JSON, HTML forms, files.

Configuation-as-a-script and very pleasant to write scenarios.
Not sticked to Linux only.

Here is a "hello world" HTTP load test under Windows:

import http from "k6/http";

export default function() {
  let response = http.get("");
k6.exe run -u 256 -i 1000000 script.js

#11 Re: mORMot 1 » Testing thousands connections » 2021-03-19 13:26:46

My favorite HTTP benchmark performance testing tools used for mORMot:

Class A
Minimal resources consumption per worker, maximum parallel threads, precise measurements, fast start per instance

  1. Oha (the best one from resource, quality, parallel measuments, reporting, UI smile)

  2. bombardier

  3. fasthttploader

Class B

  1. gohttpbench

  2. gobench

  3. k6

Class C

  1. autocannon

  2. fortio

Class D

  1. baton

  2. cassowary

  3. drill

  4. go-wrk

The other are listed in awesome-http-benchmark

#12 Re: mORMot 1 » Delphi 10.4 and TAutoFree » 2021-01-12 11:14:27

Please consider the another alternative to fix it in the recent Delphi compilers with Managed Record inside TAutoFree.
One of the benefit from-the-box is reverse auto-invocation order of Finalize() in routines epilogue.

#13 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 proposal: rename RawUTF8 type to Utf8 ? » 2020-12-31 14:29:56

Small amendment:

Following Naming Conventions and Section 3.4 of Object Pascal Style Guide which is a base for both Delphi and Free Pascal:

Except for reserved words and directives, which are in all lowercase, all Pascal identifiers should use InfixCaps, which means the first letter should be a capital, and any embedded words in an identifier should be in caps, as well as any acronym that is embedded


Method names should use the InfixCaps style. Start with a capital letter, and capitalize the first letter of any subsequent word in the name, as well as any letters that are part of an acronym. All other characters in the name are lower case.

But as for me the Kotlin approach above looks more balanced.

#14 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 proposal: rename RawUTF8 type to Utf8 ? » 2020-12-31 10:24:50

*REST* became *Rest*,  TJWT* into TJwt* and TSQL* into TSql*

Ok, I will print " Id and EntityId, not ID and EntityID ! " on A4 and meditate for an hour per day on it smile

Unfortunatelly Object Pascal Style Guide and Free Pascal guidelines are not clear about acronyms notation in names.

Maybe Kotlin (successor of all Android dev) balance is the best approach?

When using an acronym as part of a declaration name, capitalize it if it consists of two letters (IOStream); capitalize only the first letter if it is longer (XmlFormatter, HttpInputStream).

#15 Re: mORMot 1 » mORMot 2 proposal: rename RawUTF8 type to Utf8 ? » 2020-12-30 23:20:14

Ok, here is a typical case below.
What is better for you to fast and accurate reading/re-understanding your/another developer old code?

function TMyClass.DoSomething(const AValueA, AValueB: Utf8; const APosition: Integer): Utf8;
  Index: Integer;
  StrA, StrB: Utf8;

function TMyClass.DoSomething(const AValueA, AValueB: RawUTF8; const APosition: Integer): RawUTF8;
  Index: Integer;
  StrA, StrB: RawUTF8;

function TMyClass.DoSomething(const AValueA, AValueB: UTF8String; const APosition: Integer): UTF8String;
  Index: Integer;
  StrA, StrB: UTF8String;

function TMyClass.DoSomething(const AValueA, AValueB: UTF8Str; const APosition: Integer): UTF8Str;
  Index: Integer;
  StrA, StrB: UTF8Str;

IMHO, RawUTF8 is ok, Utf8 is too short and ugly, and could be hard for the fast code reading.
Maybe suggested alternative UTF8String (or UTF8Str) is long enough, but is it worth the code and libraries refactoring?
Also it will be not good at all to introduce another mORMot.UTF8String/System.UTF8String name collision with standard type.
Is it possible to mess it up when you use both: some Delphi libraries expected System.UTF8String and some mORMot UTF8String routines in the same code.
From the other point of view: introduction of mORMot.UTF8String will be a good protection barrier to throw out libraries which are work with System.UTF8String smile

P. S.
Btw (if we talk about such core changes in naming smile)
I'm very allergic to ab's CamelCase notation to almost all abbreviations, all these: Html, Http, Utf, Xml, Json, etc. in places where expected HTTP, XML, UTF, JSON... brrrrrr... (thanks that SQL is not cursed to Sql) I wonder is it because of issue to keep the Shift key pressed during typing or some code post-processor trash it out before commit? hmm
With all respect, but fix this will improve readability/expectability more than RawUTF8 (hm... RawUtf8) renaming.
What do you think? Maybe it's a separate topic to discuss.

#16 Re: mORMot 1 » Memcached Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework » 2020-12-21 13:00:40


There is an easy way to avoid this mORMotHTTPServer exception on FPC:
Detach DBServer/DBServers from your HTTPServer before destruction, like so:

{$IFDEF FPC} HTTPServer.RemoveServer(Server); {$ENDIF}

I've updated the Demo sample, please see this small amendment here.

No exceptions on FPC 3.2.0 / Lazarus 2.0.10 / mORMot 1.18.6186 on Win64.
Please let me know if the issue is gone or still exist on the latest mORMot revision when you add this line to the end of your source code.

#17 Re: mORMot 1 » Web browser requesting favicon.ico » 2020-11-28 23:25:36

Usage of rel="shortcut icon" is not a good decision, see here, here, and here why.

#18 Re: mORMot 1 » Web browser requesting favicon.ico » 2020-11-28 23:19:36

If you have a single project (not dynamically generated bunch of projects)
Please use RFG - Real Favicon Generator to generate all necessary favicons.
This service is free and generates all state-of-the-art set of required icons aligned with the most recent guidelines.

Then you can pack all favicons into a single file, pre-compute GZipped and Brotli versions for each asset in maximum available compression and make all client's browsers happy.

To embed necessary HTML tags into generated HTML template you can use mORMot mustache template engine with embedding of isolated favicons.partial file:

  <link rel="image_src" type="image/png" href="/apple-touch-icon-1024x1024.png"/>
  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon-1024x1024.png">
  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.png">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon-16x16.png">
  <link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="{{{themeColor}}}">
  <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="{{{themeColor}}}">
  <meta name="theme-color" content="{{themeColor}}">

As from the best caching practices I recommend to embed hash-versioning into the file names and strip hashed when the asset is requested:

  <link rel="image_src" type="image/png" href="/apple-touch-icon-1024x1024.7a6ed56a.png">
  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon-1024x1024.7a6ed56a.png">
  <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.19f7af26.png">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.29731e46.png">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon-16x16.686f4164.png">
  <link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.77664866.svg" color="{{{themeColor}}}">
  <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="{{{themeColor}}}">
  <meta name="theme-color" content="{{themeColor}}">

If you do so, you can make such assets immutable:

Cache-Control: public, no-transform, max-age=31536000, immutable

Or when CDN/NGINX reverse-proxy used:

Cache-Control: public, no-transform, max-age=31536000, immutable, stale-while-revalidate=2592000, stale-if-error=2592000

To pre-compress, compute ETag hashes, embed as a single resource right into executable, and then distribute all icons assets you can use mORMotBP which is a direct class from TSQLHttpServer.

#19 Re: mORMot 1 » Memcached Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework » 2020-11-19 21:50:52

Release 2.4
  • Add TBoilerplateHTTPServer.OnGetAsset for external, computable assets and files with custom redirections support.
    This is usefull for:

    • Dynamically compute content.

    • Return custom redirects for any request, now you can run projects migration, A/B testing, synthetic/deprecated links support, etc.

    • Precache rare updated dynamic content and compress it with GZip, Zopfli, or Brotli.

    • Customize transfer of any stored files or save some dynamic content to files and delegate transfer to low-level HTTP API.

  • Change TAsset.Timestamp type to TUnixTime for better perfomance and modifications checks

  • Add TAssset.Clear and TAssset.Assign methods

#20 Re: mORMot 1 » Renaming TSQLRecord to TORM » 2020-11-19 19:04:34


What do you think of making a list of colliding types in mORMot?

We can find all collisions between units interface section identifiers in two different ways (please let me know if you find an easier way to do it):

API Reference collisions identification

Deep crawl Embarcadero site for all identifiers (not sure that every identifier is present in docs):
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Librarie … /Unit_List
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Librarie … /en/System
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Librarie … em.Actions
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Librarie … /en/Winapi
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/Xml (maybe)

Deep crawl Free Pascal site for all identifiers by the next paths (again not sure that every identifier is present in docs):
https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/cu … index.html
https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/cu … index.html
https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/cu … index.html

Deep crawl mORMot API referense site (is this reference actual, auto-generated and equal recent fossil version?):
https://synopse.info/files/html/Synopse … _FRAMEWORK

Extract all identifiers in interface section of all listed units and build the collision list.

Source code collisions identification

Parse all *.pas files of Embarcadero / Free Pascal / mORMot sources with one of the next Delphi language AST builders:

Extract all identifiers from AST-interface-section-nodes and build the collision list.

P. S.
I agree with other developers that the SynTrim naming is short, elegant, colision free, and do not require conditional defines or other magic to use.
As for fully signature identical methods the replacement with more efficient code can be named equally.

#21 Re: mORMot 1 » Renaming TSQLRecord to TORM » 2020-11-09 00:31:17

Small amendments related to the names of functions (not classes, class procedures, etc).

mORMot is not alone when you develop a project,
I have to write alot of code mixed between string and RawUTF8 types.
And because in uses section the RTL (like SysUtils) are always goes before any libraries (like SynCommons), it's very annoying to write SysUtils.Trim() everywhere where the strings are used.

I'll be happy to see distinct prefixes/postfixes in mORMot for all collisions with standard Delphi utils (like SynTrim, TrimU, etc.)

As for classes the distinct prefix TSyn, TSy will be good for recognition and good for avoiding with any other libraries and frameworks (the common names like TService could collides very easilly if you have 2-3 libraries/services working with TService from mORMot, TService from library  and your own domain core class TCustomService, so TSynService looks better, IMHO)

#22 Re: mORMot 1 » Memcached Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework » 2020-10-08 17:41:43

Thanks Pavel, it's great alternative to default MIME types list!

#23 Re: mORMot 1 » Memcached Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework » 2020-10-06 21:27:26

It was an intresting challenge to fetch, parse, combine, deduplicate and prioritize ~2000 IANA documents merge with Apache and Mozilla versions and provide them as an O(1) hash list of TSynNameValue values smile

IANA Media Types

#24 Re: mORMot 1 » Memcached Boilerplate HTTP Server for Synopse mORMot Framework » 2020-10-06 19:51:37

Release 2.3
  • Upgrade Assets to HTML Boilerplate v8.0.0

  • Align options with Apache Server Configs v4.0.0

  • Upgrade Brotli compression to v1.0.9

  • Support Dynamic Brotli compression (save about 25% CPU usage compared to GZip on 64-bit systems and 10% less delivery time and traffic utilization).

  • Add support of 1490 MIME Types file extensions from IANA, Apache, and Mozilla (see BoilerplateAssets.KnownMIMETypes as an alternative to SynCommons.GetMimeContentType)

  • bpoDelegateUnauthorizedTo404 set content for HTTP 401 "Unauthorized" response code equals to /404

  • bpoDelegateNotAcceptableTo404 set content for HTTP 406 "Not Acceptable" response code equals to /404

  • bpoDelegateHidden block access to all hidden files and directories except for the visible content from within the /.well-known/ hidden directory

  • bpoDisableTRACEMethod prevents TRACE requests being made via JavaScript

  • TStrictSSL supports strictSSLIncludeSubDomainsPreload

  • New DNSPrefetchControl property controls DNS prefetching

  • TAssets.SaveToFile now forces file directories before save and returns boolean success value

  • assetslz didn't store compressed content if it size is greater than the size of the identity content (which prevents unnecessary bundle increase)

#27 mORMot 1 » [Fixed] FindFiles sub-folders search is failed under Windows » 2020-08-01 00:24:03

Eugene Ilyin
Replies: 2

Hi, all sub-folders search in FindFiled are failed under Windows.

The bug is in SynCommons.pas SearchRecValidFolder function:

function SearchRecValidFolder(const F: TSearchRec): boolean;
  result := (F.Attr and (faDirectory {$ifdef MSWINDOWS}and faHidden{$endif})=faDirectory) and
    (F.Name<>'') and (F.Name<>'.') and (F.Name<>'..');

Due to faDirectory = 16 and faHidden = 2 we have faDirectory and faHidden = 0 under Windows and all sub-folders are skipper from the search.

Please merge the fix: https://github.com/synopse/mORMot/pull/336

#28 Re: mORMot 1 » Customize HTTP 'Accept: */*' default header » 2020-04-21 06:36:44


No, I think that issues is that ab is busy now with v2 migration.
No rush - just pinging him from time to time smile

#307 is fully backward capatible and solve 2 issues:
1. Hardcoded Accept: */*
2. Add QueryDataAvailable before ReadData (see separate forum topic ralated to it)

Both changes are minor (add couple of lines) and related only to Windows API.

I believe the mORMot HTTP clients is not very flexible to be used outside the ORM.

Let me disagree with you: mORMot HTTP Client Requests are good for feeds fetching and cancelling, cancellation of long requests, support of Brotli compression and many other applications compared to simple call of remote REST endpoint.

I can solve almost anything with inheritance, except hardcoded values or missing of QueryDataAvailable which is required.

#307 just fix this without any regression or changes in app code.

#29 Re: mORMot 1 » Customize HTTP 'Accept: */*' default header » 2020-04-20 08:51:19

pull@request:~307$ tracert ab

Tracing route to Arnaud Bouchez []
over a maximum of 3 hops:

  1    72 ms    72 ms    72 ms
  2    72 ms    71 ms    71 ms
  3    67 ms    67 ms    67 ms  62-210-254-173.rev.poneytelecom.eu []

Trace complete.


#30 Re: mORMot 1 » Customize HTTP 'Accept: */*' default header » 2020-04-17 04:51:52

Hi ab,
Do you need some assistance from my side to accept #307?

#31 Re: mORMot 1 » TWinHttpAPI.OnDownload freeze during the data feeds fetching » 2020-04-13 18:05:03

Hi ab,

Do you need some additional changes from my side to accept #307?
It changes just couple of lines:


      Bytes := InternalReadData(tmp,0);
      if Bytes=0 then


      Bytes := InternalQueryDataAvailable;
      if Bytes=0 then
      Bytes := InternalReadData(tmp,0,Bytes);
      if Bytes=0 then

All SynSelfTests tests are passed.
No impact on perfomance and TWinHttpAPI.InternalReadData will not freeze anymore during the data feeds fetching.
Checked for all three cases ("OnDownload", "fetch  with Content-Length", and "fetch without Content-Length") for both implementations: TWinHTTP and TWinINet.

#32 mORMot 1 » TWinHttpAPI.OnDownload freeze during the data feeds fetching » 2020-04-13 02:33:10

Eugene Ilyin
Replies: 1


I have an issue with data feeds fetching from different APIs
with the current TWinHttpAPI.OnDownload implementation.

The issue is that data chunks are not provided to the client
immediately when delivered over the network but freeze in
almost infinite ReadData waiting.

To demonstrate the issue let's create some simple server
with 5 separate chunks response on each second and
simple TWinHttpAPI client to show received chunks on the console.

Minimal code to reproduce (sorry for the formatting, it's not trivial to show server/client code and avoid ab's long code warning smile)

program WinHttpAPIFeed; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$I 'Synopse.inc'} uses SynCommons, SynCrtSock;
  THttpServerFeed = class(THttpServer) procedure Process(ClientSock: THttpServerSocket; ConnectionID: THttpServerConnectionID; ConnectionThread: TSynThread); override; end;
  TClientFeed = class function Download(Sender: TWinHttpAPI; CurrentSize, ContentLength, ChunkSize: Cardinal; const ChunkData): boolean; end;
procedure THttpServerFeed.Process(ClientSock: THttpServerSocket; ConnectionID: THttpServerConnectionID; ConnectionThread: TSynThread);
var Index: Integer; begin
  with ClientSock do begin
    SockSend('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'#$D#$A'Transfer-Encoding: chunked'#$D#$A); TrySockSendFlush;
    for Index := 1 to 5 do begin
      Sleep(1000); SockSend('10'#$D#$A'{"data":"feed"}'#$A); TrySockSendFlush;
    SockSend('0'#$D#$A#$D#$A); TrySockSendFlush; KeepAliveClient := False;
function TClientFeed.Download(Sender: TWinHttpAPI; CurrentSize, ContentLength, ChunkSize: Cardinal; const ChunkData): boolean;
var Content: RawByteString; begin
  FastSetString(RawUTF8(Content), Pointer(@ChunkData), ChunkSize);
  Write(Content); Result := True;
var Server: THttpApiServer; Client: TWinHttpAPI; ClientFeed: TClientFeed; OutHeader, OutData: SockString;
  TAutoFree.Several([@Server, THttpServerFeed.Create('9000', nil, nil, '', 1),
    @Client, TWinHTTP.Create('http://localhost:9000'), @ClientFeed, TClientFeed.Create]);
  Server.AddUrl('/', '9000');
  Client.OnDownload := ClientFeed.Download;
  Client.Request('/', 'GET', 0, '', '', '', OutHeader, OutData);
  Writeln('Done'); Readln;

In real life - feeds can be opened much longer than 5 seconds
with the data chunks occurred from time to time.

If you run the sample the OnDownload occurred only once after 5 seconds
period with all data fetched and once (because connection is closed), but not during
the each chunk delivery.


The problem is that QueryDataAvailable is not called before ReadData
as it shown is all Microsoft API code samples for ReadData.

Because we do not request current available data before the ReadData call we
have infinite freeze till connection close. This makes chunk by chunk fetching used
in feeds API impossible.

You can check that Windows HTTP API usage shows that QueryDataAvailable
is always called before ReadData to provide information of the current size
of bytes available to read and prevent reads from freezings.

You can check WinHttpQueryDataAvailable / WinHttpReadData samples used by TWinHTTP
or check InternetQueryDataAvailable used by TWinINet.

@ab, I've add fully backward compatible minor amendment to pull quest #307 to fix this and
makes OnDowload fetch feed chunks as expected.

#33 mORMot 1 » Customize HTTP 'Accept: */*' default header » 2020-04-12 03:00:54

Eugene Ilyin
Replies: 5

Hi ab,

As for now both windows-related HTTP-client classes (TWinINet, TWinHTTP)
add hard-coded Accept: */* header in their InternalCreateRequest methods.

It's ok for most cases, but when I try to customize Accept header in my
GET / POST requests - the WinHTTP library append the new value
to this */* but not replace it.

As the result I'm unable to set Accept header to required exact value:
the */* prefix is always hardcoded.

  InHeaders := 'Accept: application/x-json-stream';
  ...Request(..., InHeaders, ...)

  Expected HTTP Packet header:

    Accept: application/x-json-stream

  Actual HTTP Packet header:

    Accept: */*, application/x-json-stream

To keep the full backward capability with the current implementation
the TWinHttpAPI.NoAllAccept property added to have an ability
to exlude this */* hardcoded value.

Please check pull request #307.

#34 Re: mORMot 1 » Pull requests #303, #304 » 2020-04-11 17:41:41

Hi sakura,

Seems like HTTP 402 is reserved as per RFC 7231:

6.5.2.  402 Payment Required

   The 402 (Payment Required) status code is reserved for future use.

And in real practice this HTTP code has very unclear semantic:

402 Payment Required

Reserved for future use. The original intention was that this code might be used as part of some form of digital cash or micropayment scheme, as proposed, for example, by GNU Taler, but that has not yet happened, and this code is not widely used. Google Developers API uses this status if a particular developer has exceeded the daily limit on requests. Sipgate uses this code if an account does not have sufficient funds to start a call. Shopify uses this code when the store has not paid their fees and is temporarily disabled. Stripe uses this code for failed payments where parameters were correct, for example blocked fraudulent payments.

May be it will be better to revert #303, what do you think?

#36 mORMot 1 » Pull requests #303, #304 » 2020-04-10 18:50:34

Eugene Ilyin
Replies: 4

Hi ab,

Just couple of lines with minor amendmends (remove some compiler warnings in stubs, one additional constant):

Pull request #303
Pull request #304
function TOpenSSLConnectionClient.Connect(...): boolean;
  result := false;

function TOpenSSLConnectionClient.SecureWrite(...): boolean;
  result := false;

#37 Re: mORMot 1 » [FIXED] ToJSON, VariantSaveJSON mem leaks for JSONs larger than ~40KB » 2020-04-09 14:07:08

Good point!

I was thinking how to integrate this check and prevent such leaks in future and remembered, that SynSelfTests check for mem leaks on complete.


#38 Re: mORMot 1 » [FIXED] ToJSON, VariantSaveJSON mem leaks for JSONs larger than ~40KB » 2020-04-09 00:02:14

Thanks ab,

All allocated memory now released property after the 1.18.5944 release.

#39 Re: mORMot 1 » Memory Leak, when Rest Server Create with DB » 2020-04-08 17:48:54

Hi Daniel,

The issues is in construction/destruction sequence:

For the given creation sequence:


It's better to destruct everything in reverse order:


So changing




Will finalyze/destroy/unassign all properties in proper sequence and leaks are gone.

#40 Re: mORMot 1 » [FIXED] ToJSON, VariantSaveJSON mem leaks for JSONs larger than ~40KB » 2020-04-08 16:15:37

Thanks macfly,

The issue is in internal buffer management of TTextWriter.

When the data is bigger than provided external stack-allocated buffer - the TTextWriter code is switching to heap memory allocation
in SynCommons:55649

      if twoBufferIsExternal in fCustomOptions then // use heap, not stack
        exclude(fCustomOptions,twoBufferIsExternal) else
        FreeMem(fTempBuf); // with big content comes bigger buffer

As you see the twoBufferIsExternal flag is excluded from fCustomOptions to indicate that we must release memory later in TTextWriter.Destroy or during the future internal buffer reallocations.

But! Externally the TDocVariant.ToJSON code restores fCustomOptions from some strange backup hmm variable (?)
As the result twoBufferIsExternal flag is brings back to fCustomOptions and all allocated by the TTextWriter heap memory is never released.


    W.fCustomOptions := backup;
  end else
Weird solution

Restore from this backup variable all flags except twoBufferIsExternal.

    W.fCustomOptions := backup - [twoBufferIsExternal] + W.fCustomOptions * [twoBufferIsExternal];
Better solution

Refactor TDocVariant.ToJSON code and not use the protected section of TTextWriter class by the external TDocVariant class.

As for now any JSON requests, serialization, or data transfer larger than ~40KB (~4Kb gzip) provides memory leaks on server sad

#41 mORMot 1 » [FIXED] ToJSON, VariantSaveJSON mem leaks for JSONs larger than ~40KB » 2020-04-08 01:17:03

Eugene Ilyin
Replies: 6


I have an issue with any JSON serialization for content size more than ~40KB.

Minimal code to reproduce:

program ToJSONMemoryLeak;



  Index: Integer;
  JSON: RawUTF8;
  V: Variant;

  ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;

  // Let's build some DocVariant array of objects [{...}, {...}, ...]
  JSON := '[';
  for Index := 1 to 1400 do
    JSON := JSON + '{"name":"value","prop":false},';
  JSON[Length(JSON)] := ']';

  V := _Json(JSON);

  TDocVariantData(V).ToJSON; // Houston we have a problem

On the recent 1.18.5940 (for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms) on Delphi 10.3 Rio I have:

Unexpected Memory Leak
An unexpected memory leak has occurred. The sizes of unexpected leaked medium and large blocks are: 16424

Seems like regression in memory management or JSON serialization structures was introduced.

#42 Re: mORMot 1 » Revision 2.x of the framework » 2020-03-06 08:59:27

  1. Besides D5 (maybe D6) drop, can we drop Kylix support also (due to FPC domination)? Write library for mORMot framework with Kylix support (because mORMot support it) is not fun.

  2. Sermer is perfect (hope that 2.* will exists as much as 1.18 wink)

  3. Please keep synking with git - this is the easiest way to have own git branches with required framework tuning.

  4. Some whats new section/blog/file will be nice (maybe as git releases with notes) to skip sources analysis for changes for the last couple of months to see what new functions created/updated.

  5. Speed techniques for different aspects of framework: mORMot has 4-8 ways do to the same work, I always have feeling that my code calls/usage are not optimal for my cases. Of couser some functions docs have "good/better/best" hints, but not for all day-by-day calls. Like string manipulations, search, arrays, JSON, TDocVariantData, etc.

#45 Re: mORMot 1 » Variant from a JSON UTF-8 text as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158 » 2020-02-25 17:46:14

ab wrote:

Please follow the forum rules.
Don't post such huge pieces of code in the forum.

Sorry the code is small, just add procs annotations to save your time if you plan to add it smile

The primary difference from VariantLoadJSON() is that it handles all RFC 8259 types in the same manner, including parsing of objects and arrays, like '{}' and '[]', '[1e300]', or '{"n": -1e-300}':

  V := _JSONStrict('{}'); // TDocVariantData(V).Kind = dvObject
  V := VariantLoadJSON('{}'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull

  V := _JSONStrict('[]'); // TDocVariantData(V).Kind = dvArray
  V := VariantLoadJSON('[]'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull

  V := _JSONStrict('[1e300]'); // TVarData(V._(0)).VType = varDouble;
  V := VariantLoadJSON('{}'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull

  V := _JSONStrict('{"n": -1e-300}'); // TVarData(V._(0)).VType = varDouble;
  V := VariantLoadJSON('{"n": -1e-300}'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull

Anyway, if you don't see the reasons to add unified parser for all RFC 8259 types, it's ok, will use it internally.

#46 Re: mORMot 1 » Variant from a JSON UTF-8 text as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158 » 2020-02-25 17:11:44

Tried to make it more mORMot`ish smile and remove all intermediate procs (now this code contains the fastest available calls). Please confirm.


/// retrieve a variant value from a JSON as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158
// - follows TTextWriter.AddVariant() format (calls GetVariantFromJSON)
// - will instantiate either an Integer, Int64, currency, double or string value
// (as RawUTF8), guessing the best numeric type according to the textual content,
// and string in all other cases, except TryCustomVariants points to some options
// (e.g. @JSON_OPTIONS[true] for fast instance) and input is a known object or
// array, either encoded as strict-JSON (i.e. {..} or [..]), or with some
// extended (e.g. BSON) syntax
// - warning: by default dvoAllowDoubleValue is set and 32-bit floating-point
// conversion is tried, with potential loss of precision during the conversion
// - warning: the JSON buffer will be modified in-place during process - use
// a temporary copy or the overloaded functions with RawUTF8 parameter
// if you need to access it later
function _JsonStrictInPlace(const JSON: PUTF8Char;
  Options: TDocVariantOptions = [dvoReturnNullForUnknownProperty];
  const AllowDouble: Boolean = True): Variant;
  {$ifdef HASINLINE}inline;{$endif}

/// retrieve a variant value from a JSON as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158
// - follows TTextWriter.AddVariant() format (calls GetVariantFromJSON)
// - will instantiate either an Integer, Int64, currency, double or string value
// (as RawUTF8), guessing the best numeric type according to the textual content,
// and string in all other cases, except TryCustomVariants points to some options
// (e.g. @JSON_OPTIONS[true] for fast instance) and input is a known object or
// array, either encoded as strict-JSON (i.e. {..} or [..]), or with some
// extended (e.g. BSON) syntax
// - this overloaded procedure will make a temporary copy before JSON parsing
// and return the variant as result
// - warning: by default dvoAllowDoubleValue is set and 32-bit floating-point
// conversion is tried, with potential loss of precision during the conversion
function _JsonStrict(const JSON: RawUTF8;
  Options: TDocVariantOptions = [dvoReturnNullForUnknownProperty];
  const AllowDouble: Boolean = True): Variant;
  {$ifdef HASINLINE}inline;{$endif}

/// retrieve a variant value from a JSON as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158
// - this global function is an handy alias to:
// ! _JsonStrict(JSON,JSON_OPTIONS_FAST,AllowDouble);
// - follows TTextWriter.AddVariant() format (calls GetVariantFromJSON)
// - will instantiate either an Integer, Int64, currency, double or string value
// (as RawUTF8), guessing the best numeric type according to the textual content,
// and string in all other cases, except TryCustomVariants points to some options
// (e.g. @JSON_OPTIONS[true] for fast instance) and input is a known object or
// array, either encoded as strict-JSON (i.e. {..} or [..]), or with some
// extended (e.g. BSON) syntax
// - this overloaded procedure will make a temporary copy before JSON parsing
// and return the variant as result
// - warning: by default dvoAllowDoubleValue is set and 32-bit floating-point
// conversion is tried, with potential loss of precision during the conversion
function _JsonStrictFast(JSON: RawUTF8;
  const AllowDouble: Boolean = True): Variant;
  {$ifdef HASINLINE}inline;{$endif}


function _JsonStrictInPlace(const JSON: PUTF8Char; Options: TDocVariantOptions;
  const AllowDouble: Boolean): Variant;
var wasString: boolean;
    Val, Dest: PUTF8Char;
  if JSON = nil then
    ZeroFill(@result) // varEmpty
  else if IdemPChar(JSON, 'NULL') then
    TVarData(result).VType := varNull
  else begin
    Dest := JSON;
    if AllowDouble then
      Dest := TDocVariantData(result).InitJSONInPlace(
        Dest, Options + [dvoAllowDoubleValue])
      Dest := TDocVariantData(result).InitJSONInPlace(Dest, Options);
    if Dest = nil then begin
      Dest := JSON;
      Val := GetJSONField(Dest,Dest,@wasString);

function _JsonStrict(const JSON: RawUTF8; Options: TDocVariantOptions;
  const AllowDouble: Boolean): Variant;
var tmp: TSynTempBuffer;
  tmp.Init(JSON); // temp copy before in-place decoding
    Result := _JsonStrictInPlace(tmp.buf, Options, AllowDouble);

function _JsonStrictFast(JSON: RawUTF8; const AllowDouble: Boolean): Variant;
  Result := _JsonStrict(JSON, JSON_OPTIONS_FAST, AllowDouble);

#47 Re: mORMot 1 » Variant from a JSON UTF-8 text as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158 » 2020-02-25 13:56:48

ab, thanks for the hints!

After sources analysis of provided functions, I think I found how to handle RFC 8259 JSONs received from the 3rd party vendors API with mORMot (with respect to all peculiarities related to Double values).

Please find the code in the next topic reply.

Here are the results of _JsonStrict, _JsonStrictFast, _JsonStrictInPlace:

  V: Variant;
  V := _JsonStrict('null');           // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull
  V := _JsonStrict('false');          // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varBoolean
  V := _JsonStrict('true');           // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varBoolean
  V := _JsonStrict('-0');             // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varInteger
  V := _JsonStrict('"t1 \r\n t2"');   // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varString
  V := _JsonStrict('-1E-300');        // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varDouble
  V := _JsonStrict('{}');             // TDocVariantData(V).Kind = dvObject
  V := _JsonStrict('[]');             // TDocVariantData(V).Kind = dvArray
  V := _JsonStrict('');               // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varEmpty
  V := _JsonStrict('$%#@');           // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull
  V := _JsonStrict('{"n": -1E-300}'); // TVarData(V._(0)).VType = varDouble
  V := _JsonStrict('9223372036854775807'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varInt64
  V := _JsonStrict('9223372036854775808'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varDouble

Maybe you can add this or similar functions to the Framework?

#48 Re: mORMot 1 » Variant from a JSON UTF-8 text as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158 » 2020-02-25 03:39:21

Btw, from JSON.org:


  ws value ws


And they also support standart exponent notation for numbers, which I am getting frequently from different 3rd party APIs:

#49 mORMot 1 » Variant from a JSON UTF-8 text as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158 » 2020-02-25 03:19:32

Eugene Ilyin
Replies: 10

From mORMot documentation:

With _Json() or _JsonFmt(), either a document or array variant instance will be initialized with data supplied as JSON.
The supplied JSON can be either in strict JSON syntax.

Right now mORMot partially support JSON from the obsolete RFC 4627 (created 13 years ago):

JSON-text = object / array

Is it any plans to support the actual RFC 8259 (created 2 years ago) or RFC 7159 (created 6 years ago):

  JSON-text = ws value ws

  value = false / null / true / object / array / number / string

  false = %x66.61.6c.73.65   ; false

  null  = %x6e.75.6c.6c      ; null

  true  = %x74.72.75.65      ; true

The changes are not radical and extends the current implementation with full backward compatibility (may be with except for 'null', which is parsed as '{}').

What is needed is to make the next JSON checks to be true:

TVarData(_Json('null')).VType = varNull

TVarData(_Json('false')).VType = varBoolean
TVarData(_Json('true')).VType = varBoolean

VarIsStr(_Json('"text"')) = True

VarIsFloat(_Json('0.5')) = True // Currency by default (why not to make all floats to be Double?)
VarIsFloat(_Json('-1E-10')) = True // Single precision
VarIsFloat(_Json('-1e-300')) = True // Double precision
VarIsFloat(_Json('-1E-010')) = True // Single with exponent started from 0
VarIsFloat(_Json('-1e-0300')) = True // Double with exponent started from 0

VarIsOrdinal(_Json('0')) = True // Integer
VarIsOrdinal(_Json('5000000000')) = True // Int64
VarIsOrdinal(_Json('-0')) = True // Integer
VarIsOrdinal(_Json('-5000000000')) = True // Int64

Browsers have no issues with:

console.log(JSON.parse('null'), JSON.parse('false'), JSON.parse('"text"'), JSON.parse('-1E-300'));

Btw, _Json('{"n": 1E3}') or _Json('{"n": -1e-0300}') is a correct RFC 4627 strict JSON, but mORMot parse such correct numbers as string:

  number = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ]
  decimal-point = %x2E       ; .
  digit1-9 = %x31-39         ; 1-9
  e = %x65 / %x45            ; e E
  exp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT
  frac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT
  int = zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT )
  minus = %x2D               ; -
  plus = %x2B                ; +
  zero = %x30                ; 0

#50 Re: mORMot 1 » PasZip has error in ZLIB compression algo? » 2020-01-22 14:11:53


Seems like the UnCompressMem routine in PasZip has an issue and proceed only the first 2 bytes of the compressed data then exit with the success result.

The solution is simple: use SynZip unit based on zlib library instead of PasZip unit. It's recent, better managed, gives you control over compression level and let you choose the compression method (Deflate, GZip or ZLib).

You needn't to change anything in your code (parameters order and types are the same).

program DeflateTest;


//  PasZip, // Uncomment to check PasZip CompressMem

  Index, Size: Integer;
  Data, Compressed, Decompressed: array of AnsiChar;

  SetLength(Data, 1000);
  SetLength(Compressed, 1000);
  SetLength(Decompressed, 1000);

  for Index := Low(Data) to High(Data) do
    Data[Index] := AnsiChar(Ord('A') + Index mod 10);

  Size := CompressMem(Data, Compressed, Length(Data), Length(Compressed));
  Writeln('Compressed size: ', Size);

  Size := UnCompressMem(Compressed, Decompressed, Size, Length(Decompressed));
  Writeln('Decompressed size: ', Size);
  Writeln('Equality: ', CompareMem(Data, Decompressed, Length(Data)));

Don't set the compressed buffer size equals to the source data size.
You must add some extra bytes for the cases where the compressed sequence requires more bytes than the source data (it is possible when you try to compress high-entropy random data or better compressed data like synlz archives, png, pdf, docx, etc.). Additionally you have to reserve some extra bytes for the compression header overhead.

If you change AnsiChar(65 + j) to AnsiChar(Random(255)) you will see that compression failed because the compressed data requires 1005 bytes (in average case) as minimum (set compressed buffer to 2000 for example and check the actual compressed size).

The maximum possible memory required for (Gzip, Zlib or Deflate) compression is provided in SynZip.pas:5368 unit in CompressInternal:

procedure CompressInternal(var Data: ZipString; Compress, ZLib: boolean);
    DataLen: integer;
  DataLen := length(Data);
    SetString(Data,nil,DataLen+256+DataLen shr 3); // max mem required

So 12.5% overhead with additional 256 bytes for the header (or Size + Size shr 3 + 256) is a good heuristic for the max size of any compressed data (it's includes your possible plans to switch from Deflate to GZip):

  SetLength(Data, 1000);
  for Index := Low(Data) to High(Data) do
    Data[Index] := AnsiChar(Ord('A') + Index mod 10);

  Size := Length(Data);
  SetLength(Compressed, Size + Size shr 3 + 256);
  Size := CompressMem(Data, Compressed, Length(Data), Length(Compressed));
  Writeln('Compressed size: ', Size);

  SetLength(Decompressed, Length(Data));
  Size := UnCompressMem(Compressed, Decompressed, Size, Length(Decompressed));
  Writeln('Decompressed size: ', Size);
  Writeln('Equality: ', CompareMem(Data, Decompressed, Length(Data)));

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